Nothing like special moments with your special somepony.
Enter Fluttershy in her personal scarf.
No need to 'dream' of a white Christmas!
Serving out some tasty treats.
Typical Rarity perfection!
Oh, Minty, Minty, Minty! Derpy, Derpy, Derpy!
I just don't know what went wrong.
Big Mac's got the presents!
O Derpy Tree, O Derpy Tree,
How ever grey your bubbles.
"Ready to celebrate your first Hearth's Warming Eve here in Ponyville?"
"...I might just skip it."
Let me guess, "For Pinkie Pie".
"Skip Hearth's Warming Eve?!"
"I just find it all a little silly."
"It's mostly a day dedicated to..."
"...presents and candy, isn't it?"
"And why would you deny yourself presents and candy?"
"I think what Spike means to say is:"
"Hearth's Warming is about more than presents and candy."
"It's a time to spend with friends and family when we celebrate a very important day in Equestria's history."
"I think to most ponies, it's just an excuse for silly songs and fun..."
"...not a day to remember some old story."
Maybe you just haven't heard the right Hearth's Warming Eve story yet!
"...sing songs around a hearth..."
" fight back an eternal winter..."
"...caused by the mythical windigoes?"
"Every foal and filly knows that story."
"My favorite holiday story..."
"A Hearth's Warming Tale"!
"This is the story of a powerful unicorn named Snowfall Frost, who hated Hearth's Warming Eve."
"It all began many moons ago in Canterlot..."
"Every home in Canterlot was filled with holiday spirit."
"Every home... except one."
"It was said of Snowfall that she was almost as studied as Star Swirl the Bearded."
"Almost, since everypony knows that Star Swirl was an expert at everything..."
"...from transfiguration, dimensional calibration, teleportation—"
"We get it. Star Swirl's awesome."
What is this? Magic or Alchemy?
Sorry. Did we break your concentration?
"Where did they get that crazy idea?"
Hearthswarming Eve . . . Bah! Humbug!
"I hate Hearth's Warming Eve!"
"All of Equestria would be better off..."
"...if we just skipped the day altogether."
Wow. Guess she's not into the holiday spirit at all.
♪ Happy Hearth's Warming, they say in the street ♪
♪ Happy Hearth's Warming ♪
♪ They think they're so sweet ♪
♪ That they lack any meaning ♪
♪ When I could be intervening? ♪
♪ Everypony loves this cursed holiday ♪
♪ But would they be better off with it out of the way? ♪
You're a mean one, Snowfall Frost.
Spike, sometimes you're as bad as Pinkie Pie.
Spike closing Twilight's wing delicately is very considerate here!
Suddenly, Applejack ex-machina.
"We're goin' to learn about you."
That can't be the same pony! She's smiling.
"Aw, look how cute you were."
A cute pic of happy Twilight reading.
"You know you're doing your Pinkie Pie voice, right?"
Spike dashes out for more cocoa.
"We're almost to the best part!" Cue commercial break.
Octavia looks so refined in that beret/top hat!
"I knew I put in too much cinnamon!" Wait, did she just paraphrase Sonata from Rainbow Rocks?
"The eggnog was awesome."
You have five seconds to boo the party hater!
"What's going to happen?"
Uh... Isn't this a little girls show?
Oh Celestia, who could that be??
I never would've guessed...
Oh, an angel of darkness allusion?
Just kidding, being the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet To Come was a given for Luna! She is that spirit to a T!
My little pony, my tall specter, things get serious...
♪ I see a cold wind blowing through ♪
♪ I see days neither fun nor free ♪
Take a good look at a world where everypony is equal. Hey, hasn't this happened to her before?
♪ I see a future caused by you ♪
An accusing hoof is not a good sign on such a joyous holiday!
♪ I see a path not meant to be ♪
♪ The future should be filled with magic ♪
♪...are dark and tragic ♪
♪...when all is strife. ♪
♪ Whatever might have been, ...♪
♪ ... all the dreams that ponies share ...♪
♪ because of you, Snowfall Frost ♪
♪ now the future is a cold nightma-aaaarreeee!♪
As mysterious as Luna is in real life, the Spirit fades away into the night....
All Snowfall Frost needs now is a tombstone with HER name on it.
"I never meant for this to happen!"
"Please, spirit, I haven't cast the spell yet!"
Twilight: "Welcome to the party!"
"Happy Hearth's Warming, Starlight."
"Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight."
Derpy's hat is glowing bright, including her.
Let this story and it's "Heart's Warming" message be a lesson to us all, for all Christmases to come!
The perfect holiday display, an item for any Christmas card!
Celestia bless us, everypony.