My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Episode gallery
Previous To Change a Changeling
Episode Daring Done?
Next It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
Episode transcript

Prologue: The Ponyville Chronicle[]

Visiting A. K. Yearling[]

Daring Do's "wake of destruction"[]

The village of Somnambula[]

The Get On Inn / Daring Do, the glowpaz thief[]

Congregation by the broken statue[]

The legend of Somnambula[]

Somnambula vs. the Sphinx / Hope[]

Ruined reputation / Captured by Caballeron[]

Chase to the pyramid[]

Daring Do's leap of faith[]

Foiling Dr. Caballeron's scheme[]

Epilogue: Holding on to hope and faith[]
