At Twilight's castle home, the Princess of Friendship trains Starlight Glimmer... to set the table...
Hmm, it doesn't look quite right.
"First lesson of the day..."
"We very carefully set the table..."
"...without using magic..."
...and that was just the beginning.
"You were supposed to do it by hoof..."
" I could work in a friendship lesson."
"I heard 'set the table'..."
"...and just kinda went for it."
"Well, if you hadn't used magic..."
"'d have heard me say, uh..."
"This plate represents your head..."
"...this spoon is your heart..."
"Always be careful with knives."
I can't believe I'm saying this, but hey, it's a safety rule.
"The metaphors make more sense..."
"...when you're actually setting the table."
"Should I... change it back?"
"I just want to make sure you're ready."
"If it's just you, me, and Princess Celestia..."
"...why are there four seats?"
"Well, the whole point is for you to bring a new friend."
"That way, the princess will see for herself just how far you've come..."
"...and how good a teacher you have."
"I like all your friends!"
"You have to make a new friend!"
"Hey, maybe I'll just force friendships..."
" magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville!"
Yeah, you better kid... or else you'll be trapped with
someone else.
Everypony is enjoying the fresh life.
"I know just the pony for you!"
"New friend. I like the sound of–"
"A-Are you trying to put me out of business with your fancy magical-thingy-whatsit cake?!"
"In her defense, it is delicious!"
Enjoy your cake, Pinkie Pie.
Looks like cake-baking isn't helpful at all.
"I think I have just the pony for you, Starlight."
"He's not much of a talker."
Oh, that's too bad. I love a good conversation.
"Enunciating with such precise pronunciation!"
Star, you made him speak too much. Fix him!
"Annie Apple awoke and accidentally ate an auburn azalea!"
And I agree with AJ. Fix. Him.
"I can't be friends with somepony who doesn't talk."
"...And I guess my first instinct shouldn't be..."
" magically command ponies to act the way I want them to?"
"Alright, I'll change him back!"
Well, maybe the Apples can't help...
...but Starlight, you can still be a fashionista.
"First impressions count a great deal, you know."
"Three weeks."
Which takes too long!
"Well then, how about a hat from the..."
...Which has a hat that doesn't help with your head.
Maybe fashion won't help with your problems.
But Dashie will help you to become AWESOME!
"Yeah, but you already know me, so... "
"Only the Wonderbolt-iest pony in the Wonderbolts!"
"Come on, I'll introduce you!"
Sonic boom without the Rainbow.
"I guess my first question would be..."
Awesomeness doesn't help, either.
"Enslaving villages, I guess..."
Okay, one of the super duper cute scenes that you can see right now.
"...but probably not what Twilight had in mind."
Fluttershy: Hey, Starlight, I returned with the–
Fluttershy: *sigh*
Animals won't help with Starlight's good either.
"What is going on? This is Ponyville!"
"If I can't make a friend here, there's gotta be something wrong with me!"
"Nobody makes friends with a total stresscase."
"Stop stressing!" (Screaming doesn't help with anything.)
I feel like I'm evil... but I'm not.
Maybe a spa massage should help.
See? Spas cool your cool.
"This is just what I needed."
"You ever have one of those days?"
"For me, they're all one of those days."
"I'm gonna start coming here every time I visit Ponyville."
"I've been trying to make friends, but it's not easy."
"They're not saying it, but I think everypony knows about my past."
"I may have been a tiny bit..."
"...completely and utterly evil?"
"Ponies judge me on my past too."
"Finally, a pony I can relate to."
"Soup spoon, salad fork, pasta spoon..."
"I'm beginning to think that, after friendship..."
"the greatest magic of all is proper silverware placement!"
"We've had our differences."
"What matters is Twilight gave me a second chance..."
"...and I appreciate it."
Twilight is gonna send Trixie to Tartarus, isn't she?
"So, um, what brings you to Ponyville?"
"The Grrrreat and Powerful Trrrrixie has come to perform a new stage show of grand illusion!"
"I am calling it 'The Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour'!"
"That's kind of a mouthful."
"Starlight? A moment? Over here?"
Geez, Twilight. You're rude.
"I know I said make friends with anypony..."
"...but, well, with Trixie's past, and your past, I'm not sure she's the best... first friend."
"But whatever she did, you've forgiven her, right?"
"Of course. It's just... "
"She wasn't the nicest pony."
"and I just assumed that you'd trust me..."
" make my own friends the way Princess Celestia trusted you."
"You're right. I trust you."
"Just be back in time for the dinner."
Um, Starlight. Where's your horn?!
"Thanks, Twilight! You won't regret it!"
What's with the sculpture of Trixie made out of silverware?
Man, this could get boring. I know where I'll send the bill for bent flatware, though...
What's happening now, Trix?
"This magic show's gonna be the greatest thing Ponyville's ever seen!"
We're going
"Everypony always says they'll give you a second chance..."
"...but deep down, they never forget."
"That's what I'm worried about."
"I heard what Twilight said about me, and she's right. I wasn't very nice."
"So I'd understand if you didn't want to be friends."
"You're the first pony I've met..."
"...who has any idea how I feel!"
"I did them because I was jealous of Twilight."
"She's just the best at everything, and I wanted to beat her at something!"
"Your secret's safe with me."
"Want to help me unpack my wagon?"
"I spend a lot of time on the road with my wagon..."
" it might be a tad messy."
"Maybe I can help. I'm pretty good at organizing stuff."
"Magic props, brainwashed crowds..."
Sounds like...just a secret.
"I think there's something in my hoof."
"Sure. The wagon's right around the corner."
So, how's it going with your new friend?
"Thanks for asking in a completely not creepy way."
"Because you know, if it isn't working out for any reason..."
"I could introduce you to my friend here."
Starlight: "Nice to meet you."
Me: Nothing but a bush.
"No, no! You can come out now!"
"DJ Pon-3'd be the perfect friend for tonight's incredibly important dinner with Celestia."
"You know, if you decide to make a last-minute change."
"So back at your castle when you said 'I trust you'..."
" meant 'I don't trust you'."
"Who can really say who said what?"
"Starlight, I'm just trying to look out for you."
"I appreciate it, but you're wrong about Trixie."
"We have a real connection."
"That's kind of what I'm afraid of. Oh! What about her?"
"Please, Twilight! I know you're trying to help, but..."
"...I need to make friends on my own if I'm going to become a better pony."
"But do you really think Trixie's the one to help you with that?"
"You're not really giving her a second chance."
"I wonder what that says about how you feel about me."
Cranky Doodle Donkey...being...uh...well, cranky!
Man, his toupee is lost again. He's crankier than before.
"Oh! Now he'd be perfect!"
"You said Twilight is better than you at everything, but that's not true."
"You're better at magic."
"so I don't think that counts."
"Funny story. Don't need to get into it."
"Great? Yes. Powerful? Obviously."
"But I'm not the best."
Not yet, actually.
"As great and powerful as I am..."
"...there's one trick I've never been able to do..."
"...the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!"
Only one magician has ever pulled it off – my hero, Hoofdini!"
" blast yourself into the open mouth..."
"After the manticore chews you up and swallows you..."
" magically step out of a box on the other side of the stage!"
"I knew I liked you for a reason."
"I don't know how he did it!"
"You may have just made my great and powerful magic show even better!"
"Which I didn't think was possible! We're gonna blow them away tonight!"
Hanging up her poster for the Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour (which is a working title).
"Tonight's this incredibly important dinner with Twilight."
(sounds boring!)
"Can I vent for a minute?"
"Even after Twilight says she trusts me..."
"...she clearly doesn't trust me enough to choose my own friends."
"I guess you were right."
"I wish I could say I was surprised."
"Well, lucky for Princess Twilight..."
"I have my magic show tonight."
"If you have to go to the dinner, I completely understand."
"I just hope I find a way to survive the..."
"Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive without my new assistant!"
Man, what's Twilight doing at her dinner party?
Ice sculpture is melting...
Starlight is still gone...
And this dinner is...BOR-ING!
"Starlight Glimmer should be here, heh, any minute, heh...."
This fork is more interesting than this dinner.
"How about I introduce everyone?"
"Our friendship lessons are going so well!"
"She made three new friends!"
What do you mean? You made three new friends today.
"She has such great taste in friends."
"I don't know where she would've learned that!"
"I thought you said nosehair trimmers."
"What's going on? I'm hungry!"
"And my nose is too hairy."
Speaking of which, what's holding her so long?
"Ha-ha, Cranky Doodle! You're so funny!"
"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna check the kitchen."
"Maybe she got lost amongst the, uh..."
Nice one, Twi. You just lied at the princess's face!
"Has anyone seen Starlight Glimmer?"
"So this is the Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour?"
"Ain't that a mouthful of molasses."
"Oh, this is gonna be the greatest night of my life!"
"I'm so glad we're not at that boring dinner."
See? Twi's dinner party is boring!
"You just decided to skip our dinner without telling me?"
"Are you aware that, at this very moment, Princess Celestia is waiting for you at a table..."
"...with exquisite silverware placement?!"
"...I didn't want you to make friends with Trixie."
And she heard the whole thing.
"A-ha! You still don't trust me!"
"But guess what, princess?"
"It doesn't matter if you want to give me a second chance or not."
"Starlight had to choose between you and me, and she chose me!"
"Your pupil chose me, so…"
"That sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight."
How could this happen to me?
"I got caught up in the moment."
"Beating Twilight is just a bonus."
"Saying that didn't help, did it?"
No, Trixie – no, it didn't.
"Nopony else in Ponyville wanted to be my friend."
"Wait, it's not like that!"
"Well, you won. I hope you're happy!"
"Looks like the Great and Powerful Trixie is back to a solo show."
"...Which is exactly the way she likes it! Thank you, Princess Twilight..."
"...for getting rid of that annoying pony who wanted to be my first friend!"
"I definitely don't feel as if..."
" heart is breaking into a million pieces!"
Poor Trixie, who's now Pathetic and Friendless.
"Come one, come all. Come and see the Pathetic and Friendless Trixie's..."
"'...Way-To-Go-Dum-Dum-You-Really-Messed-It-Up-This-Time Repentance Tour'".
Why is she scared? Didn't she make friends with a Manticore?
Well, that was different. This one practically eats ponies.
"For tonight, the Great and Powerful Trixie will be performing the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive."
Ponies: Whoa!
Fluttershy: Eek!
"Now, now, save your gasps for when I defy the beast's jaws of doom..."
"and appear inside that black box."
"I was supposed to perform this trick..."
"with my great and powerful assistant."
Poor, betrayed Starlight.
"...Princess Celestia gave me room to make my own decisions and my own friends."
"I need to give you the same freedom."
"I shouldn't have tried to pick and choose your friends for you."
" have to make your own decisions and your own friends.
"But... what if Trixie really was using me just to one-up you?"
"From what I've seen, she's the real thing."
Oh man. One pony won't make it
"But it's not my place to judge."
"If you're out there and you still want to be friends..."
"...let's be great and powerful together!"
Agreed with Trix. If Star doesn't show up here, Trixie will be toast!
Fluttershy literally can't handle this.
"the Peat and Growerful Triskie...!'
Get up, my Great and Powerful friend!
"And now, I'm proud to introduce my great and powerful assistant!"
That's what friends do: help others!
That was quite dangerous, but fun.
"I'm sorry. And I have to hand it to you. I could never have pulled off a trick like that."
These two enemies are no longer.
Hooray for friendship...and magic, too.
And that's a new kind of friendship.
"How do you get your hair to do that all the time?" (No, seriously, how?)
*sigh* Where's a threat to Equestria when you need one?