Friends are good to have around when you're in flight training.
"You gotta really flap 'em hard!" Is
Rainbow Dash the best flying instructor in Equestria?
still need more practice.
"Maybe not quite that hard."
Come on wing, work with me.
Rough landing there, Twilight.
Applejack, walking over to Twilight.
Thanks for the helping hoof, Applejack.
Princess Twilight Sparkle.
"It's just not right having my friends call me a, Princess."
These wings could at least try to cooperate.
Princess Twilight Sparkle Summer Sun.
Summer Sun friends decorate.
Come on Twilight, show those ponies the big finale.
"Now get up there and show them the big finish!"
She can fly she can fly she can fly!
You really shouldn't smoke, Princess. It's bad for your health.
Ah, I'm about to lose balance!
A dash of Twilight, duck your heads!
She's sure having fun, isn't she?
A head-long first into the dirt - the worst kind of crash landing!
The strength of an Earth Pony
"Oh wow! That was a big finish!"
A glass window of Twilight!
"They really captured your regality."
Admiring the stained glass of Princess Twilight.
"I don't think that it's everypony's dream."
"Most of my dreams are about frosting!"
Pinkie Pie daydreaming about frosting.
Twilight, has other things on her mind.
Come on girls, we don't want to miss our train.
Applejack, excited to be getting back to Ponyville.
Applejack, the happiest farmpony around.
Applejack, happy as ever.
It was fun, while it lasted.
We'll stick together, right girls?
Our friendship is stronger than anything.
A stained glass representing how the mane six defeated Nightmare Moon.
"Creamy, creamy frosting..."
Oblivious Pinkie drooling at the thought of yummy frosting.
We'll get you some frosting later, Pinkie.
Relief washes over everypony.
"Cross my heart and hope to fly..."
"... stick a cupcake in my eye!"
The snuggling intensifies.
It's a bird..It's a plane..
I don't think Twilight can handle the snuggles.
"I already feel like I'm missing something."
"Dear Twilight, You aren't missing anything."
"Your friend, Pinkie Pie"
Like always, a check list.
Still hasn't gotten the hang of flying.
Now upgrading pacing to "pacing while flying".
Easier on the floorboards though.
Never had to worry about hitting the ceiling when she was just pacing on the floor.
Yikes! The princess! Better bow down to her quick!
Stop hitting your head on the floor, Spike.
Twilight you don't have to bow to me; you're not my student anymore.
You're a princess now remember?
Sorry, forgot about that.
It kind of made me sad to banish my own sister but you and your friends saved her from her curse.
There, good thing I'm princess of the night, I remember when I was banished to the moon.
Twilight may be a princess now, but that doesn't mean they can't still be adorable together.
Another letter for her highness, Princess Twilight.
Ooh! It must be from Pinkie Pie! The envelope has confetti in it!
Not even ten minutes into the season and we've already got vines going after the princess.
Twilight, your bed is right behind you.
Wakie, wakie, eggs and bakie, Princess.
"Check check check check..."
I wonder if this would have worked 1003 years ago...
Something is definitely wrong.
"What do you think it means?!"
"Princess Twilight will know!"
i need you two to look for the princesses.
"Way to take charge, Twilight."
Rule of three, fillies and gentlecolts! Never fails!
Look! The squirrel is hiding in the tree!
Something MUST be wrong when even the BEAR is hiding in your cottage!
"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."
"Nevermind. You should be worried. Very, very worried!"
Inspiring words of courage there, Fluttershy.
Come on, you strange weed, you think you're tougher than me?
Apple Bloom's efforts seem to be making the problem worse.
Big Mac getting his butt kicked...literally.
Applejack trying to pull the briars with her teeth.
Just like in Sleeping Beauty.
"Hmm... something strange about the sky."
The Everfree spores play
Snake with Rarity's tea…or is it
I'm not doing it. There's something wrong with my magic.
I had fun once. It was awful.
Sis, look at me! I can do magic too now! *beat* Uh... is it supposed to work like this?
Help! The curtain's alive and it's gonna get me!
Please remain seated with your hooves and claws inside the alicorn at all times.
Remain seated please! ¡Permanecer sentados por favor!
"Okay, I get it, I need to work on my flying!"
"I dunno if you've noticed, but the Everfree Forest is just a teeny-tiny bit out of control!"
"I haven't found squat in any of the books I've been reading! Oopsies! Missed a spot!"
Maybe Discord might know about the strange weather patterns. We should ask him if he has anything to do with them.
"Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up..."
Well, this is awkward... But who can blame him? That song is pretty darn catchy.
It never fails. You get in the tub and you get a call.
Looooook into my eeeeeyes...
"I'm reformed. Don't you remember?"
"Yeah, right! This has got your cloven hoofprints written all over it!"
"I'll have you know that I have but one cloven hoof!"
Do these look like the eyes of someone who would do something so nefarious?
"Ladies, please, I'm innocent."
"YES." (Fluttershy: "Um, maybe?")
"Well, it seems we've reached an impasse."
"Congrats, BTW, on the promotion. You totally deserved it!"
Discord loves to make ponies smile, too.
Innocent as a newborn baby. (Baby rat, that is.)
"The rest of you can learn a lot about friendship from my good friend Shutterfly here." (That ain't Shutterfly. That's Dainbow Rash, Cisdord.)
How could Discord knit thorns like that?
Now Zecora's moving to Ponyville?
Red eyes on a potion bottle. Totally harmless, right?
Nothing says "turn a bottle white with Alicorn magic" like shadowy magic which made crystals turn black which was used by two unicorns.
So an Alicorn can change a bottle to white. Oooh...
"Was this supposed to do something?"
I can see everything, man!
"Did you think they would bask in your precious light?"
What is she raving about?
"There can only be one princess in Equestria, and that princess....."
'.....will be ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The great betrayal of duty begins
Who would never say solar eclipses by an Alicorn are like this?
The transformation begins...
Twilight's reaction to what, before, was just legend
Those are some very sharp teeth...
The very first page of the script of this episode.
An animatic version of a shot from the first scene.
An earlier version of the script by Meghan McCarthy, deleted from final version.
Pretty demonic, don't you think?