Dashie flying to Ponyville's town hall.
Ponies gathering for the announcement winner.
Granny Smith along with the other judges.
I can't believe Granny Smith is on the selection committee.
"How great being me actually is."
"So it'd totally make sense."
I Wonder what's the name of the system that they're on.
Air heads. Out of control.
"Congratulations, Rarity!"
Thank you Golden Harvest.
Thank you for the lovely roses.
"Do you know what you're gonna do?"
"Giant" Alicorn Twilight and Rarity smiling.
I know she'll add a touch
"Probably more than a touch!"
Did Spike actually make these? If so, he's an amazingly detailed artist.
"This year's Ponyville Days Festival."
Presenting Rarity in a new dress and a set of jewelry (including a ring on her horn).
Since when do ponies wear earrings?
Trenderhoof, is just about the dreamiest stallion ever!
"How can you not know who Trenderhoof is?" He's this dreamy travel writer, pinhead!
Twilight's face is so cute here!
Ooh Twilight, he is simply the most charming stallion in all of Equestria!
Spike doesn't seem to mind.
Berryshine, Sweetie Drops, and Minuette.
Huh? Apple Family members? Is it reunion time already?
You're causing a scene here.
"You have to get a hold of yourself."
Rarity meeting her fangirl crush
"It's him, it's him, is it him?"
"You do it! I can't! I can't!"
Twilight is not your backup plan.
Rarity introduces herself to Trenderhoof.
You're gonna love it here.
Tell me more about Ponyville.
Ponyville is just a beautiful place to be.
Trenderhoof touching the soil.
Maybe he should've been a geologist.
"This farm is truly something special."
Rarity's expecting a kiss.
Not interested in Rarity.
"Why are you staring at her like that?"
I've beheld a natural beauty!
AJ, there's apple juice on your face!
Applejack wipes off the apple juice on her mouth
She's the pony of my dreams!
But... what about... me...?
Caution: Wet Floor.
Cuidado: Piso Mojado.
Spike pushing the curtain aside.
"Is it something I said?"
Your mascara is running, Rare.
Because he has a crush on Applejack,
even though I've had a crush on him ever since the beginning of time and,
What?! How could Trenderhoof not like the most beautiful pony in the world?!
"...how could you ever know what it's like to be..."
"...totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with somepony else?"
Trenderhoof levitating an apple.
"...the unappreciated, ..."
"...and I make it relatable."
"I wanna know about you!"
"What do apples mean to Applejack?"
"Aren't you too busy plannin' the festival?"
"I'm growing fond of it myself."
"Maybe you two should try it sometime."
"There'd be such disparity."
"Oh Rarity, if only there was someone who loved you.."
Look at that, Rarity, it's not everyday you see a pony who's his own rear end!
"I couldn't do a thing without you."
"That's what friends are for!"
That's a plow, not a coach.
Hey, Rarity, you know you're not sweating, right?
"How does Applejack do it?"
You're not doing it right.
What in tarnation are you doing?
Applejack looking at Trenderhoof.
THIS is how you plow a field.
"What the fuss is all about?"
Rarity looking at an apple tree.
You know, why doesn't she simply use magic to gather them?
"I have some more chores to do...
Applejack entering the chicken coop.
"*thinking* Is he going to ask me-"
"Why don't you go ask her yourself?"
"This relationship stuff is hard work."
It's fine, AJ. We can share him.
"And I don't know anypony."
"Oh, I'm sure you'd love that."
"Rarity, that is the silliest get-up I have ever seen!"
"It IS a little funny, hmm-hmm."
Twilight:"Rarity, you aren't serious, are you?"
"Well, of course I'm serious!"
"Because you would never dress like that. You like fashion and high society and fancy things."
"And I can like plowin' fields and haulin' apples just as much."
"How do YOU know what I like?"
"...maybe you don't know me as well as you thank."
"And I suppose it's just a coincidence that Trenderhoof seems so interested in country life too?"
"Ah don't know what you're gettin' at!"
"Well, then, I guess I'll just have ta show you."
"Be my guest! NOW, if y'all will excuse me, uh have a hoot-a-nanny of a festival to put oh-win."
Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and the other fillies.
Sweetie Belle, gasping at her sister's sudden appearance.
That isn't simple! That's just sloppy!
"Make yourselves look just like that."
"Next entry is... Apple Jewel?"
Is this "Project Runway"?
"Is this some kinda joke?"
"Why, Rarity! Whatever would make you think I was joking?"
"Because you would never wear an ensemble like that. You like plowing fields and hauling apples."
"And I can like fashion just as much."
"Fine! But I gotta whole festival to plan, so if you're going to start modelin', just get on with it."
"Life is a festival, and you should celebrate it..."
"...by lookin' just like me because I'm a trend-setting fashionista."
"You're a trend-setting fashionista?! Why that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever--"
"I mean... Good for you!"
", on the other hoof..."
"...couldn't care less how I look, long as I get the chores done!"
Congratulations, Rarity. You've completed the transformation into a real stereotypical country bumpkin.
"Oh! Is that so?"
"Yes, indeed-dee-doodle."
"My mane needs to be perfectly coiffed at all times."
"Well, my mane is full of dust and split ends."
"My hooves are so polished, you can see your reflection in them." Ooh!
"My hooves are cracked and dry from working in the fields!" Ouch!
"I'm so fashion forward."
"Goodness! Your couture!"
"Will somepony bring me a towel to wipe this repulsive filth from my hooves?"
"There's the Rarity I know!"
"Oh, Applejack, I'm sorry I said all those things."
"Oh, but you were just trying to help me see how silly I was being..."
"Besides, that gown looks just gorgeous on you."
"Thanks! It's nice, ain't it?"
"It's magnificent! Wherever did you get it?"
"Oh, it's, uh... one uh yours."
"I'll need three gallons of boiling water and an ounce of detergent, stat!"
"I'm moving to Ponyville!"
"Being the most interesting pony in Equestria is exhausting. I wanna leave my exotic, exciting life behind and..."
Applejack and Rarity: "What?!"
"Well, that's real nice, but I sure hope you weren't thinkin' of Sweet Apple Acres."
"Uh, look, you're a fine pony, but, uh... well, I'm, uh.."
"I think what Applejack is trying to say is..."
"Not at all. In fact, I think I know just how you feel."