Leaves, stick and a rock?
Losing focus has its consequences, and Spike learned the hard rock way.
Oh, it's just Pinkie wearing her umbrella hat as usual.
Pinkie Pie taking cover underneath a rock.
Pinkie in a perfectly still sitting position.
Pinkie Pie holding her twitchy tail.
That face tells something is gonna happen
Pinkie Pie senses a problem.
Sorta resembles how they MET, actually...
Spike's sort've scared of Pinkie's demeanor.
Fluttershy's got her work cut out for her, hauling all those frogs.
Fluttershy doesn't mind carrying frogs, though.
Pinkie Pie really knows how to make ANY hat look good!
Pinkie surprised by something!
"M-My Tail! Twitcha-Twitch!!!"
Pinkie with her tail up in the air.
Pinkie's afraid of her Pinkie Sense.
Twilight dazed in a ditch... Spike's pretty impressed.
Pinkie sense came through, so time to ditch the hat!
Look of sudden realization and fear from Applejack.
Uh-Oh, something's wrong.
Applejack taking cover under a fruit stand.
That hat's a bit soft to be of much use against falling objects, Applejack...
"Sorry about that sudden freak-out..."
Applejack trying to explain the Pinkie Sense to Twilight.
Applejack seems happy to explain things to Twilight.
Applejack can't express enough, the importance of the Pinkie Sense.
Twilight is about to get...
Twilight, Greenhooves is using Muddy Water on you.
Twilight, there's an alligator in the tub!
And that's how unicorns were endangered!
Twilight freaking out over Gummy
Don't be silly, Gummy has no teeth.
This is Gummy, isn't he the cutest?
Gummy loves cotton candy.
Pinkie: What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?
Here is a literal soapbox for spontaneous speech.
Clearing throat in a condescending way.
Magic A Is Magic A, in Twilight's theory. (Where is the soap store's owner?)
Twilight about to enter library, skeptical about Pinkie's Wrong Context Magic.
Spike beeps when walking backwards.
Twilight learnt the hard way that law of commutativity does not hold for a combo.
Not even science can explain Pinkie logic.
Twilight slammed in door again.
Twilight: Urgh! This is ridiculous! This can't be happening!
While Twilight is busy stalking.
Twilight's giving Spike a Mission Briefing.
Would you mind being quiet, Spike?
Pinkius Pieicus is on the move!
Observing Pinkie Pie in her habitat; Pinkie's just rolling around.
See, nothing wrong with the barn door.
Cellar door is a door too.
Pinkie Pie notices her tail is cotton candy.
Hit in the head by a pot...
...and a piano? Whatever next?
A Pegasi movers' truck. How convenient... NOT!
For shame, Muffins! You've nearly killed Celestia's protégé!
Applejack shows off her... apple balancing skills.
Applejack cheerfully carrying a bucket of apples.
Pinkie tells Applejack that she's letting Twilight follow her.
There is nothing worse than a friend already knowing that you were stalking her.
Pinkie doesn't seem to understand Twilight's frustration...
Pinkie, it's best you stay away from Twilight for now.
Oh no! Pinkie is VIBRATING!
Pinkie Pie, doing her stuff.
Thinking about dear poor Fluttershy.
Spike is seemingly worried.
A spontaneous explosion theory pops up!
"Fluttershy go BOOM! Again!"
Spike scurries forward through the forest, with the others.
Twilight: Aha! I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right.
Look out behind you, Twilight!!
Shot of the 4 heads of the Hydra.
You were supposed to roar with your other heads, stupid hydra head.
What the - What is that thing?!?!?!
Applejack stands before a large gap in her path.
Twilight attempts to confuse the hydra as her friends anxiously watch her.
A literal leap of faith when forgetting her teleport magic.
Twilight on a bubble after the run from the hydra
Twilight bounces so hard that her extra tail is detached. (Animation error)
Hmm, Pinkie Pie, doesn't look so happy.
What do you mean that wasn't the doozy!?
Sorry, it wasn't the doozy
About to explode... (What? Twilight Sparkle is Evolving!)
Congratulations! Your Twilight Sparkle has evolved into Rapidash Sparkle!
Rapidash Sparkle: The Animated Version
I can't fight it any longer...
Twilight and Spike watching Pinkie.
Pinkie happily leads the way home.
Twilight learns her lesson.
Twilight talking to Pinkie.
About to send the report.
What could Spike be looking at?
Just dropping in...LIKE A BOSS!