Rainbow trail in the sky.
Wait a minute, I thought
Derpy was the mail pony!
Did she just drop all those fliers? She's gonna get a ticket for littering.
Apparently, Derpy can read.
Fluttershy staring at paper.
Fluttershy is scared of the paper.
The shy pony loses interest quickly.
Ponyville's local mule returns!
Pegasi arriving to the meetup.
Sorry George Hoofington, no Fluttertree for you!
A simple diagram of rain in Equestria
Wow, this video looks like it's older than My Little Pony itself
Cloudsdale's lifelong mission...
... is to make rainwater for all of Equestria.
Where does water come from?
...to create a tornado...
...to send water to Cloudsdale.
So the next time you ask where the rain comes from...?
...and there goes the film.
Hey, what happened to the film?!
The time of the year has come where we need to bring water...
Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts will be supervising!
Fillydelphia broke the record last year...
Fluttershy feeling uncomfortable.
*Cough* But I have feather flu!
"Nopony's getting sick on my watch!"
How in Equestria can he fly with those tiny wings?
The most beautiful stallion of Ponyville.
The ponies, all prepping.
"Nice flexibility, Cloudchaser. A little too much flexibility, Blossomforth..."
"Let's see some faster trotting, Thunderlane!"
"Good pace, Silverspeed!"
How did Rainbow blow that whistle without hooves?
Rainbow, supervising the pegasi training.
Wings used as hooves are a common sight in this episode.
"Come out! You're avoiding tornado duty and I wanna know why!"
"Fluttershy, what happened to you?"
Looking cute as she faints.
What's soaking wet and clueless?
Your face! (Nice try, Fluttershy)
Fluttershy's mane looks nice.
Ow, my wing looks like I hurt it.
She's pretending her wing is hurt, like another Pegasus I know.
Pony Shrug is now canon! (You really need some acting lessons from Rarity, Fluttershy.)
"C'mon now, what's going on."
Fluttershy acting dramatic.
"Before it hit the ground!"
You remember when we were fillies.
"Back when I was just a filly..."
"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"
"Suck it up Fluttershy!!"
Rainbow Dash realizes her behavior is out of place.
Come on Fluttershy, I have faith in you.
Rainbow Dash flies away in despair.
Uh, Rainbow. She did not say that!
What did I get myself into?
Twilight, proudly telling the pegasi what the machine is.
Sounds too complicated, apparently.
"It measures your wing power."
"Is that you again, Thunderlane?"
What's this floaty thingy?
That should be Blossomforth, not me.
What are you looking at?!
Blossomforth: The Toy that became a Pony
Oh yeah you know Rainbow is ready to DASH!!
She went so fast her whistle and cap fell off!
No sonic rainboom yet, but very close.
Fluttershy: Pony in the headlights moment.
Twilight Sparkle's Lesson Zero madness almost returned!
That Pegasus sure knows how to fly.
My wings, better not fail me.
Fluttershy is still nervous
Come on, Fluttershy, just fly.
We're watching you, Fluttershy.
Flitter and Cloudchaser laughing.
Her Thinking About The "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"Oh, no...
They're laughing, at me..
"What are you looking at,Fluttershy"
Hmm, let' see Fluttershy's result.
Uhhh...why are you looking at me like that?
Whisper, whisper... wait, what!
Oh look its Fluttershy and she's approaching us in a slow scary way.
"Congratulations, Fluttershy."
Rainbow Dash looks like she's lying.
".5? Isn't that like, less than one?"
POW! From where Spike is getting hit it should be enough to knock him out.
You can't look, Twilight!
Fluttershy thinking about "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!" Again In her head
Pinkie Pie: I'll be watching you...FOREVERRR!!!
So some punks poked a little fun at you and you got stage fright, big deal.
You aren't gonna go quit just because of that, are you?
"Hold for a dramatic pause."
Fluttershy's gotten to the point of tears.
"No, Fluttershy. Please don't..."
All it took were some blades of sticky grass to ruin the sad moment into hilarity.
This is kinda like Snow White.
Ooh, they all laughed at me!
Fluttershy has some nice sweatbands.
Rocky IV training montage with Angel serving as the coach.
How come only Angel serves as coach? What do the other rabbits do?
Well, she went fast enough to punch through a tree...
But she's still not strong enough to beat a butterfly in tug-of-war?
Fluttershy gracefully flying through dandelions.
Angel roleplaying as Coach Rainbow Dash.
He's a real cutie in this episode, isn't he?
Angel Bunny is best coach.
How exactly do these animals hold up those pony masks.
You like me! You really like me!
Angel cheering for Fluttershy.
Fluttershy's animal friends cheering.
Fluttershy in full glory.
"This is crazy awesome!!"
Squirrel: You understand me, right? The other female character with no fingers who was voiced by Tara Strong does
"Do I look like I speak squirrel?"
Well...Good thing the squirrel isn't delivering a message of life and death.
"Two point three? Two point three!?"
I have a zipper-lip spell and I'm not afraid to use it, Spike.
Today's the big day, ladies!
I'm just waving because I don't know how I got here.
Rainbow's growing pretty serious now.
Rainbow Dash sure looks excited holding that whistle.
Rainbow Dash getting ready to blow her whistle.
Rainbow Dash is determined.
"He's at a hospital, and so are seven more."
Sorry fandom, it looks like Twilight is the one with the
abacus and not Princess Luna, which is much to Rainbow's surprise.
How can he possibly fly with those wings and that weight?
Great, now we're all going to be trees!
That had to mildly hurt...
Twilight is now the cuter one.
Twilight is too serious to lie.
Remind you of Lesson Zero?
"You gotta help me, Twilight."
Is that all he ever says? "YEAH!!"
It appears she's reached her decision.
The tornado blows Angel away...
...but the tornado sucks Fluttershy in?
Still not used to these levels of speed.
Rainbow Dash glad to see Fluttershy.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash want YOU to join the Mare Force!
"She's surpassed her best wing power number!"
Fluttershy has a flashback to the horrors of flight camp...
...but she's determined to put her demons behind her.
Spitfire is amazed by the sudden increase of power
We did it! Every pony do the Pegasus Stomp!
Still hasn't noticed the other pegasi stopped.
"Woah, girl, take it easy!"
"Are we doing it again? Oh boy!"
Gimme some wing, bestfriend!
"Nice job, Rainbow Dash."
"I bet Fluttershy could do a better job..." (*head doink*)
"But you showed a lot of guts."
Rainbow Dash points out that Fluttershy is her best flyer.
All's well that ends well.
Rainbow Dash and Spitfire
Waving to her animal friends.
Ponies after an amazing day.
Cloudsdale produces its first clouds.