"I'm so sorry I lost track of time at our picnic."
The bunny, the bear, and the maiden fair!
Oh, it was just Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow, did you forget what Pinkie told you about pranking Fluttershy? Well, this is the result.
Harry is not happy, either.
"You're scared of every thing."
"I mean, how could you not appreciate that ?"
"Because I don't think being scared is very fun!"
"Your heart gets all racy..."
"...your hooves get all tingly..."
Pinkie Pie's impression of Granny Smith.
"Actually, I don't like that part."
"Now, Rainbow Dash, I don't think Fluttershy would have called us all here to talk about this if she thought it was funny."
"Everypony has things they like and things they don't."
"And scarin' Fluttershy is just..."
"A prank isn't very good if you're the only pony laughing."
"But what if it's really, really, really, really, really funny?"
"I know you can. I guess the trick is making sure that your idea of funny matches the pony you're pranking."
Wonder what Rainbow Dash is laughing at now.
Did somepony step on a duck?
How did that whoopee cushion get there in the first place?
"Good one, Rainbow! Ha-ha!"
"You have to admit! That was funny!"
"Yeah. A whoopee cushion is like a joke shortcut."
"Honestly, Rainbow Dash..."
"...if you are not willing to put forth the effort..."
"...required to pull a prank that everypony can enjoy..."
"...you may as well not pull one at all."
"Fine! If you ponies want effort..."
"...then that's just what you'll get."
There goes a pony who will start a prank war.
"I'm not sure she understood what we meant."
How did that get in here?
Sweetie taking a bite of the cake.
"Hmm. I assume this is Dash's idea of a prank..."
"...which can only mean she's rigged some kind of booby trap to your Filly Guide uniform up there."
"If Dash thinks I'm going to fall for whatever she's got in mind, she's got another thing coming!"
"There's more uniforms where that one came from!"
The original everything is cake challenge
Well, at least you're impressed.
"What's all this, Applejack? I thought you were gonna help me get ready for the Filly Guide Cookie Drive."
"Uh, yeah, sorry about that."
"But Rainbow Dash has been on a prankin' tear, and you can never be too careful."
"Do you really think Dash is gonna try and prank you in your sleep?"
"Not if I have anythin' to say about it."
"See ya in the mornin', sugarcube."
What? How did she get that out there ?!
"Ha! Still think I'm lazy?"
Oh, this is about to get very ugly very fast....
Uh, Dash? Fluttershy is going to be peeved .
Why doesn't Spike just look up?
What is with this letter?
Ooh, Dashie's going to get a detention now!
"Pinkie! We need your help."
"Are you honestly going to stand there and tell us you know nothing about all the pranking Rainbow Dash has been doing?"
"Oh, no! She's been pranking up a storm!"
""Oh, yeah! She and Gummy both!"
"Well, she needs to stop."
"Stop? But pranks are so much fun!"
"Not for everypony." You got me there.
"And it doesn't seem like Dash is taking the time to find out who enjoys them and who doesn't."
"Uh, since you and Dash share such an, uh, affinity for pranking..."
"...we thought you might be able to get her to, um, uh... "
For the sake of every pony.
"I have something very important to tell you!"
"I actually have something totally important to tell you !"
"You do? Ooh! You go first!"
"Okay, you know how I've been pranking everypony?"
"It's been pretty funny!"
"I-I-I mean, actually, that's what I have to talk to you about."
"So, I got to thinking: Why waste my time pranking everypony one at a time..."
"...when I could prank everypony at once?"
"Mmm, wow! Everypony at once?! That sounds amazing!"
"Gah, wait! I mean, it's not ."
"You don't even know what it is yet!"
"Pinkie, this is gonna be the best prank ever!"
"I special ordered these joke cookies..."
"...so the colors would match my mane."
Ooooooh... Pinkie didn't see that one coming.
"And I'm gonna switch them with the Filly Guide cookies."
"When Scootaloo and her friends sell them…"
"…everypony in town's gonna get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash!"
"It's gonna be so awesome!"
"Uh, I don't know. I mean, it doesn't really seem all that funny."
"Maybe this is a good time to stop pranking for a while. The other ponies in town really—"
"No way! This prank is happening, Pinkie!"
"And it's gonna be hilarious! "
"Wow. Your face is still pretty rainbowed."
"Pretty soon, the CMCs will start selling them to everypony in town."
"Ponies will open their boxes and start eating..."
"...then all of their teeth will turn rainbow-colored..."
"...and they'll know it was me!"
"Come on! You don't wanna miss it!"
I don't think I can even... stand... up...
Unless you've got more cookies!
"On second thought, maybe you better stay here and rest."
"I think you three should be real proud."
"Y'all did a mighty impressive job for your first go-'round."
"You took the words right out of my mouth, Applejack."
"Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?"
"Uh, 'any minute now' what?"
"Have you guys noticed how quiet it's gotten?"
"I mean, it's still early, right?"
"Ponies can't talk while they're eating those fabulous cookies, heh."
"Of course. They're probably all in a cookie coma right now."
"Huh... Maybe you're right. I'll go check."
"OK, definitely cookie-eating happening."
"But where is everypony?"
"They should all be running out into the streets."
"Unless everypony went to bed early."
"Uh, I can see that you're busy. I'll go back!"
The undead will learn to par-TAY!
Even the babies are on it?
"Twilight! You've gotta come with me to Sugarcube Corner."
"Something's going on with the Cakes!"
"Well, not something , exactly. I mean, it may have something to do with these joke cookies."
"Are you sure you don't mind us all comin' over?"
"I think the girls have earned a little celebration for all of their hard work."
"And I have plenty of sewing machine cake left over."
"Unless anypony wants a cookie?"
"Come on, we gotta get outta here!"
"Oh, Rainbow Dash! If you want all of those cookies..."
"...you will have to buy them, just like everypony else."
"I don't want the cookies..."
Wait a minute, why aren't they stopping to eat them?
"Why are we running from the ponies of Ponyville?"
"What happened to all our friends?"
"I think it's something in the cookies."
"OK. So I may have switched all the Filly Guide Cookies for Joke Cookies."
"They were supposed to make ponies' mouths rainbow, but somehow turned everypony into mindless cookie-eating zombies instead!"
"I figure we just hide out here until the effects wear off..."
"...and as long as nopony else eats the cookies, we'll be fine."
That's terrifying yet at the same time, kind of adorable.
Oh! Looks like Rainbow Dash is getting a taste of her own medicine!
"No! No! Stay away! They're making you sick! You don't want these!"
"It was just a harmless prank! It was supposed to be funny! But this isn't funny at all!"
Exactly what we thought you would say!
"What? Wait... What's happening?"
"Just delighting in pranking the prankster."
"Yeah. How does it feel to get some of your own medicine?"
"So... you're... not sick?"
"GOTCHA!" We fooled you good!
"Aw, shucks, it was nothing!"
"Just a little something I threw together."
"Wow! You should see your face"
Do you find that funny, Rainbow Dash?
"Well, I don't think it's very funny!"
"And I'm the one that got pranked!"
"I was really scared! I thought I made everypony sick!"
"You can't just go around—"
"—pranking whoever you feel like?"
"Without thinking about how it might make them feel?"
"Or if they'd even enjoy it?"
Now you know what it's like to be pranked, Rainbow Dash and how you didn't think it was funny.
"Ohhh. I see what you did there." (Maybe everypony felt the same way when your pranked them without taking their feelings into consideration, Rainbow Dash)
"Pranks can be a lot of fun when everypony has a good time. I thought you just needed to see what it's like when they don't."
"Well, I hope you learned your lesson."
"You ponies pulled off an amazing prank!"
"I'll have to work extra hard to top it!"
Once again, this will get very ug—
Now there's a prank everypony can enjoy.