"Now what have we learned?"
"Screaming and hollering"
Rainbow Dash goes over the elements of a good cheer with Fluttershy.
"So now that you know the elements of a good cheer...
"You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder!"
Fluttershy about to inhale.
Fluttershy inhaling deeply in an attempt to give a loud cheer.
Rainbow Dash on top of a cloud.
Fluttershy watches from below.
She's so fast, she leaves a rainbow trail behind her.
The flowers getting swayed by Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash, speeding on phase 2.
Rainbow Dash, dashing passed trees.
Rainbow Dash's sheer speed flying past Fluttershy
Rainbow twirls the clouds
Time for phase three, the Sonic Rainboom!
Rainbow Dash tries to get her speed up.
She knows this can't end well.
If she's trying to increase her speed to do the Sonic Rainboom, why isn't she flapping her wings?
"Thank you so much for helping me clean up all these books, guys."
The clouds before they clear, to show Rainbow Dash.
Result of the Sonic Failboom
Fluttershy upon the window sill.
"Did my cheering do that?"
"Actually, it wasn't all bad. I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin."
Rainbow Dash accusing Fluttershy of a feeble cheering performance.
Pinkie explaining the Best Young Flyer competition.
"And some are graceful..."
"Ooh, I'd love to see you make a sonic rainboom!"
"What's a 'Sonic Rainboom'?"
Twilight asks what a sonic rainboom is, and Pinkie tells her, "You really need to get out more."
"The sonic rainboom is legendary! When a Pegasus like Rainbow Dash gets going soo fast..."
Bouncy, Pinkie Pie, leaping off the walls!
"BOOM! A sonic boom and a rainbow can happen all at once!"
A, very bouncy Pinkie Pie.
"And Rainbow Dash here's the only pony to ever pull it off."
"It was a long time ago. I was just a filly."
"Yeah, but you're gonna do it again, right?"
Rainbow Dash is uncertain when Pinkie asks her that.
"A-are you kidding? I'm the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale! I could do sonic rainbooms in my sleep!"
"The grand prize is an entire day with The Wonderbolts. A whole day of flying with my life-long heroes..."
"It'll be a dream come true!"
"I'm gonna go rest up. Don't want to over-prepare myself, you know."
"You, on the other hand..."
"...better keep practicing!"
I need a cheering section to match my spectacular performance!
Fluttershy is unsure, if she could scream loud enough to help Dash.
"She was tootin' her own horn louder then the brass section of a marching band!"
Bump! Rarity shoves Twilight with her butt to find a solution to the flight-less ponies' problem in reaching Cloudsdale. Rarity really wants to help Rainbow Dash.
Seems like Applejack still doubts Pinkie.
Twilight casting a very difficult spell on Rarity to give her wings
During the transformation- before everything goes black.
During the transformation...
I just don't know what'll go wrong
The amazing city in the sky, Cloudsdale.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
"Ask her about the sonic rainboom!"
Sorry...I'm trying to be more assertive...
Anyway she is going to do a sonic rainboom
Rainbow Dash doubtfully listens to Fluttershy's ineffective consolation.
Fluttershy is always quiet, but now she's speechless!
Aren't my wings smashing?
Rainbow and Fluttershy are amazed by Rarity's wings.
Pinkie smiling like always.
Applejack and Twilight are also ready for a cloud walk.
Cart-wheeling on a cloud, looks like fun.
Only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds...
Rarity admiring her new wings
Applejack following Twilight.
The front of a boutique in Cloudsdale.
The Pegasus workers stop to admire Rarity.
See? We can walk in Cloudsdale...
Fluttershy, happily walking on clouds.
This is secretly Rainbow Factory.
Why snowflakes are all so special
The group watch as the snowflakes are being made.
Rarity produces turbulence inadvertently from her wings. Note the tetragonal snowflake.
♪ This is where ra-ainbows a-all are born...
Rainbow pools in Cloudsdale.
Pinkie dips her hoof into a pool and tastes it.
Pinkie starts to get the feeling tasting the rainbow wasn't such a good idea after all.
Wishing somepony else is green with envy!
Pinkie discovers why it's a bad idea to taste the rainbow.
Pinkie's face turns the colors of the rainbow!
What, is Pinkie Pie channeling Robin Williams?
That's stuff from my nightmares.
The rainbow must be supernova spicy because Pinkie is the same pony who eats her cupcakes with hot sauce.
Applejack laughs a bit, but Twilight keeps snickering after that.
Rarity's wings just seem to impress everyone.
"Oh, they were just admiring my wings, Rainbow Dash."
Basking in her own glory.
Fluttershy tactfully suggests that they go and see the cloud manufacturing process.
The ponies being lead through the Weather Factory.
So that is how clouds are made!
"Oh, how can you ask me to put away perfection?"
That laugh, it's going to haunt me forever
What? Rarity is joining the competition?
"What am I gonna do?" (Animation error: Applejack and Twilight are shown without white caps)
The floating cloud colosseum where the Best Young Flyers competition is held.
Looks like Dr. Hooves regenerated again...
Hold on, I'm going to be a while!
Rainbow Dash spots her friends. Also note
Lyra Heartstrings near the upper right corner.
Pinkie Pie...What is that?
Make an amazing entrance.
Nervous as she is, The Wonderbolts' performance always places a smile on her face.
Spitfire and the other two Wonderbolts.
Caramel? What are you doing here?
"I'm number four, and I need just one more itsy-bitsy minute. Be a dear and have somepony go ahead of me, hmm?"
But, I still have to go on!
"Hmm.. Wonder how come we haven't seen Rainbow Dash or Rarity yet? The competition's almost over."
Rainbow Dash is now just frozen with fear.
Don't look at the costume, you'll go blind if you look at the costume
A nervous Rainbow Dash comes out.
"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of changing our music."
"That "rock and roll" doesn't really match my wings."
Is she serious? I'm nervous!
Today's weather calls for, lovely blue skies with a couple clouds.
The nerves get her in the first stage of her performance...
"Look! Phase 2 is working!"
...and in the second stage as well...
Oh boy, that almost hit Princess Celestia.
...while Rarity gets it spot on
Readying herself for the last part where she will fly up to the sun.
Come on Rainbow, you can do this!
Flight of the two elements.
Dashie! Dashie! Basara! Basara!
Pinkie's tail should be twitching about now.
"I. Am. Rarity!" (she certainly is)
Rarity finishes on a high...
Fellow ponies enjoy Rarity's wings of sunlight
Now I know how Icarus felt.
Dashing after a falling Rarity.
The Wonderbolts to the rescue!
Weirdest falling expression?
Soarin diving to save Rarity.
Great, four rescue situations for the price of one.
Rainbow Dash hears Rarity scream.
Forget the show, I need to save my friend!
Dashing down to save Rarity.
Fluttershy can't bear to watch her friend fall to her death far below.
Four of the Mane 6 watching the Sonic Rainboom.
She's going so fast, she needs to close her eyes.
Rainbow Dash charging for the sonic rainboom
Rainbow Dash trying to catch up with the falling ponies.
About to perform the Sonic Rainboom!
She did it! A Sonic Rainboom!
A spectacular rainbow is performed.
Turns out a sonic rainboom is even more colorful than what Rarity had in mind!
Fluttershy jumps up and down and screams, "SHE DID IT!"
Rainbow Dash to the rescue!
Hang on tight, Rarity! It's gonna be quite a ride!
Rainbow Dash saves Rarity and the Wonderbolts!
Rainbow Dash is the hero of the hour.
Cloudsdale gets illuminated by Rainbow Dash's rainbow.
Rainbow Dash, with Rarity and the Wonderbolts.
Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight cheering for Rainbow.
Grateful for her victory.
Rainbow Dash with tears in her eyes.
Rarity thanking Rainbow for saving her life. (How did you get up there,
Rainbow Dash's beautiful rainbow over Cloudsdale.
Rarity apologizing to her friends.
"And I'm especially sorry that I was so thoughtless as to jump into the contest at the last minute after you had worked so hard to win it. Can you ever ever forgive me?"
Rainbow wishes she could have meet the Wonderbolts when they were awake.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gooosh!
The Wonderbolts thanking Rainbow Dash, much to her surprise.
Princess Celestia arrives alongside her guards.
Celestia with the Mane six.
Rarity feels sorry for jumping into the competition at the last minute.
"Princess Celestia, I am sorry I ruined the competition. Rainbow Dash here really is the best flyer in Equestria."
I'm so proud of you, Rainbow Dash.
The best thing about winning the Best Young Flyer competition isn't receiving an award from Princess Celestia, it's showing everypony online that I did.
Rainbow Dash winning the competition
"Have you learned about friendship from this experience?" Twilight: "I did, Princess, but I think Rarity learned even more than me."
"I certainly did. I learned how important it is to keep your hooves on the ground, and be there for your friends."
Today is a day to remember!
Her crown is 20% more awesome than Celestia's.
The two stallions who made fun of Rainbow Dash.
The bullies apologize to Rainbow Dash about before and want to hang out with her...
...too bad she's got plans with the Wonderbolts!