Rarity is trying to grab imaginary pancakes.
Rarity waking up to the smell of smoke.
Rarity struggling with her blanket.
Rarity falling down the stairs.
Rarity, you should've removed that BEFORE reaching the stairs!
Rarity finds that something is burning in the kitchen.
Rarity trying to see the cause of this disaster.
Well, well, well...Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle's surprise was ruined...she's not happy about that.
Oh no, this is going to be bad.
As she is almost going to scold Sweetie Belle...
Rarity's and Sweetie Belle's parents show up
Sweetie Belle's mess is the family's meal.
Rarity's father, Sweetie Belle, and Rarity's mother.
"...you could burn juice."
A bit on the clumsy side much?
Mom, you never were the serious one.
"...by the time we get back from our vacation."
"As in 'starting this very instant this week'?!"
Toast? You...can't explain that.
"Sweetie Belle, what is that?"
"We're gonna have the bestest time two sisters could ever have!"
"I'm gonna go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon."
"Now when you say 'a week'..."
"And six nights, I know."
"But I've got such a long to-do list.
"I suppose 'spend time with your sister' will just have to be added to the list."
Rarity has been startled by a loud noise!
Rarity looking to see the source of the loud noise.
"Just a few necessities."...Oh goodness, she packs like her sister.
What? You're the ones that taught us how to pack
Rarity entering the kitchen.
Rarity is not amused by the burnt foods.
Let the professional handle this.
Rarity walking away, to make a "proper breakfast".
A good morning, needs a good cereal.
Rarity uses magic to move a bowl, while looking for something else.
Oh, you're asking something?
I'll get back to you on that.
Rarity placing a pitcher of water on the table.
Kitchen utensils... check.
Who knew Rarity does her own cooking?
Sweetie Belle feels a bit... dejected.
Rarity is so focused on her chores, she forgot about her sister.
Rarity is caught off guard by Sweetie Belle.
Rarity didn't want Sweetie Belle to remember her promise.
One little parsley for Sweetie Belle.
Now, how to place the parsley... Hmm...
Laying parsley is serious business.
This is the most stressful job to be done by a pony, at least for Sweetie Belle.
And cilantro makes it all complete!
Rarity uses a cloth to clean the mess on the floor.
Rarity tosses a cloth onto a pile of cloths in a basket.
"There are some things I must attend to."
Sweetie Belle scrubbing the floor with a brush.
Sweetie Belle under a pile of towels.
Sweetie will prove herself useful.
Sweetie Belle spies her sister's sweater.
Sweetie entering the room.
Uh oh. What does Rarity see?
"I told you I'd make myself useful."
Sweetie Belle is proud of herself.
"You know how hard these things are to come by?"
What are they looking at the sweater for?
Rarity's trying to maintain her composure.
Even ponies can suffer rage-induced aneurysms!
She knows how to control her anger.
Rarity notices the bucket of water she stepped in.
"Stay out of trouble, okay?"
Something is so adoring about this scene.
Sweetie Belle recalling Rarity's words to her.
"Stay out of trouble, okay?"
"Hmm... I never got in trouble for drawing..."
Sweetie Belle's wild imagination.
Rarity using magic to move more things.
I made something special for you, Rarity
Will she think it is impressive?
Sweetie Belle didn't mean anything bad with what she did...
"These are extremely rare baby blue sapphire!"
Sweetie Belle's feeling the fury of Rarity...
Sweetie Belle is really, really sorry.
"What am I going to do with you?"
Sweetie Belle joyfully recommends things they can do.
"That's not what I meant!"
"I’ll go with you and help."
Is that...Applejack's lie face?
Rarity gives orders to Sweetie Belle.
"Can I do anything right?"
Rarity's Room is a massive mess!
Come back from collecting gems, totally not angry.
Are you in there, Sweetie Belle
Neat... Organized... the horror!!!
The absolute neatness - the horror!
"When I saw the big mess in your room, I thought I’d clean it up for you."
"This wasn't a mess. It was organized chaos."
"I was just about finished planning my new fashion line!"
"And now I have to start from scratch!"
Fabric neatly organized by color.
"But every time I made a mess, you get upset."
"But this is MY mess in MY house"
"And now I have to start from scratch."
"But...I...I thought it would...make you happy."
Rarity and Sweetie Belle sulking.
You think this will make me happy?!
Keep the rage in its' cage, Rarity...
Just keep it in and look normal...
"I just need some time alone."
Rarity needs some time... alone.
Sweetie Belle dejectedly walks away.
Asking how the sleepover with Rarity is going
"I just wish we could do something special together that didn’t include me goofing anything up."
Apple Bloom startles Sweetie Belle.
Why don't you and Rarity join the Sisterhooves Social?
"You and Rarity can compete against other sister teams in all these neat events."
"That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out."
Sweetie Belle is REALLY happy!
Sweetie Belle's idea has been shot down.
"Now you’re back to hating messes?"
"Sweetie Belle watch your tone. I am still your big sister."
"Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!"
"Playing silly little games in the dirt is just uncouth."
Sweetie Belle is thinking of what to say.
The moment when somepony says something she'll regret.
Rarity heard what Sweetie Belle said.
Rarity can't believe what Sweetie Belle said!
"Oh, I'M the one who's ruining YOUR life!?"
"I’m the one who would be better off with no sister!"
"Deal! Goodbye, un-sister!"
Rarity's so mad, she could burst!
"She said the sister social is uncouth?"
That's a good one Apple Bloom.
"It's not just the Social. She thinks I'm uncouth."
"Honey, Rarity thinks that everything uncouth"
Apple-chewing Apple Bloom.
"It means uncivil, you know bad mannered"
Apple Bloom, proudly displaying the meaning of the word 'Uncouth'
"Just give Rarity some time."
"Not sisters like Rarity."
Applejack and Apple Bloom want to cheer up Sweetie Belle.
A bruised apple with a worm in it.
Just grabbin' this bruised apple.
Wait while I pull this tub.
Pinkie approves of this smile.
Applejack hit an Apple with her tail. Off it goes!
...are really having fun together.
Applejack giving a hug to Apple Bloom.
"Huh, Rarity never wants to do chores together."
"Ugh, all that work ruined, thanks to Sweetie Belle."
Fabrics that are neatly arranged.
"Full Spectrum Fashions!"
Her expression changes from good...
"She still shouldn't have touched my things without permission."
Grapes are ready, so Applejack calls for Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom knows what to do.
Apple Bloom jumps off of Applejack, to get in.
So that's how you make grape juice.
Applejack nudges the tap.
"You're making grape juice?"
"Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious outfits."
Applejack just got covered in grape juice!
Applejack's mad at Apple Bloom! Oh no!
"Please, Applejack! She didn’t mean-"
Applejack gives Apple Bloom a grape juice bath
Time to get these washed!
"Ooh, my favorite sweater... I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle-"
A horse just stepped on my tail!
Rarity gets another idea.
Wearing her cat with the sweater.
Much to Opal's displeasure
And thus tiny pet sweaters were brought to Equestria
"Had turned out all right."
Applejack seems to be enjoyin' the job!
"Don't let that one get away, Apple Bloom!"
Apple Bloom bumps the sheep back into the herd.
Sweetie Belle watches them herd the sheep.
Those sheep can talk you know
These sisters really work well together.
"Perfect! Just one more, and this ensemble is fini!"
"Where's her silly little arts and crafts project?"
Suddenly, she saw something.
Aww, what a touching picture.
"Sweetie Belle, my one and only sister."
It looks like she's sadly sleeping.
Rarity has had a moment of realization.
Rarity realizes how much she's better off, with a sister.
"All the time I could have spent with you was wasted complaining and wishing you were gone!"
Rarity crying into her hoof.
"NO, I must get her back!"
"...I shall never be sisterless again!"
Applejack, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle together.
"Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you! I..."
Apple Bloom and Applejack in front of their tent.
"Hello, un-sister! What are you doing here?"
"Better be careful. You might get some dust on you."
"Oh, Sweetie Belle, I want to apologize. I am not better off without a sister."
"I’m not better off without a sister either."
"Spending the day with Applejack and Apple Bloom made me realize that."
"You don’t know how happy I am to hear y—"
"And that’s why I’m adopting Applejack as my big sister!"
The "what?!" has been doubled!
Sweetie Belle hugging Applejack's leg.
"A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister."
Rarity is surprised at what has happened...
... but isn't happy with the cause.
Applejack is surprised as well...
... And isn't quite sure how to answer Rarity's glare.
"Hold on, Sweetie Belle. Don’t get ahead of yourself here."
"...she’s my big sister!"
"So she could teach you what a good sister's supposed to be!"
This Apple's about to break in two!
"But I don’t need lessons on being a good sister!"
Rarity is giving ideas, Sweetie Belle is not amused.
"You want me to go home with you so we can do what..."
Applejack and Apple Bloom watch Sweetie Belle stomp off.
"Well, that apology went swimmingly."
"Applejack, why do you have to be so good..."
"...and make me look so bad?"
"Once again you're thinking about yourself."
"Bein’ sisters is a give-and-take. You’ve been doin’ a whole lot of takin’, but you haven’t been doin’ a whole lot of givin’."
Rarity ponders over Applejack's words.
"But of course I give! I give lessons, reasonable demands."
"Bein’ sisters is like..."
"You can have amazin’ apples and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, ..."
"...but only together can you have a perfect apple pie."
"...but apart, all we are is just a pile of mush and some crumbly dry mess..."
Rarity thinks about what to do.
"I know what I need to do!"
"I just hope it isn't too late."
"Well, I guess it’s a good thing Rarity isn’t here."
"Do I see "uncouth" written all over this contest?"
"That's the last word Rarity would use."
"Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!"
Wondering if they have their own little Miss Rarity in their midst.
"Well, you two have fun..."
"I sure wish I had a sister to go with!"
"(Applejack: AB and I figured since we do this every year...) (Apple Bloom: I'd like you to borrow my sis so you can give it a try!)
Granny Smith spins the megaphone around
Ponies listen to what Granny Smith has to say.
On their way to the start line.
Big McIntosh whispering to Granny Smith.
What's that red mark next to her eye?
Other ponies clear the mud pit, easily.
Hopping on the mud pit like it was nothing.
Wow, it changed her eye color
Applejack's fine. I mean, I'm fine.
Spectator Ponies cheer for the competitors!
Larger ponies take care where their hooves land, when running the obstacle course.
When all else fails, just hop in bucket after bucket.
Let's get over these crate.
Sweetie Belle is helped by her "sister".
How can they swallow the whole pies?
Golden Harvest and Noi struggling to move their bale.
They race around the bend!
Oh, just me launching all these grapes into the vat.
We can tell that she took some lessons from Apple Bloom.
Whoops! Another competitor is having a bit of trouble!
The jar has been placed! Go to the next event!
The apples have launched.
Now she knows what to do.
Berryshine and Piña Colada balancing eggs...
They're balancing it...together!
They placed their egg on top of the egg basket!
Looks like they are winning!
The other sisters race past, leaving them spinning!
Get up, Sweetie Belle and Rar-I mean Applejack!
Berryshine and her sister win again!
Apple Bloom gets their attention.
"Ooh, so close! You almost won!"
"Thank you, Applejack! You were amazing! I don't even care that we didn't win."
"Applejack"... might not have been Applejack.
Wait, what's with the horn?
Wait... this is Rarity's Cutie Mark...
Sweetie Belle is shocked that it was actually Rarity with her everywhere except for the starting line.
Ahhh... It was Rarity all along!
Wow, those must be some kind of beauty products, to allow Rarity to completely shake free of the mud.
Wait... how long was Applejack holding her breath?
"We switched places places over at the very first mudhole."
So... apparently Applejack gets her beauty products from Rarity... or Equestrian ponies have slick bodies.
"So... we did the whole competition together?"
"That we did, little sister. Well, except for the start line."
Apple Bloom buds in between a sisterly moment
"You mean... you were all in on it?"
"You see? We are apple pie!"
"Uh, I'll explain later. For now, I think we deserve a celebration!"
She really is serious, you know.
Luna and Celestia will treasure this letter for sure.
"Having a sister is just about the bestest thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest."
"I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork."
"Sometimes it’s about compromising."
Sweetie Belle baked a Pie!
"Sometimes it's about accepting each others' differences."
Sweetie Belle has a rather... interesting sense of fashion.
"But mostly, it's about having fun together."
Sweetie Belle on a branch above a puddle next to... Uh-Oh!
"A lot dirty." Spike: Uh oh, I know where this is going!
"Hold it, hold it! How about "a medium amount of dirty, ..."
"...not too little, not too much, just right"?"
"Deal!" Nice save, Spike!