It's Nightmare Night, the holiday which Fluttershy really hates the most, because it's so scary!
Is the mare in the picture a relative of hers?
Wait, is she preparing for the Zombie Pony Apocalypse?
"I won't have to step a hoof..."
"...until this whole thing is over."
"You don't have any carrots?"
♩ "For then is the ghosts' high noon/Ha ha/High noo-o-o-o-oon/For then is the ghosts' high noon!" ♩ -- Gilbuck and Sullimane, Runninghorse
That's actually quite cute, not scary.
Whew! Nothing scary...Nothing...
But Fluttershy, one of your friends is a spider.
Okay...maybe not so cute.
Uh, Granny Smith, you do know who you're talking to, right?
I'm outta here! It's too scary!
"What got stuck in her craw?"
Wait, was that dangling sign always there?
Oh, Fluttershy! It's only Spike!
"Oh...I'll take your word."
Huh? What's going on up there?
"And suddenly, they realized..."
Not bad for a beginner. You had us scared for a minute. Now, let's try to make ourselves REALLY scream!
Wait! Did we just hear Fluttershy?
Fluttershy! What are YOU doing here?
Yay! Fluttershy's gonna join us for Nightmare Night!
Loving this mischievous side of the Crusaders. Also, Apple Bloom is a platypus.
They don't do much.Skatey Pie and Twilight Spartan.
Astro Dash and Applelion.
Talk about ironic. Applejack is not one known for "lion".
Where's your costume, Fluttershy?
RD, that's the Elvira look; simple, yet spooky!
"You're a robber escaping into the night!"
"You're a ninja escaping into the night!"
"You're a black licorice escaping into the night!"
"Welcome to Fluttershy's tea party!"
"Did she just say "tea party"?"
"It sounds like it's a scary tea party?"
"You're a terrible host!"
"Rarity, put your coat on!"
"You need to cover up because no one has complimented your dressssssss!"
"Pinkie Pie, look to your left and ask your best friend to pass the cucumber sandwiches!"
"That's right. Because she didn't care to show uuuuuup."
"A friend who didn't come through. That must scare you to the coooore."
"Quick, everypony, look behind you!"
"They're unplanned guests. Your woooorst nightmare. You don't have enough food for them!"
"There's a tiny kitten that needs a home!"
"But you are over-scheduled right now. You don't have time to help!"
"I said, "You don't have time to help!""
"This should appear to scare you!"
Fluttershy is scary cute here.
"Why don't you look terrified? You showed up to a party and everypony was extremely disappointed in you."
"Can you imagine anything more upsetting?"
"It was a really good try, darling, but the scares at Nightmare Night are of an entirely different nature."
"It was really creative, though. I never would have thought of..."
"Oh, I'm just not cut out for this."
"Oh, no. We couldn't possibly."
"You have to. This is the night you look forward to all year."
"It's okay. I really want you all to have fun."
"This is how I spend every Nightmare Night."
"Please go. I'll be fine."
"Eh, it's funny. I actually thought she had an idea for something really scary for a second there."
"She definitely tried her hardest."
"I suppose I could have gone with something a bit scarier."
"You're right! I've been taking baby steps!"
"I think it's time for grown up ones!"
"I don't suppose you have any ideas how I could do that?"
It seems that Angel has the idea for that.
"Everypony's linin' up for the corn maze, y'all! Let's go!"
"Oh, yeah! I can't believe we're finally doin' this!"
"It's a good thing Fluttershy isn't here because she would never be able to handle this!"
"Eeyup." (Bravo, Big Mac. Bravo.)
"Looks like a bunch of dried sticks painted white to me."
"Hey, try to keep up the illusion, would ya?"
"Uh, o-of course I do. It was, uh..." (Element of honesty, everyone.)
We know that Flutters' dust is shaped like a chicken because of her cowardice. But why did the rest of the Mane Six leave behind locks and keys? (The "locks" at least
look familiar.)
"Fluttershy had a point with the layers on the dress."
Awww, Spike saved his mare.
"Is it a tunnel? Where does it lead?!"
"Which way are we supposed to go now?!"
"Uh, I don't know! I don't know what's goin' on!"
"What do you mean? Didn't you help plan this?"
"Whew. There's Granny Smith."
"Not that I was ever scared, 'cause I wasn't."
"I'm a pretty good actress when I wanna be."
"Applejack, didn't you know about any of this?!"
"Alright, I got to admit I didn't know about any of this..."
"...but maybe they're just tryin' to make it interestin' for me, too!"
I'm sure Granny Smith or Big Mac is behind this."
"Are those peeled grapes or eyeballs starin' at ya from beyond the grave?"
HA! Those eyeballs are fake!
Ha ha ha! Great joke, Granny Smith!
"That's what we were supposed to do!"
"I don't know why we're down here! This is really scarin' me now!"
Did Rarity clone herself or something?
I hear horrific laughing!
My, what sharp teeth you have!
Good thing she got the fake head.
Now they're really scared!
I must have gone too far.
"It was you the whole time?!"
"It was way more terrifying..."
"...than the most terrifying thing..."
"...I could have thought of!"
"You out-nightmared the scariest part of the corn maze!"
"How did you do all this?!"
"After you left, I realized that I wasn't ready to give up on Nightmare Night."
"So I asked Granny Smith if I could try to make the maze even scarier for my friends."
"You came up with all of this?"
"Angel was the scary figure that kept scurrying after you in the maze."
Angel makes a cute Bunnicula.
"Fuzzy Legs made the sticky wall that made it difficult for you to see and move."
"And, of course, Harry was the especially scary monster."
"Wow! That was inspired!"
"You have to do this every year!"
"We could celebrate Nightmare Night together every year."
"...the truth is I really don't want to."
"You found a way that we can all have a fabulous time together."
"Yes, but I've also realized something."
"You all may love Nightmare Night..."
"...and I may be good at being a part of it..."
"...but it's no fun for me to see my friends feel like they're in danger, even if I know they're not."
"I really don't like it. It's just not my cup of tea."
"No. Just regular tea." (I take mine decaf, thank you very much.)
"We do lots of fun things together, but I'm afraid this just isn't gonna be one of them."
"Actually, I'm not afraid."
"I'm perfectly fine with it."
"I don't know why I doubted myself for a second."
"Now this is what I call a perfect Nightmare Night."