An opening with
Applejack idly walking through the orchard. Nothing special.
"I've never been here before."
A happy-looking Applejack.
The crew is getting to the clubhouse.
Apple Bloom apologizing to Scootaloo.
"There, where, what? I don't even know what we are doing."
The thing Applejack wanted her sister and friends to see.
Applejack begins to show Apple Bloom and the Crusaders, their new clubhouse.
"Well don't thank me all at once..."
Leading them up the ladder.
I'm not so sure about this.
An overly confident Applejack with delusions that these fillies would love her old clubhouse.
"TLC as in Tender Loving Care or Totally Lost Cause?"
"We're supposed to turn this into our clubhouse?"
Ah'm sure you will figure somethin' out.
Still sturdy as a rock...
Now, there's a big, darn hole in the wall!
Applejack with derped eyes.
She literally brought the house down!
Scootaloo has managed to draw a map of Ponyville
Scootaloo being awesome while everypony watches her.
The ponies watching Scootaloo.
This old lady would have wanted help now instead of
Hey Scootaloo! Back already? You were amazing holding that scooter!
That there is a fine lookin' clubhouse.
Dusting off the bench with her tail.
"And we'll never stop the journey..."
"What's that sweet tune you're singing?"
Applejack heading towards the CMC's club house.
This is our awesomely drawn map of Ponyville
The CMC tell Applejack their plans.
We're so ready to perform
"Leave no apple unpicked!"
Ringing the bell, time to eat!
Jump to pull the lever and release pigs.
At least they washed their hooves first.
There should really be adults to supervise and protect them.
A sticky situation (pun intended)
I'll get the hose. We don't need ants.
The fashion shop extends business to hair cure. Did you tell Rarity about this?
Maybe this could work? (or not)
Mission 4: Psychic card game.
Concentrated Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom thinking hard
Did I get my Cutie Mark yet?
Mission 5: Mountain climbing. Again, where are the supervising adults?
Be careful! (Animation error: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's eye colors match Apple Bloom's)
Well, the weather is pretty local.
Mission 6: Scuba diving. Watch out, there's something in the water.
Did you three dive in a lake or a sea?
Cheerilee visiting the library.
Cutie Mark Crusaders in a mess of books.
What do three little fillies like them ought to be doing?
Trotting up to Twilight and Cheerilee.
Don't look at me, Sweetie Belle.
Apple Bloom falls on Scootaloo's tail
"Apple Bloom, what are you doing?"
"I feel like I have four left feet"
"Don't be silly, you just need to keep your head forward until very last minute..."
Scootaloo is done spinning.
"We fight the fight! Walk the walk!"
"Eat the food like a celery stalk?"
Where did this fabric come from? Scootaloo looks adorable in this shot.
"You dumb piece of fabric."
"...Wow, that does seem hard."
Sweetie Belle? Mind helping me?
..Sure, let's see what you've come up with...
"..Gee Scootaloo, this is um..good?"
Oh my, they can't be that bad.
...Let me sing some parts out for you...
..You sure singing isn't your special talent?..
...Sweetie Belle, I think your fabric is getting soaked.
I just can't do it the way Scootaloo taught me..
...I have to wait until the fabric dries.
"You're not usin' power tools, are ya?"
Approaching the clubhouse.
Applejack, not sure what to say.
Oooh...that had to hurt...
I thought Sweetie Belle was gonna sing.
"Did you see us practicing?"
I can't lie, I'm the Element of Honesty.
Apple Bloom, eager to hear her sister's opinion.
Uh, I can't lie to my sister.
This is gonna be the best!
Everypony is here for the show.
Snips and Snails' magic act.
Snails eating the carrots that was supposed to be used for their show.
Let's put our hooves together for Snips and Snails.
Sunny Daze is eager to perform.
Scootaloo tells Twilight that she's the singer.
..And you, Sweetie Belle?
Look here, are three little ponies...
The crowd reacting to the loudness.
"Feels like the sun will never come."
When your cutie mark's not there,
Sweetie Belle running the fog machine
Apple Bloom's hoof is stuck, but the show must go on.
We sure have some talented fillies and colts.
Nervous Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Apple Bloom trotting with her medal.
Did they get their Cutie Marks?
The trio is upset that they did not receive their cutie marks.
Aww, poor Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Twilight explains that she would like to make a special report to Princess Celestia.
"Well, maybe we were trying too hard?"
"And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us..."
"We each should be embracing our true talent!"
Applejack and Rarity come for their sisters while Rainbow Dash comes for Scootaloo.
"One day *giggle*...One day."