Twilight doing the usual.
A nuisance much, Rainbow?
"Boy, will she be surprised!"
What how did you do that?
First time we see Twilight walking on clouds without the aid of magic.
I believe I can fall from a cloud and fly!
Rainbow seems very calm when she's falling without flying.
You worry too much Twilight.
"Twilight, not everypony gets all freaked out about tests like you."
"I do not get all freaked out about tests!"
"Your freakouts are so epic, you sing whole freakout arias about freaking out."
Hello! Does alicorn magic give you the power to walk on the ceiling?
*Facehoof* Twilight, not every pony is so eggheady.
...whether she likes it or not. (And clearly, she doesn't.)
I wasn't sleeping!! I mean, hello, Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: Always happy to preach and lecture.
What is this giant thing? a book, right? Right?
You know, this is too small to cram it all in there.
"With my handy-dandy
notebook study checklist!"
Cheesy transition count: 1
"Reading and highlighting is the foundation of any good study method."
"It allows the student to hone in and boil down on what's really important,..."
"...separating the good..."
Twilight's in the centerfold.
"Hey, I am not that tall!"
Sorry, I just wanted you to think it was funny.
Cheesy transition count: 2
Ms. Sparkle, I have a question.
"Can't we just watch the 'History of the Wonderbolts' movie?!"
"Prior to the great Celestia/Luna rift, there was no need for the Earth, Unicorn, Pegasi."
Oh goody! A way to ignore my teacher!
Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
"Headed by General Firefly..."
Pinkie Pie would be proud of such clowning.
"Everypony was so filled with amazement and wonder..." How could Twilight not hear this?
"...that General Firefly dubbed them..."
"The Wonderbolts." Wonder how much magic it took to do that?
Hey, guys! You've been caught!
You're on your own, Dash.
"Can you repeat any of my lesson?!"
Would've been funnier if it was a whoopee cushion.
Cheesy transition count: 3
"Let's move on to my favorite style of learning..."
"Oh, does that mean I'll learn..." (zip!)
So how was Dashie able to make that spit wad with such big hooves?
"Well, if you can horse around like this, then you clearly must be ready for the test."
"I guess you're also ready for a..."
So now Twilight can teleport and fly at the same time.
"The initials E.U.P. stand for what?"
"Ernie's undercooked pancakes."
"The original aerial team performed for...?"
"Celestia's cereal celebration."
"The Wonderbolts were given their name by this famous Pegasus."
""Please don't say Colonel Waffle."
"Hello? General Blazing Donut Glaze!"
"So, did I ace it or what?"
"You didn't get one answer correct!"
"I've never heard answers so wrong!"
"And so breakfast-related!"
she gets the seriousness of the situation!
Well there is something to worry about after all.
"And it's all your fault!"
"My fault?! I'm the one helping you!"
"Maybe your famous study methods aren't all they're cracked up to be..."
"Excuse me, I've used them to study for many a test and passed!"
"Do you know the name of the premiere Wonderbolts choreographer?"
"Commander Easyglider!" (1 point for Twilight)
"Do you know how many Pegasi flew in the original squad?"
"Seven!" (Another point for Twilight)
"Do you know Princess Celestia's favorite flight pattern?!"
"See? could pass the test." (Twilight - 3, Rainbow Dash - 0)
"Fine! Rub it in, why don't ya?"
"Besides, I don't see why I have to take this lousy test anyway."
"I've proven I'm one of the best flyers around."
"Knowing their origin and being able to properly represent them for all of Equestria is just as important."
"Yeah, right. Some history buff like you must have made that up to bring us flyers down."
"Knowing history actually is beneficial, Rainbow."
"Beneficial for eggheads!" (That's Princess Egghead to you!)
"Well, this egghead knows history and can fly. Maybe I should become a Wonderbolt."
"Just because you have wings doesn't mean you can fly!"
"You're barely able to just get off the ground!" (Now you're going too far, Rainbow Dash)
That does it! I'm gonna rip your wings off!
"Now, is that any way to talk to a friend?" (She's right, is this anyway to behave?)
"Whoa your woes there, woeful."
Beatboxing seems redundant since she's already got a good beat backing her up.
Vinyl Scratch scratchin' some vinyl.
Well, back in ancient times... (Looks 90's)
There were the Wonderbolts of old...
A general named Firefly, amazing and so...
She brought them all together, spreading unity...
The Doctor is in...indahouse, dat is.
DJ Pon-3 getting into the '80s hip hop groove.
The Dynamic Duo of MC Pinkie and DJ Pon-3.
Pretty fly for a Pinkie Pie!
Hearing Dashie try to rap is hilariously cute.
I've heard better rhymes from a bologna sandwich.
"That...was pretty terrible."
Whatcha lookin' at, Dashie?
The Cutie Mark Crusaders off to their next crusade.
What's that
pony doing in the Pinkiecopter?
Whoa! She really did save my life!
You really need to know how to multitask.
This reference will probably go over the young ones' heads. Do they even remember VCRs?
They look pretty sugar buzzed.
In case the barn comes down a fifth time.
Time for Detective Pinkie to do some work!
Gonna cheer up the Dashie.
Okay, everypony, get ready!
"Read any good books lately?"
"You can't give up on your dream!"
"She doesn't know my real plan.."
Wait a minute! What did I just say?!
Rainbow successfully summarizing the history of the Wonderbolts!
A True friend helps a friend in need~!
Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Twily?
There's that dated reference again.