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Extras (EXTRAS (ć‚Øć‚Æć‚¹ćƒˆćƒ©ć‚ŗ) Ekusutorazu?) is the three hundred and fifty-fifth chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


Endeavor lands on the ground right after being impaled by All For One. He thinks about Shoto and Dabi before attempting to regain his bearings, lambasting himself for letting All For One get to him like that, and thinking about how everything he's had to deal with he's brought on himself.

All For One blasts Kyoka and Fumikage

All For One demonstrates his true power to the U.A. students.

Back in the air, Hawks notices Endeavor managed to dodge and avoid most of the damage from the attack, using his feathers to sense he's still breathing, so they just have to keep fighting until he recovers. He calls out to Tsukuyomi, who immediately responds back that he was deployed there in the first place to support them in case things went bad. Hawks thinks about how they never expected it'd to be necessary with Endeavor, but considering how everything's going now, he asks his "hero" to help him.

All For One comments on not being able to waste time here, while his "other self" could be in danger, and knowing their plan is to try and buy time until Endeavor recovers, he needs to target their current weakest link, Earphone Jack. He shoots out an array of mouths from his fingertips that nearly attack her, until Hawks uses some of his feathers to push her upwards out of the way.

Hawks then proceeds to smash All For One's mask with a couple more feathers, and a slice from his katana, declaring he won't let them die as he tells Tsukuyomi he'll back him up. Dark Shadow asks Earphone Jack if she's alright, while Tsukuyomi tells her to use her Quirk to crack the mask with her sound waves. Earphone Jack agrees, albeit feeling incredibly disturbed and tense over the near death experience, realizing just who Izuku and Yuga have been dealing with the whole time.

Kyoka's Earphone Jack blown off

Earphone Jack loses her left Earphone Jack.

While attacking Hawks with one hand, All For One uses his other to create a massive Quirk combination cannon aimed directly at the 1-A students. He mocks their anxiousness, asking if they're treating this like just another day at school like "deluded extras," blasting the cannon directly at them, despite Hawks' attempts to use his feathers to push it out of the way, leaving him vulnerable for another attack.

All For One continues to mock Hawks and the students uselessness, asking the kids if being around the strong made them believe they were worthy of facing down the Demon Lord, while Earphone Jack recoils from her left Earphone Jack being blown off. Despite the pain, she responds that all he does is talk about who's weak, strong, and special, while she doesn't care at all, only that he made her friends cry.

The vestiges resist All For One

The vestiges resist All For One.

Earphone Jack shoots out a powerful "Heartbeat Surround: Legato" at All For One, who claims her beliefs only exist for the weak and useless against absolute power. He attempts to attack them again, only to suddenly find himself being resisted within his vestige world. All For One is confused to feel the wills of the people whose Quirks he's stolen, commenting on how not even New Order resisted like this, wondering how they were spurred on by the "weakness of pushovers".

Earphone Jack calls out to Hawks, who after striking All For One three times in the same spot, notices he has opened up a crack. Throwing his katana into Earphone Jack's sound waves, he unleashes a "Soundwave Vibration-Enhanced Flight Feather Blade" successfully destroying the mask and exposing part of his face.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Endeavor attempts to recover from his attack from All For One, which grazed his vitals.
  • Hawks, Tsukuyomi, and Earphone Jack fight All For One to buy some time.
    • All For One mocks the 1-A students for attempting to confront him, blasting them with a powerful attack.
  • Earphone Jack's left Earphone Jack is blown off by All For One, but she still stands her ground to fight back for her friends.
  • All For One attempts to retaliate, but is held back by the vestiges of the people he's stolen Quirks from.
  • Hawks uses Earphone Jack's vibrations to power up his katana, smacking the damaged part of All For One's mask hard enough to break it.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Appearances for Chapter 355
Ultimate Moves
Battles and Events

Author's Comment[]

ā€œ My hair has grown so long I look like an endgame villain. Even though Iā€™m probably the weakest in this city! ā€

ā€”Kohei Horikoshi


  • All For One's Mouth Quirk attack shares similar characteristics to Nine's Hydra Quirk.

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