Cakes have a bevy of options.
Foal and Filly Fair, huh? Ponyville has way too many festivals!
Hey, it's Pinkie with balloons!
Wonder what DJ Pon-3's got to offer at the fair?
Finally! Another appearance by Sweetie and Rarity's parents!
Who needs wings when you can have balloons?
Bulky came to test his strength.
Passin' by Carousel Boutique without dropping by, Pinkie Pie?
Rarity levitating decorations.
Sprucing things up as usual.
"You're the one making it."
"Couldn't have done it without the help of one of my dearest."
"You are my favorite dragon."
3/4ths of her work was on the boa.
"When we hear those three little words!"
"This is awful!" Not the three little words she was hoping for.
That wheel lacks the right number of spokes.
Not to mention Rarity stole a pirate's peg leg.
The vases make the space even more cramped.
Meghan McCarthy was right! Those puppets are creepy!
Spike approves of everything that Rarity makes.
*sigh* It's not that bad.
Rarity on her trademark fainting couch.
Looks like her current predicament is really affecting her dramatic emotions.
Wait. How many times did I say "puppet theater"?
You can just contribute in a different way
Alternative (scrapped) titles such as "Lesson Zero II" or "The Bedazzling".
"I'd never have something else finished in time!"
"I wanted to leave my creative mark..."
"AND THAT MAKES ME MISERABLE!" But not too miserable, because ice cream can't eat itself.
The foreboding ruins of the Castle of The Royal Pony Sisters.
An answer to Rarity's predicament can be found in that library?
There's gotta be something in here somewhere.
"It's not 'who', it's 'what'!"
"Can I find anything in time for the fair?"
"Rarity wants to make a creative contribution!"
"She said I'm her favorite dragon"
Spike using a rolling ladder.
Pulling out one of the books.
"C'mon and help a dragon out!"
So now Owlowiscious thinks he's a book.
Twilight's pet in a shelf.
Spike moving with the rolling ladder.
Okay, Owlowiscious has now joined the ranks of characters on this show who can teleport offscreen.
This is the "Inspiration Manifestation" spell book. All craftsponyship is of the highest quality. It is decorated with an encircled eight-pointed star. It is made of stone, and menaces with spikes of stone.
I'm going in there! Spike may be a baby dragon, but his flames are still way too much, melting the ancient padlock's shackle down into nothingness.
Bathed in evil green light... I should pick it up...
When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the exact words?
Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah.
" wouldn't be so easy to get."
"And it's covered in spikes, like me."
As if you needed further proof occupants of Ponyville defy gravity
How can he be that oblivious?
"I'm likin' the looks of this one."
Sure beats some Indiana Jones parody.
Wow Rarity! That's a lot of ice cream!
ANIMATION ERROR: Despite her scarfing twelve cartons of ice cream, Rarity's belly doesn't bloat.
"But I brought you something."
"Unless it's another carton of vanilla oat swirl..."
"...or word that the festival has been cancelled,..."
"...I don't think I'm interested!"
"Spike, Precious Scales, I already HAVE magic."
Wait! Did Spike give her those chocolates?
"This should help you think of something in time for the fair."
What harm could possibly happen from a little ol' spell?
aura looks familiar.
"There's only one way to find out."
The book just got Rari-fied.
"You've come through with flying colors" (don't forget the pink boa!)
"We must find the puppeteer right away,..."
" that I may provide him with the most fantastic theater he's ever imagined!"
"...that I've ever imagined."
Keep that book safe and sound!
"Come to see the show, I presume?"
Good luck sleeping tonight, folks. Try getting these two creeps out of your mind.
"Much more to your liking!"
Hah...wait'll you see what happens to Ponyville!
"That was never the problem now, was it?"
"Oh, well, this one does seem to travel."
"Plenty of room for my puppets!"
Hiding book from nosy puppets.
"A good designer never reveals her tricks."
Oh yeah, Rarity knows she's now the coolest.
"You don't mind, do you, Spike?"
"She'll keep it for a few more hours."
There's got to be a lot of dresses in there if that's going to happen!
"I've never been better!"
"I've been up all night just creating!"
"I've completed my fall line for..."
The next 15 seasons?! Seasons 6 to 19 confirmed, everypony!
"You will support me in this endeavor."
"This is exactly what I'm talking about!"
"Are my eyes playing tricks on me again?" Maybe, unless it magically appeared (which it did).
"What in rhubarb pie just happened?"
"Especially when they're gorgeous ones!"
"...and the book, of course!"
Yeah, she's definitely gone mad.
"This marvelous... marvelous book!" Now that's what I call adorable.
Rainbow Dash Always Dresses In Style
Well, she can always take it off. Right?
"There you go, Mr. Robin."
Who designed the interior of that house? M.C. Escher?
Now Owlowiscious is really ticked off.
Shrimp? In MLP? I thought they were herbivores! If you look closely, you'll see shrimp!
Pinkie Pie? Stunned? Huh...
Pinkie Pie is silenced. That's a first.
Owlowiscious looking down at Spike.
Don't like the way she's looking at him.
Is she thinking what I think she's thinking?
Super fighting robot... MegaSpike!
This is Mario! Spike is Bowser and Rarity is evil Princess Peach.
"What do you mean not me too?"
One that'll keep the griefers away.
It's my mayoral duty... to defer to the next highest authority.
What does Owlowiscious think he is? Spike's father?
"I promised I'd keep this to myself!"
"You're right, Owlowiscious."
I can forget about having anymore "Sparity" moments.
Oh, of course it's Berryshine.
Why didn't I think of this before?
"Oh come on! It's the perfect plan!"
"I'm... guessing she went that way."
Okay, now she's really looking evil!
"What do you think you're doing?!"
Ugh! Get out of my face, dumb owl!
As Maud Pie has a good taste in gems, Spike has a good taste in books!
So now we know that Spike can swallow a book... whole!
"What have you done with my book?!"
"Why would I do anything with your book? We're friends! It... it was probably the owl."
Great, Spike. I try to help you to stop a demonic friend, and then you frame me.
Rarity making a realization. That can't be good!
"I'm so excited! I'm so excited!"
Here we see "Nightmare Rarity" admiring the golden pavement and crystal tree.
Time to stop supporting Rarity, and stand up to her!
The amnesia thing again? What is this? My Little Pony or Days of Our Lives?
A terrifying, yet quite nice, view of Ponyville!
The sweetest Sparity moment of the season.
"...take another book... from the library... at the castle... without asking!"
Heavens to Celestia, I'm tired.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to reverse that much dark..."
"Wow! You don't look so good."
"What? I'm just being honest."
"It's what good friends do."
Twilight still mad at Spike's honesty