"I got your text, Rainbow Dash!"
"Did something come through the portal?"
"Is Equestrian magic on the loose?"
"Did Twilight come back with..."
"...a problem that only we can solve?!"
"Has a giant cake monster..."
"...covered all the cakes in the world..."
"Uh, I don't understand."
"...I was just tellin' Rainbow Dash here..."
"...that a broken guitar string..."
"...doesn't really qualify as an emergency."
"I was in the middle of sewing a very complex appliqué..."
"And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter."
"Now we'll have to start stories..."
"Why would you send all of us..."
"...an emergency text..."
"...for a guitar string?"
"Well, I was going to pony up..."
"...and show our fans some awesome guitar licks..."
"...but I kinda need all six strings to do it."
I think Sunset has one...
"But everyone finished practicing for the day."
"I'm pretty sure all the music rooms are locked."
"The acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power chords."
"I'll catch up in a bit."
"Dear Princess Twilight, how's life treating you in Equestria? Any cool new magic spells?"
"It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands. We still pony up when we play music, which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off..."
"...but I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sec. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."
Beep beep beep beep beep!
Ghostbusters called. They want their PKE meter back.
Is she doing parkour? Does she go to high school or military school?
Anyone else got a bad feeling about this?
"She was definitely doing something to the statue – or was going to."
"Do you think she came through the portal from Equestria?"
"No, I'm pretty sure I woulda noticed that."
"I think she was from over here."
"Well, that's a relief. The last thing we need is another magical so-and-so..."
"...bent on world domination comin' over from Equestria."
You know what I'm talkin' about.
You forgot to say, "No offense," AJ.
"Agreed. I have no interest in another fight..."
"...against the powers of evil magic."
"The wear and tear on my wardrobe is just too much to keep up with."
"Still, a mysterious figure snooping around the portal?"
"Don't you wanna know what she was up to?"
"[shudders] I don't even wanna guess."
"Well, you don't have to."
"Because I've totally figured out..."
"A nighttime statue cleaner?"
"A magical portal maintenance maintainer?"
"...they got off a bus from the city..."
"...and got back on a bus headed to the city..."
"Yep. With the Friendship Games starting tomorrow..."
"...they'd totally try to prank us by defacing the Wondercolts statue."
"Why would anyone take a bus..."
"...all the way from the city for that?"
"Because the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are our biggest rivals?"
"Because that's just what the students at Crystal Prep would do?"
"Because even though they beat us in everything —"
You think that's bad, wait until you see what happens in Act VI.
"Seems kinda silly to me."
"So I guess you think the Friendship Games are silly, too."
"Well, it's not like we'll be fighting the powers of evil magic."
"No. We'll be fighting against a school full of meanies."
"Not everything has to be magical to be important."
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"I know it's a big deal."
"That's putting it mildly, darling."
"They're still revamping the playing field in preparation."
"I just don't understand why there's this big rivalry. Aren't the 'Friendship Games' supposed to be about our two schools getting along?"
"Well, it's kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything."
"This time, things are gonna be different."
The Friendship Games are here.
The Friendship Games are always the same EVERY year... nothing's really exciting about them.
"Since the games only happen every four years..."
"...I'm sure you're all curious what goes on."
"You mean other than us losing?!"
Congratulations, Mr. Sentry. You just earned yourself detention.
Please stop trying to help me, Pinkie.
"Oh dear. I do hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational!"
Guess what? I got a fever...
...and the only prescription is more bass.
Um... I'm pretty sure those are the wrong colors...
And Vinyl Scratch finally speaks. Too bad we can't hear her...
This face should be a meme...
We forgive you for what you did to us in the last film. Here, have some ears, Trixie.
Um... So this is a thing now, is it?
So much for your worry, huh, Rarity?
Is... no-one even slightly worried about the glowing mutant girl?
"Even I feel like we can win."
"I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!"
"Is anybody else wonderin' how Dash..."
"...ponied up without..."
"I know, right? It's probably because I'm so awesome!"
"I mean, you ARE awesome..."
"...but there's gotta be more to it than that, right? It just seems so random."
"Well, it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it."
"We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible."
"We don't want to be accused of cheating."
Rarity: "We don't need..."
"...magic to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers."
"Right on! Uh-huh! Yeah!"
"Still, the Friendship Games are serious business."
"We don't want any surprise, especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit."
"Perhaps you can get to the bottom of our magical development?"
"OK, anybody have any guesses on what the events are gonna be?"
"Pie eating? Cake eating?"
"They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field."
"You'd think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in."
"Anything? How will I ever pick the right outfit?"
"I really wanna help, but I think I better..."
"...go focus on figuring out why Rainbow Dash ponied up."
"Seems like she's got everything under control."
"Hey, Twilight. Haven't heard back from you yet."
"I guess you must be pretty busy with your role as princess..."
"...but I could really use your advice right now. You see, I've been given the job of keeping magic under control here at CHS..."
"...even though I still haven't quite wrapped my head around it."
"And now after seeing Rainbow Dash pony up the way she did, it makes me think her magic might be... changing."
"Everyone is looking to me to figure things out and I really don't wanna let them down..."
"...but I'm not sure I have enough experience with friendship magic to solve this."
Poor Sunset misses Twilight SO much, she looks like she's ready to cry.
So apparently, this world's Twilight believes
tacos have something to do with the magic?
"Spiiiiike?!" (
Pilot callback #1)
Is that the same ladybug from the first two movies?
Where'd it go, Spike? Where'd it go?
Wait- something's not right.
Inroducing: Dean Mi Amore Cadenza!
"Twilight, you know the rules against pets."
"Well, Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance."
"He's the focus of my research project."
"Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications."
"But Principal Cinch is highly allergic."
"So I suggest you put on a clean shirt."
"Because she wants to see you."
"Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!"
"I've been meaning to talk to you about that."
"Are you sure that's what you really want?"
"A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects?"
"What a dream come true!"
"But there aren't any classrooms with other students."
"You'll be doing everything on your own."
"That is why it's called an "independent study program"."
"I just don't want you to miss out on anything. That's all."
"Being around other people isn't a bad thing."
"Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself."
"Meet you in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?"
"What's she so worried about?"
"It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep."
In this shot, Fleur is looking ahead; in the final film she peers at Twilight.
Fleur is farther away than the scene in the final film.
Twilight walks into the camera in the final version.
The trailer version of this shot is flipped.
Not only is the trailer version of this shot flipped as well, but we can also hear Sci-Twi groaning, which doesn't end up in the film.
"I've walked through all these halls before"
"I've been in and out of every door"
"There's nothin' in this school..."
Fleur! What did you do that for?!
"In every class, my grade's the best"
"The highest score on every test"
"...it's time for me to go"
"And I just haven't found it yet"
"I know there's more that's out there"
"Another me I haven't met"
"This school is full of people"
"But still I don't belong"
"They only dream of winning"
"Look at me like something's wrong"
What did she ever do to you?!
"Maybe I'm better off alone"
"Will I find what I'm..."
"If I just do it on my own?"
"Something to fill this hole inside"
"I know there's more that's out there"
"And I'm not afraid to try"
"There's only so much this school can offer"
"And I'm not saying that it's wrong"
"But I know there's more that's out there"
"'Cause I've been searching all along"
"So much to learn, I can't see it all"
"There's somethin' out there..."
"That I can't wait to see"
"'Cause I know there's more..."
"Another place, another way"
"And I know there's more that's out there"
"And I'll find out someday!"
"I'll find out someday..."
Maybe she'll be gone soon...
"But...I didn't mean to cut in front."
"Well, it's too late now."
"Wrong answer! Try again!"
"With their reputation..."
"...not better than ours."
What to say, what to say...
"That was a really bad speech. You should consider not speaking in public."
This isn't music, this is torture!
Ooh, let's hope it's not heavy metal.
"I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition..."
"...because we would totally rock it!"
"...we're supposed to keep..."
"...magic out of the Friendship Games..."
Applying make-up after rehearsal.
"Easier said than done, darling."
"I'm sure in Equestria, magic does whatever you want." (Chaos is best magic)
"This isn't Equestria." (It's Sparta. :P)
"Well, when it comes to magic..."
"...I'm sure you'll figure it out."
"And while Sunset works on keeping the magic..."
"...I've been working on..."
"Rarity, what'd you go an' do?"
A wild costume rack appears!
Should I start another song?
"Well, I had a little time on my hands..." (Hey, this is blocking my view!)
"...and since..." (That's better! Arrrr!)
"...what the 'Friendship Games'..." (Another wild costume rack? Man, these things are everywhere!)
"...events are..." (What clothes did Rarity make for me?)
"...I made..." (Surprise!!)
"...for uniforms." (If only getting dressed worked that way...)
"You really didn't have to do that."
Rainbow seems uncomfortable here.
Is that Applejack's rack or Pinkie's?
"You really didn't have to."
Rarity can't take a hint.
"I can't believe our world's Twilight goes to Crystal Prep!"
"You're saying that Twilight's gonna play against us?"
"Our Twilight is a princess in Equestria..."
"...and an expert in friendship magic!" Calm down, Sunset.
"And if she was here, we'd have already figured out..."
"...why magic is randomly popping up during pep rallies and costume changes."
"Sorry. I'm just frustrated that I haven't heard back from her."
"She's a princess in Equestria."
"Probably got problems of her own to deal with."
"We certainly can't expect her to drop everything and pop through the portal whenever."
"Especially if it's to deal with something as minor as a few random pony-ups."
"Magic came into this world when I stole Twilight's crown."
"It's taken a lot for me to earn everyone's trust."
"If we have to forfeit the games because I can't think of a way to keep it under control..."
"Oh, Sunset, I'm sure you'll be able to figure things out."
"You're the one who helped us understand what was goin' on with the sirens. Remember?"
"I guess. But Twilight was the one who really figured out what we needed to defeat them."
"But don't you remember, darling? What we needed to defeat them..."
"Come on, guys! Let's see if we can find any info about the events and come up with a strategy."
"I'll...catch up with you guys in a bit."
"Maybe there's another way I could reach her." Don't do it, Sunset!
"Twilight, you have to check in with the others."
"Where's the portal?!?!" Epic Sunset Shimmer face.
Oh, it's the obligatory Sunset confronts the villain/heroine scene from the previous two movies.
What? No justification? Oh, never mind, our judge, Mrs. "Cold-as-ice" Cinch has no sympathy.
Will you look at that? Even Trixie feels sorry for poor Sunset. Diamond, not so much.
While Sunset is cheered on...
...Twilight is unappreciated.
"All I did was hand Twilight a bunny."
"Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits."
"Pinkie's when she fixed the party..."
"And then Twilight's pendant thingy just..."
"...pulled the magic right out of me."
"I couldn't even stand up."
"Or me right before we met Twilight!"
"So she's stealing magic?"
"I don't know. She doesn't seem like the magic-stealin' type."
"Yeah, but she had something to do with closing the portal."
"If her pendant can pull in magic, maybe it stole the portal, too."
"I don't know. And the pony or person or princess who could help me figure this out..."
"...is completely unreachable now."
"Which is too bad, because Twilight knows everything about magic..."
"...and magical portals..."
"...and portable magics!"
"For now, let's just focus on beating the Shadowbolts."
"And as long as this event puts me in a playing field..."
"I don't think we've got anything to worry about."
"Oh, it puts you on a playin' field, alright."
"Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?" (Sunset is basically speaking on the audience's behalf at this point.)
"I don't suppose you made motocross outfits." Motorcross? At a high school?!
"Oh, don't be ridiculous."
"You will race in pairs. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motocross."
"Yes!" Of course Indigo Zap would love this.
"Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have requested the short track."
"Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it."
"Twilight and Sour Sweet will start us off."
"Well, that's just marvelous!"
"If you wanna lose before we even start!"
"Given that Twilight won the last event single-handedly, I have every confidence that she will be able to pull her weight here."
"Welcome, everyone, to the..."
"...Friendship Games Tri-Cross Relay!"
"In this event, our qualifying competitors..."
"...and finally motorcross."
"...if the competitors are ready..." Where did Dean Cadance get that airhorn?
Dean Cadance! You almost made Principal Cinch deaf.
"Each competitor must hit..."
"...a bull's-eye before..."
"...next leg of the relay."
You can do it, Fluttershy!
Relax, Flutters...it's just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
Let me be your girlfriend, Applejack!
... the EQG equivalent of ...
... both Merida from Brave ...
... and Katniss Everdeen!
"And Canterlot is off to an early lead!"
"Well, that's just fantastic!"
"I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal Prep."
"If CPA can't hit another bullseye soon,"
"...they'll be out of this race."
"You're really bad at this!"
"Ugh! I can't take it anymore!"
Okay AJ, I'll hold your bow.
"Ya have to stop aimin' at the target."
"Oh, that makes perfect sense! Don't aim at the target! Thanks so much!"
"Ya have to stop aimin' at where the target is..."
"...an' aim at where the target's gonna be."
"Yeah! Definitely take advice from the person..."
"...you're competing against!"
"Do you wanna hit the bullseye or not?"
"And let the arrow go..."
"See? I was tellin' ya the truth."
"Is everybody all right?"
"...but somebody could've been seriously hurt."
"The magic is going haywire..."
"...and I have no idea how to fix it!" Calm down.
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
"I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school."
"I didn't know that it was magic or...how it works."
"That's okay. Neither do we." Don't get close Rainbow Dash!
"Oh, no! Oh, no no no! Not again!"
"I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on its own! But I'm not sure how!"
"What do you mean you don't know how?!"
O sleepless night part trois.
"It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear!"
"I don't know how that works either."
"Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?!"
"Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!"
"You're supposed to be so smart..."
"...but did you ever think that you shouldn't be messing around with..."
"...things you don't understand?!"
"But I wanna understand!"
"But you don't! And worst of all..."
"...you put the lives of my friends in danger!" It's like the Sunset in the first movie.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
That was so uncalled for, Sunset
"You can't possibly call that a fair race."
"Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened."
"You can't think CHS had some kind of advantage."
"Can't I? Even without your trained attack plants..."
"...your students have wings!"
"Well, the race certainly had some...extenuating circumstances."
"Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie."
"A tie? Was this your strategy all along?"
"To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not."
"The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your..."
"...antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on."
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this from happening."
"It's not your fault, Sunset."
"Isn't it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here."
"But I don't. I let everyone down."
"And now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating."
"It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."
"But it does. The students here at CHS don't just wanna win."
"They wanna beat Crystal Prep."
"It isn't gonna count if the other side doesn't really think they lost."
"Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there's magic around."
"And that magic is only around..."
♪ I realize that you've always been an outcast ♪
♪ It's not everyone at school who likes to think ♪
♪ To find a student that's like you ♪
♪ I've had one or maybe two ♪
♪ But the good ones disappear... ♪
♪ ...before I blink ♪
♪ Now, I understand you have your reservations ♪
♪ It's hard to have a brain as large as yours ♪
♪ But if we don't win these games ♪
♪ Well, I think I've made it plain ♪
♪ What will happen if we have the losing scores! ♪
♪ Unleash the magic
Unleash the magic ♪
♪ ...then you're to blame ♪
♪ They all have used it ♪
♪ So then why can't we do the same? ♪
♪ Call it power, call it magic ♪
♪ it will be tragic ♪
♪ More important is the knowledge we'll have lost ♪
♪ A chance like this won't come again ♪
♪ You'll regret not giving in ♪
♪ Isn't understanding magic worth the cost? ♪
♪ Unleash the magic
Unleash the magic ♪
♪ We're not friends here after all ♪
♪ Our only interest in this business ♪
♪ Is seeing Canterlot High School... ♪
♪ What I'm suggesting's very simple ♪
♪ And since it's win-win on all scores ♪
♪ You only want to learn about ♪
♪ The magic that you have stored ♪
♪ And as for me and all the others ♪
♪ We only want what we deserve ♪
♪ That our school will clinch the win ♪
♪ Unleash the magic
Unleash the magic ♪
♪ ...then it's a crime ♪
♪ But we can win it if you begin it ♪
♪ It's up to you to not fail this time ♪
♪ Imagine all I'll learn by setting it free ♪
"If both teams are ready..."
♪ And now winning these games depends on me ♪
♪ And what doors might open... ♪
♪ ...if I try to use it ♪
"The last event of the Friendship Games..."
♪ But the magic's what I really want to see ♪
"...understand magic before!"
Looks like she's opened a
Guess we'll have to wait for the season finale to find out where Berryshine is off to in such a hurry.
Sorry, Shoeshine. You've been traumatized for life.
"Anywhere to avoid that..."
"...MONSTER!!" (Miss Kettle. Mr. Pot called.)
"And I suggest you do the same!"
"There's a whole other.."
"...world right there..."
"...and it's just filled with magic!"
"But you're destroying this world to get it!"
"There's more magic there..."
"...and I want to understand it all!"
Oh, the humanity! And also the ponies!
"I know you feel powerful right now..."
"...like you can have everything you want!"
"I've been where you are."
"I made the same mistake you're making!"
"...and just like you..."
"...I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained."
"I thought it could get me everything I wanted."
"...I can have everything I want!"
"Even with all that magic and power..."
"...you'll still be alone!"
"True magic comes from..."
By their powers combined...
"I understand you, Twilight!"
"And I want to show you the most important magic of all..."
"The Magic of Friendship!"
One Shall Stand. One Shall Fall.
Have YOU let the love of Sunset Shimmer into your heart?
Daydream closes the tears.
No more Ms. Nice She-Demon!
Insert Dragon Ball Z quote here!
"Mwahahahahahahaha..." It's over!
Wha- - ..d'aww! (... no one can hate on Spike anymore ...)
Ple..ple..please. Don't hurt me.
"Take my hand, Twilight."
"Let me show you there's another way."
"Just like someone once did for me."
Twilight realizes both Daydream Shimmer and Spike have vanquished her nightmare side.
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."
"And going by my own experiences..."
"...they'll forgive you."
... AND best dog! All Spike-hate is invalid.
"...on behalf of Crystal Prep..."
"...I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!"
"Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time!"
"And it's certainly obvious that your students..."
"...have been using magic for their own benefit!"
"I'd like to think that..."
"...saving the world benefits us all."
"At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic..."
"...and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart..."
"...just to win a game." (Wow, looks like she picked up the technique from Pinkie.)
"That's a lot to take in when you say it all at once." (Says the one who says "Just a hunch")
"Nope, that's pretty much what happened."
Technically, Spike is right
"Actually, we're all to blame."
"...my students have been infected with your magic..."
"...but I plan on taking all of this up with the..."
"Good. I'm sure they would be very interested..."
"...in hearing about the magical students with wings."
"Oh, and the portals to different dimensions."
"And don't forget to tell them about the talking dog."
Principal Cinch, you got 'bested' by three princessess just now. So your arguments are invalid.
"'Cause that would never ruin your reputation."
Looks like you're outnumbered
She looks so much like Anger from Disney's Inside Out in this entire scene!
Cinch doesn't believe in friendship at all.
"Well, I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected."
"But given what we've all..."
"...just been through..."
"...to declare us all winners."
"You'd certainly be missed at Crystal Prep."
"But I think that's a great idea!"
"I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away."
"Still no word from Princess Twilight?"
"But I think I may have figured out how magic works in this world."
"We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves"
"I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers..."
"...that I gave up looking for them myself."
"I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world."
"But like Applejack said..."
"...Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria."
"We can't expect her to always be around to help us."
"It seems we have a new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!" (
Pilot callback #3)
"I'm not sure how much help I could be.
"But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance."
"I'm sure I can count on you girls..."
"...to help her feel at home."
Sporty Style Sunset Shimmer
Sporty Style Sunset Shimmer (film)
School Spirit Sunset Shimmer (film)
Canterlot High Sunset Shimmer
Sporty Style Applejack (film)
School Spirit Applejack (film)
Sporty Style Fluttershy (film)
School Spirit Fluttershy (film)
Sporty Style Pinkie Pie (film)
School Spirit Pinkie Pie (film)
Sporty Style Rainbow Dash
Sporty Style Rainbow Dash (film)
School Spirit Rainbow Dash (film)
Sporty Style Rarity (film)
School Spirit Rarity (film)
Sporty Style Sci-Twi (film)
Crystal Prep Sci-Twi (film)
Sporty Style Sour Sweet (film)
Crystal Prep Sour Sweet (profile)
Sporty Style Sugarcoat (film)
Crystal Prep Sugarcoat (profile)
Sporty Style Indigo Zap (film)
Crystal Prep Indigo Zap (profile)
Sporty Style Lemon Zest (film)
Crystal Prep Lemon Zest (profile)
Sporty Style Sunny Flare (film)
Crystal Prep Sunny Flare (profile)
Principal Cinch (profile)