My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

There's a rainbow waiting...[]

Technically not a "road" trip[]

Bringing work to a festival[]

Balloon ride to Hope Hollow[]

The rainbow billboard collision[]

Crash! / No welcoming party?[]

Meeting Petunia Petals[]

Hotel Hope and the "Royal Suite"[]

Hope Hollow, the town of gray[]

Barrel twins and the Hoofingtons[]

Sunny Skies, mayor of Hope Hollow[]

The mayor's false advertising[]

There is no Rainbow Festival![]

The End of the Rainbow[]

Mane Six to the rescue![]

Bringing the hope back[]

Magic spells and sonic rainbooms[]

Pickle and Barley, the Rainbow Dash Fan Club[]

Any job you do, you should be proud of[]

Kerfuffle the fashion designer[]

The grand library of Hotel Hope[]

Meet the Hoofingtons[]

Practicing with Pickle and Barley[]

The Hoofingtons and Moody Root[]

Reminiscing in the Rainbow Room[]

Twilight Sparkle's rainbow theory[]

Pie taste test / The restored generator[]

Add a little magic to the rainbow[]

The festival plans come together[]

Kerfuffle's color-matched accessories[]

Return of the Festival / Hopeless magic[]

Mayor Sunny Skies' speech of unity[]

Sunny's proposal / Junior Wonderbolts[]

We're living in color[]

