What a beautiful day in Ponyville.
"Is that everything on the checklist?"
Spike with the checklist.
Twilight explaining the things they need to do.
Are you ready, number one assistant?
I think Twilight might be too happy.
Well, he did say he was ready.
Longest... checklist... ever!
Now, that's what you call a list.
"Seems like we just placed an order for those a few days ago."
Spike often questions how could he put up with Twilight Sparkle's shenanigans.
"Can't imagine why we go through so many of them."
What's next on the checklist, Spike?
Looking at the same thing with different perceptions.
"Uh, I only ordered twelve."
Nice balancing skills you have there, Mrs. Cake.
These cupcakes looks tasty.
Twilight is serious about removing the icing.
An unsure Twilight Sparkle.
Um, I cannot help but detect a variance in frosting among the cupcakes exceeding the minimum required for visual detection.
Twilight's smile, indicates she is satisfied.
Mrs. Cake can't see any real problems, right?
Twilight's nervous smile.
Careful there, Mrs. Cake.
Mathematical precision is required!
How about, I move some icing here and some there.
Twilight "fixing" the cupcakes.
Spike with icing on his face.
Uh, Twilight? I think you should stop "fixing" the cupcakes.
A forewarning of the insanity that is to come.
Well, not too bad, I guess.
"Umm, yes... much better,"
There! Order restored and enforced! So much better!
A pleased Twilight leaving Sugarcube Corner.
Huh? Who placed this icing-covered baby dragon over here?
After this turn of events, Twilight should squeeze 'Give a baby dragon a bath' into her agenda...
How does icing taste off your own sweaty scales?
Mrs. Cake is rather disturbed and Spike hasn't seen the impending disaster.
Triple checking...the list!
"Triple check checklist to make sure we didn't miss anything when we double checked the checklist!"
Claw cramp, that's what happened.
"Good thing we don't have anything to report to Princess Celestia this week."
"I don't think I can write another word!"
"We haven't sent a letter to Princess Celestia this week?!"
That bandage won't stay for long.
Wow. Twilight went crazy, even before she started talking to herself!
"I'm supposed to send Princess Celestia a letter every week,..."
"...telling her about a lesson I learned about friendship!"
Twilight trying to find the calendar.
"Where's my calendar? Where's my calendar?!"
Ah, there's the calendar!
An example of smear animation (poor Spike).
"When did we send the last one?"
The most popular "Eeek! face" in the whole series.
I wonder how long she could keep that face...
Dramatic Sparkle is dramatic.
It's still daylight, Twilight...
It's super effective! Twilight woke up!
"I'm afraid I have to take that chance, Spike."
"This is the ruler of Equestria we're all talking about."
"What if instead she starts thinking I'm not taking my studies on friendship seriously?"
"Well, why wouldn't you pass-"
"They send them back a grade!"
"But she won't just send me back a grade."
"She'll send me back to... magic kindergarten."
Twilight imagining herself being sent to Magic Kindergarten
(Is that an alicorn filly at the bottom-right corner? See also Flurry Heart)Again. How could she keep a face that long?
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
"You're not going to be sent back to magic kindergarten."
"Because I'm going to solve a friend's problem..."
"...and get that letter to Princess Celestia..."
Twilight keeping a face for a long time must run in her family... and Spike is unamused.
"...got any problems, troubles, conundrums,..."
"...or any other sort of issues, major or minor,..."
"...good friend can help you solve?"
Because I'm going to find somepony who has a friendship problem.
"This won't end well."
Looking for problems? How often do you get to hear that?
"You still have plenty of time to get that letter to Princess Celestia!"
"...who needs the help..."
That screaming sounds familiar.
Twilight comes to the rescue.
"Don't worry, Rarity! I'm here!"
"Of all the worst things that could happen!"
"I lost my diamond encrusted purple ribbon!"
Hmmph... I can't live without it.
The floors are not clean enough to lie on.
An opportunity knocks for Twilight Sparkle, or in this case, cries for her.
Of all the things I lost.
"As your friend, I will do my best to help you fi-"
Looks like the search won't be necessary.
Rarity recovers her, oh, so precious ribbon.
"So, you just lost your ribbon?"
"Yeah". Or as Big Mac says, "Eeyup."
"...as a good friend can help you solve."
That face means "Please".
That's a nice duck face Rarity.
Twilight: excited at the chance to help.
The measuring tape is right there, can you get it?
"Is there something bother-"
Four friends still remain to be "helped".
Everypony was Kung-Fu Fighting!
That's a nice looking hole.
Raze this barn/Raze this barn/One/Two/Three/Four...
OSHA regulations always require the use of eye protection.
Even her teeth are lethal!
Rainbow Dash smashing the Sweet Apple Acres barnyard like a flying Hulk.
Twilight comes within inches of death.
"Rainbow must be angry..."
"She must hate her guts!"
Apparently hitting a barn travelling faster than sound does not hurt you.
Your tail looks better this way, Rainbow.
"...that I as a good friend..."
"...could help you resolve your problem!"
"Uh, what are you talking about?"
"You don't have to hide your feelings from me."
"I can tell you two must've had a terrible fight."
Tell me about your mother.
"Now, why don't you tell me all about your issues with Applejack?"
I don't have issues with Applejack.
"Then why are you destroying her property?"
"Because she asked me to."
"I want to put up a new barn, but the old one's got to come down first."
I'd take cover if I were you!
Dashing through the clouds.
Rainbow Dash before the impact.
Rainbow Dash demolishing the barn
The first stage of her messy mane.
Happy that she gets to facehoof?
Scary. And irrelevant to my conundrum.
Her mane's starting to get messy.
Twilight walking over to Fluttershy's cottage.
Oh, there she is...with a bear?!
Back-Breaking Pegasus Kick!
Fluttershy? What happened to your soft side?
Flexibility-Straining Leg Pull Technique!
The new ECW (Equestria Championship Wrestling) champion of the world. Winning by tapout! Fluttershy!
Merciless Aerial Stomping Method!
Twilight pretty much mirrors our reaction to the whole scene.
Neck-Snapping of Psychotic Violence Kata!
Fluttershy wins! Fatality.
Twilight's getting worried.
Fluttershy has fully mastered the Path of The Chiropractor Style.
"It'll all be fine! The day isn't over yet."
[gasps] "But it WILL be over soon!"
Splash on my horn's reflection
"It will all be over! My time in Ponyville, my advanced studies!"
Mental Twilight: "No, no, you're a good student."
Telling her doubtful self to have some confidence... in herself.
Doubtful Twilight: "Oh, but what if I can't?"
Mental Twilight: "You can! You just have..."
Again, Twilight keeps a weird face for an abnormally long time.
"Are you talking to... yourself?"
The twilight stare or the Twilight Zone
Spike, leave the fourth wall alone, will ya? That's my job -
Pinkie PieFillies playing jump rope.
I guess something's wrong with my eyes.
Quit freaking out and go to the picnic already!
You forgot about the picnic.
Spike's reaction is pretty much how the fans reacted to Twilight's craziness.
"I should go see my friends!"
"Glad you've come to your senses!"
Pinkie just doing what she does everyday.
Pinkie Pie's food is a lie.
I wonder what's under that cloth.
Pinkie's brought a basket with lots of balloons.
...and what does this mean...?
I guess there was no meaning after all.
Oh, here we go again. "This is!"
Where does she get all of these?!
When will somepony appreciate my drama?
"You didn't expect me..."
"...to lay on the grass, did you?"
Dash turning on her swag.
Dude, check out these rad shades!
Doh!! You crushed those cupcakes!
Are the ponies giving up? NO!!!
What happened to you, Twilight?
I need your help! Without you, I'm more doomed than a G3 pony in Tambelon!
It's the most horrific trouble I've ever been in and I really really really need your help!"
"My letter to Princess Celestia is almost overdue..."
"...and I haven't learned anything about..."
Worried over nothing-right?
"Oh, thank goodness. I thought something really awful had happened."
Twilight can't comprehend why her friends are so dense.
"Something awful has happened!"
[Twilight growls like a savage dog]
Applejack: "No offense, sugar cube..."
"...but it looks like somepony's gettin' themselves all worked up over nothin'."
"I need you guys to help me..."
"...find somepony with a problem I can fix..."
"Oh, ho! Twilight, you're such a crack-up!"
Can Pinkie's randomness really compare to Twilight's paranoia?
Applejack: "Have a seat and stop sweatin' small stuff."
"Wow. I've never seen Twilight so upset before."
"Ugh! What a Drama Queen." (Says the one who's a drama queen herself)
Pot, you need to stop talking smack about kettle.
It takes one to know one.
"...relatively speaking." *Smug*
"Clock is ticking, Twilight!"
Would Twilight get over with her fears and stop looking crazy?
Twilight Sparkle is on the verge of going cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
"If I can't FIND a friendship problem..."
"...I'll MAKE a friendship problem!"
Ooh-ah, Celestia will not be pleased.
This is the perfect plan.
Oh look, a nice bird's nest! (sarcasm)
Twilight and her weird looking grin.
Ooooh! The perfect targets!
The CMC aren't trying to get their cutie marks for once.
The ball seems heavier than usual...
What is going on with the ball?
Why is the ball getting bigger?
"You three are look like you doing great too!"
"Looks like three good friends who obviously don't need the help of another..."
"She was mine when I was your age..."
"...and now I want to give her to you!"
Run away! She's gone mad!
"Uh, she's, uh... great."
"...for when you want to "pretend" she's doing her homework."
Didn't know a pony's neck could bend that way...
You already said that, love.
"I just hope the fact that there are..."
"...three of you and only one of her doesn't become a problem."
"I'd "hate" to cause a riff between such good friends."
This was your plan all along, you crazy sicko!
Mental Twilight: "So, who wants to play with her first?!"
"Uh, you should play with her first, Sweetie Belle, you know, 'cause you like her mane so much."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
"I think Scootaloo should get to play with her first."
"You take her, Apple Bloom."
Hey, look! Manebiting instead of tailbiting!
"Applejack says it's important to share."
"I gotta think of something. Think, think, think, think, think, Twilight, think!"
"Ooh, you're going to LIKE Smarty Pants..."
"...and you're gonna like her more than anything."
By the magical power of Twilight Sparkle, you will love her even more than everything!
"I REALLY like her mane!"
The CMC fall under the Smarty Pants spell
Five, four, three, two, one...
"I want it! I saw it first! No, saw it first!"
"The Want-it Need-it Spell."
Twilight Sparkle is here to save the day!.... That she ruined.
"I think we can all see that there is an important lesson to be learned here about-"
What? Not going insane? Not being impetuous?
I need to start checking just how effective my magic can be.
"Don't you think we need to share?"
Give me back that doll, you girls!
Big McIntosh, I need your help.
You have to get that doll from those girls!
Big McIntosh about to take the doll
Now you can give me that doll back and everything will be fine.
"Stick a cupcake in my eye!"
Why are ponies running around with hearts in their eyes?
Did somepony say there's free barbeque?!
That incredible, amazing doll!
Where do they all appear from?
You ponies will never get this doll!
Mayor loves Miss Smarty Pants
Big McIntosh causes an explosion of ponies.
Whoa, Twilight's getting old.
A rustic and relaxed look.
"What in the name of all things oats 'n apples..."
For an old raggedy doll, Smarty Pants is remarkably resilient.
Uh oh...looks like Rainbow Dash's gonna be infect—
Brawl all over Ponyville.
Your hair.. is so... SOFT
"I had nothing to report to Princess Celestia!"
"The day is almost over!"
By the power vested in me as Celestia Invictus, I declare an end to this!
The pairings after the fight.
We were fighting over... this?
Let us never speak of this again.
How can I better show my disdain?
Twilight is a limbo boss.
This ain't gonna be good...
"Meet me in the library."
"If you care to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten."
So there really was a problem?
"We're never gonna see Twilight..."
"What are we gonna do, y'all?"
"How could this happen?!"
Well, that's the third time. "This is!"
"What?" (You really are a drama queen, Rarity)
"I really mean it this time!"
Oh no, Twilight is going to get busted.
"I'm supposed to send you a letter about friendship every week. I missed the deadline."
"I don't have to get a letter every week to know that."
So I went crazy for nothing?
Entering the library, Rainbow Dash style!
Now it's Rainbow Dash's turn to save the day!
Twilight's friends realize their mistake and come to help her
"Please, your Highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset."
"But we thought that the thing she was worrying about..."
"...wasn't worth worrying about."
See? It was all our fault.
A little proposition for you all...
"From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship, ..."
"When, and ONLY when, you happen to discover them."
Equestria's shortest runway.
"Your friend Spike made me aware that you were letting your fears get the best of you."
She sees me?! Better go away.
The art of eavesdropping.
"I'm expecting some mail."
Let's write that letter, shall we?
"Dear Princess Celestia..."
"We learned that you should take your friends' worries seriously."
"Even if you don't think that she has anything to worry about."
"And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem..."
"...into an enormously huge..."
"...Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem."
"Signed, your loyal subjects."
Is anyone going to see this?
Spike showing off he's the better pony friend... er... dragon friend.
You have horrible writing, Spike. Keep up the good work.
Seriously? Even Fluttershy is unamused.
Oh well, guess I should just cross this, because you can't erase pens.
The best way to end an episode.