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Naked (NAKED (惍悤悭惃惉) Neikiddo?) is the three hundred and seventy-second chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


Prior to the start of the final battle, Mezo and Koji approached All Might and Eraser Head, asking them to be dispatched on the Central Hospital team. The teachers are surprised they know about the plan, having not told them. As Mezo reveals, when he went to talk to the giant lady and the other refugees about the outside world, they said the heteromorphs received a "call to action," with many of them headed to the hospital. Koji wants to accompany him, and Mezo states he can't stand back during all this and call himself a hero. Eraser Head agrees, later telling Present Mic that their attempt to spread false information about Kurogiri's location failed, and that he needs them to support the boys.

Octospansion and Hitchcock Birds

Tentacole and Anima unleash their Ultimate Moves.

In the present, Present Mic observes the battle between Tentacole and Spinner, reminding himself about how Quirks get stronger each generation, and that the students have already gotten far stronger than any of them were at that age. At the same time, Anima uses his newly awakened abilities to command a flock of birds, thinking back to when his mom mentioned how he'll also someday grow horns, and that they'll allow their feelings to reach animals even far away. He also remembers her telling him how his dad would always stand up to her whenever people were mean to her because of her looks, telling him he should follow in his footsteps and become a man who gets angry when people laugh at someone dear to you.

Anima unleashes his Hitchcock Birds, completely overwhelming the Liberation soldier, while Tentacole unleashes "Octospansion", swiping Spinner in the stomach, accompanied by Mic's Voice attack. Tentacole yells to Spinner and the civilians, asking what do they want to protect with their gifts and power, and as he thinks about the girl who apologized to him after he saved her, tells them not to exploit their wounds and be better than avengers.

Spinner responds back with the "call to action" he declared before the war started, that their grudge will never fade and if the heroes win, nothing will change. When they are hit, they must hit back, commanding his comrades to follow him. He blasts his way toward the Hospital, shocking Tentacole at just how much stronger he's become, while the rest of the army follow suit.

Spinner and Mic call out to Kurogiri and Oboro

Spinner and Present Mic call out to Kurogiri and Oboro.

Busting into the Hospital, Spinner thinks about how All For One told him Kurogiri should be at the research ward, and to play a recording of either his or Tomura's voice so that they may use his Quirk to end the war, and become a hero for Tomura's sake. Spinner continues to barrel forward; however, some of the heteromorphs following him find themselves hesitating upon seeing the hospital staff standing guard and thinking about Tentacole's words about the innocents.

Heading toward the facility, Spinner thinks about how he always thought he was a nobody, but if he reaches Kurogiri, he will become "somebody", and how many people are following him now. But when he turns around, he finds no one else is there. Instead, Present Mic emerges, stating that Tentacole had reached them and that "he" wouldn't be their ace. Approaching the tied up villain, Spinner and Mic each call out to Kurogiri and Oboro, respectively.

Chapter Notes[]

  • It is revealed Mezo and Koji learned about the "call to action" for the heteromorphs to attack the Hospital from the refugees, asking to be involved in the raid.
  • It is revealed Anima's newly grown horns allow the range of his Anivoice Quirk to be greatly expanded.
  • Anima neutralizes the Liberation soldier, while Tentacole continues to fight Spinner, pleading to him and the crowd not to misplace their anger and resentment.
    • Spinner repeats his "call to action" and not to waver, charging his way toward the Hospital at blistering speeds.
  • He breaks into Central Hospital, barreling towards Kurogiri's location, with the intention of using All For One or Tomura's voice to awaken him.
    • However when he arrives, he finds none of the army following him, having wavered due to Tentacole's words, and seeing the innocents defending the hospital.
  • Present Mic appears, as he and Spinner shout toward Oboro and Kurogiri, respectively.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Appearances for Chapter 372
Ultimate Moves
Battles and Events

Author's Comment[]

ā€œ Iā€™m so happy with how much my family enjoyed the collabo with FamilyMart. ā€

ā€”Kohei Horikoshi

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