And here we see Rainbow Dash's lovely cloud mansion
The Mane Six having a picnic on a hill.
All the ponies are waiting beside Rainbow Dash's mailbox?
Pinkie Pie has an anxious look on her face. That's not common of her.
Turning around for another round. Eh?
Pinkie Pie just can't wait.
There's no helping it. The mail always ends up being late whenever they fire Derpy.
Why are you even worrying? You're not the one who's going.
Pinkie is anxious to know whether Rainbow Dash got in or not.
Nopony is ever-so more confident than Rainbow Dash.
She knows she'll make the Wonderbolts.
Pinkie displaying reality of situations? No way!
Where's my money, Le-Dash-ski?
This is Pinkie's serious face.
Applejack eating a red apple.
That apple better not be poison joked.
Don't lose yer hat now Applejack.
How could I not get invited to the Wonderbolts Academy?
The ponies, all watching Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow's surprised while reading the letter.
Rarity and Fluttershy cute moment #1
Pause for dramatic effect.
You guys are so gullible!
The foe's Pinkie Pie used Rollout!
Pinkie Pie hugging tightly.
Pinkie teases the shippers
Pinkie practicing her level 3 super from Fighting is Magic
A little too tight Pinkie.
Gah, do I really need this?
I kinda need to get going...
Ahh, I forgot how to stand on all fours.
I'll show them, who the best flyer is!
Rainbow Dash is super confident in herself.
Ship tease, ship tease everywhere!
Rainbow dashes by, while taking her saddlebag.
Off to become Top Feather!
See ya in a week, Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash, flying off towards the Wonderbolts academy.
Rainbow dashing off to the Wonderbolt Academy.
A few more decibels, and we can add it to our list of WMDs.
"Do you think she heard me?" (Everypony heard you, Pinkie)
Just casually flying around. No big.
Soldiers of the arial space.
And they take off for their veteran training.
Rainbow Dash looks around the Academy.
Left, right, left, right!
What are these credits doing here?
Star Hunter doing a pull up.
Midnight Strike's first appearance.
She'll make a great Wonderbolt someday
Aww yeah, this is what I need.
That's right - Bulk Biceps is in training to be a Wonderbolt.
In comes the Drill Master.
This is my business face.
"Think you got what it takes to be an elite flyer."
Thunderlane, among other ponies.
You are awesome. Deal with it.
Why is your mane so awesome?
Not as tough as he looks...
Spitfire is sizing up Bulk Biceps.
"You're so ugly, you could be a modern art masterpiece!"
"You'll probably quit after the first day!"
"No ma'am, I never quit ma'am"
"Bet you couldn't fly past the first flag post!"
"Try me ma'am!"
Note: Don't ever try this with a real drill instructor
"Let me show you what I've got, ma'am"
One pony mouths off, the whole team suffers.
Rainbow and Lightning Dust zooming by Cloudchaser
Rainbow and lightning contrails
Is she talking to me or to her??
Rainbow is winking at Lightning Dust! Mmm...
Spitfire saying "That's an academy record!" (she does that a lot in this episode)
Rainbow and Lightning smiling.
"for a couple of newbies."
Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust.
I can see where this is going.
Why don't we go over to Twilight's?
At least, she's giving it some thought.
....And, some more thought.
Even though she agreed to it, she still seems uncertain.
The letter comes while I'm not here?!
Then, Rainbow Dash will probably be worried when I don't write back!
I need to stay by the mailbox's side.
Now for your very first lesson.
Lightning Dust standing proud.
Rainbow and Lightning being confident.
The Rainbow Factory is in the background...
"Fifteen seconds. Decent"
Poor mare being dragged back to line.
Rainbow and Lightning want to go next.
"That's an academy record."
"I make everything look easy."
"Can you put the Dizzitron at maximum speed?"
"I wanna push my limits."
"Okay, you asked for it."
Turn it up to skull with wings and lightning bolts
"Six point five seconds. Not bad."
Dang! Hope she didn't break anything.
... But they're too cool to care for long
Staring deep into Lightning Dust's eyes...
An adorable shot of Rainbow Dash.
They don't look too happy
Everypony checking the list.
Rainbow asking which one of these lucky gals is her wingpony.
Cloud Chaser looks like she wants to giggle.
"You might want to check the wall."
Talk about a rough excuse me.
This isn't what Rainbow wanted.
Rainbow Dash and her new wingpony.
Putting on a forced smile.
Pony version of sign with an X.
Signing Autographs. What a job!
So that's what horse shoes are used for...
An impressive imitation of Gendo Ikari and Mr. Burns.
"We'll be an unstoppable team."
Moping in disappointment.
Today's exercise will be 'Flag Hunt'!
I think Slabchunks is up to something here...
This challenge will be difficult.
Smoothly down into the ravine!
Rainbow Dash clips her wing on the log.
Spitfire is rubbish at health and safety!
"You're fine." Says the one who didn't hurt her wing.
Rainbow and Spitfire looking at each other.
This is my happy face. Deal with it.
Feeling Spitfire's serious gaze.
No I must check on the mailbox, I won't give up.
Ninety-five hours of wait on the wall...Ninety-five hours of wait...
Everypony checking on a distraught Pinkie Pie.
Rarity and Fluttershy cute moment #2
Where did you come from!? We were just watching you over there!
Pinkie Pie apparently took a lesson from
Dio Brando...
Back to normal business Pinkie.
Sigh of relief for everyone.
Pinkie appearing inside the mailbox
AJ looking annoyed to the fans.
You people are lucky that you don't have to put up with this 24/7
Good to see that Pinkie is smiling at least.
"I wouldn't mind a little trip."
Looks like everypony is accounted for.
Tell us all why we put up with this!?
Lightning winking at Rainbow
That wink is not a good sign.
*TWEEET* Unlike Spitfire, this stallion knows how to blow a whistle like a true stallion.
Rainbow sees Cloud Chaser and Yeah Pegasus crash into a cloud.
Lightning Dust doesn't seem to care.
Talk about an unsubtle expression.
Avoiding clouds like a pro.
"I can't get around them!"
"We can still fly completely in sync and blow Spitfire's mind."
Hearing more of Lightning's woes.
"Now's our chance to pass these slowpokes!"
Creating drag to slow their descent.
"And in record time, too!"
A little guilt in Rainbow Dash.
"Why don't you two go hit the mess hall early"
...said no drill instructor ever.
Rainbow Dash removing her goggles.
Thunderlane doing a ninja kick on a cloud.
Cutting through like nopony's business.
Rainbow Dash, why you give in to peer pressure.
Pinkie sure looks really adorable with the face she's making.
The twister catches the mane 5
Twilight has a funny looking expression but the current situation will beg to differ.
Imminent disaster unfolding.
Oh the humanity and all the passengers!
Someone should tell Fluttershy that she's a Pegasus.
I'll shortcut through the mountain!
Clouds don't fail me now!
What are they screaming about? They're getting free skydiving that junk isn't cheap!
Nothing is softer than a cloud.
We're falling up now! Wait... up!?
Don't get any ideas Thunderlane, Spike and Cloudchaser are keeping an eye on you.
Why, Rarity! What's a pretty girl like yourself doing in such an ugly part of the weather?
Feeling very grateful, for starters.
Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot that I can fly...
Is everypony okay? (Fillies and gentlecolts, this is why she's the Element of Loyalty.)
Of course Rainbow Dash remembers you, Pinkie.
"But they weren't, right."
You're're kidding right? You think Lightning Dust wants a hoof bump for what she did to your friends?
You're a loose cannon, and there's no place for you on the force!
I don't care if you're the best flyer in the world, your recklessness makes it all worthless!
You're a danger to everypony! Including yourself!
Kinda like this facial expression on Lightning Dust.
You should be ashamed of that!
An adorable Lightning Dust shot.
You want to be the best. I get that. We all want to be the best too!
But you're totally going about it in the wrong way!
The Wonderbolts don't seem to think so!
I'm the Team Leader and you're the Wing Pony!
On the receiving end of a cheap shot.
Current situation is unfavorable.
You're supposed to be out there busting clouds.
Ma'am, those clouds have been busted so hard, even their ghosts got hit by proton packs.
Motherhugging tornado, ma'am.
Whoa. That's like nuking bunnies from orbit.
Oh well, we're always aiming for great results.
"But there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can."
Spitfire listening to Rainbow Dash
I don't want to be a part of the Wonderbolts if you are gonna reward recklessness.
This is what she's sayin'.
Oh my, what I've just done!
"Being a Wonderbolt was your dream!" (Not if recklessness is what gets rewarded, Rarity)
"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash."
Look at her face not at her hoof Rainbow Dash.
I demote you for carelessness!
Shocked beyond comprehension.
Although she would be gone for a good long time.
We're sorry to say that wasn't the last we ever saw of her.
Can Rainbow's expression be anymore vague?
Rainbow Dash is pleased with being given the lead pony badge.
Absorbing the news makes for a funny facial expression.
"O my gosh, o my gosh, o my gosh!"
Didn't I do this in Sonic Rainboom already?Hearing the perfect they always wanted to hear.
Someone is having Canterlot Voice classes with Luna...
We're ready when you are!
You didn't get to open this...