"It's like Twilight herself in book form!"
"Always carry plenty of bits."
"The griffons are sure to help you as long as you share the wealth."
It's not Rainbow Dash's first imitation of somepony, either.
"Ashleigh Ball imitating Tara Strong poorly," as one YouTuber put it.
Pinkie, you're wasting bits that could be for something important!
"Can I borrow some bits?"
Ugh, Pinkie, weren't you listening to my imitation of Twilight?
Are those two griffons playing Dungeons & Dragons? Nerd alert!
Well, hello, Gilda. Long time no see.
"What are you doing here?"
Mad-Eye Moody? Is that you?
Uh, Gilda, Grandpa Gruff's blind eye is on the other side.
Hey, Gilda may be a jerk, but she's a funny jerk!
No, you don't look sad. More like pitiful.
Why, thank you, Grover, you old charmer.
"I know what Griffonstone needs!"
I didn't know that singing is not allowed in Griffonstone.
Sorry, no party store here.
Bakery? Cake? Are you SERIOUS?!
At least it's not as bad as Sugar Belle's disgusting muffins.
On the other hand, those weren't quite as painful to eat.
Ugh! Her poor dentist is going to have a conniption!
It's cheaper to do it yourself.
"Don't you griffons ever talk about anything but bits?"
"Give me some bits, and I'll answer."
Well, this one appears to be better.
Acorn scones? Hmm. Those actually look pretty good!
Oops! Must've zoomed out too far!
"Pinkie, you get back here!"
That's not what I meant, Pinkie.
"Where does she think I'm gonna go?"
"I hope I don't go anywhere!"
Aww, Gilda was so cute as a fledgling!
Didn't expect her to be shy, did you?
Return of the Junior Speedsters chant.
Those two made an adorable pair.
Aww, Gilda, you're crying.
"That doesn't make me her friend!"
"Except it does!" You know it, Pinkie!
"Hang on, loser! I'm coming!"
"What took you so long, doofus?"
Whoa! Looks like Arimaspi did pay for his crimes after all!
Probably would've been saved if Gilda had pulled up Rainbow and Pinkie before trying to grab it.
Uh-oh! Not out of danger yet!
UH! Not so tight, Pinkie!