This guy is not serious. Nope.
You'd better think before you laugh at the Pink!
Do I look like I'm in the mood of smiling?
You better stop that, Fluttershy..
Let me think about that...hmmm...nope, haha
"Uh...Rarity? This here diamond of yours?"
"Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together."
It really is just a boulder, Rarity..
Don't you come try to steal Tom!
Karate Rarity, do not touch Tom!
Girls! Why are you acting like this?
I'm laughing at you,whatcha' gonna do Pinkie?
"Stop it, Discord! You're not playing fair!"
"I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met."
"I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony."
"How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?!"
"How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?"
Twilight and Discord in a flashback.
"I never said they were in the labyrinth."
"Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle."
"Maybe the magic of friendship can help you."
"Now if you excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak."
"Chocolate milk? I hate chocolate milk!"
"Think, Twilight, think! "Find the Elements back where you began." Back where you began."
Rarity's stone is highly wanted it seems
"Home! Back where you began!"
"I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant."
Twilight getting run over by a bunny stampede
"Good boy,
Angel! Mama's so proud.."
"I can see so much better now."
Applejack is best koopa shell
Whoa, careful there Twilight.
Do you like it? I'm going for the Capital of Chaos
"This may look like fun, but it's not."
The new Chaos Capital of the world!
Like a pony doll in Discord's grasp!
"I can't picture anything. It's too dark."
"Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not."
Discord leaps away in a flash of light.
"Not if I have anything to say about it."
"Don't worry, you won't."
"Okay, we're here. Everyone please, please, please just go inside, please?"
I absolutely refuse to enter!
Fluttercruel crushing Twilight's flowers.
Crushing Twilight's flowers (animated)
"Forget it, Twilight. I know what you're up to."
"The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!"
So you've named your rock "Tom"?
"Well, it's not going to work."
Twilight is baffled to see everypony turning grey
No way, I'm leaving precious Tom alone.
"You're not going in without him, are you?"
Twilight slouching back to the library.
Spike sleeping on the job.
"Why'd you do that for, Fluttershy?"
Confused by Fluttershy's sudden behavior
"Careful, Twilight! You'll ruin his beautiful finish."
"Why's everybody look so..."
"I need you to help me find something."
"Hey, Twilight, what's soaking wet and clueless?"
"Fluttershy, I've had just about enough..."
You didn't expect that, Twilight?
"Your face!" At least she is kind enough to give her a hat.
"I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike."
"We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before..."
"...somepony does something she'll regret."
"Fluttershy, you'd better give me that book!"
Gimme that book, Fluttershy!
You have made me very angry...VERY angry indeed!
You think that bust is going to stop me?!
Where is she, where's Rarity?
Big ball of violence (with an inexplicable That Poor Cat)
"This is my book. And I'm going to read it!"
The number one and loyalest assistant.
She's surprised by something.
The Elements of Harmony found in a place of all places.
Twilight is happy to see the Elements. If only she had figured out the riddle earlier...
"See girls? We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!"
"I never thought it would happen. My friends..."
"...have turned into complete jerks!"
"Come on everypony, let's go!"
"But Twilight, aren't you missing somepony?"
"Nope. We've got the liar"...
"But what about Rainbow Dash?" (You mean the Turncoat?)
Congratulations, Spike. You're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!
"B-b-but what if she finds out I've been impersonating her? [moan] That won't end well."
Ooh, that must be painful for Spike.
"Look out! Here comes Tom!"
Nice entrance there, Tom.
Seems you have found the Elements of Harmony!
"Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!"
"I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate."
"I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies."
Let's just get this over with.
"Rainbow Dash, get over here."
It is time to stare the cockatrice in the eye.
Pinkie, are you copying Fluttershy's Element?
Twilight goes into the Avatar State.
What could have been the end of chaos...
...becomes what would be the end of their friendship.
"Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours."
"I hate the Elements of Harmony!"
"Sorry, Twilight. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library."
"Good luck with all this-"
Googly eye powers, ACTIVATE!
"Oh sorry, Rainbow Crash!"
"Discord rules, Celestia drools."
Excuse me while I continue my reign of chaos!
"It's your fault it didn't work!"
"Any of you! ALL OF YOU! I'm outta here!"
"I better go, too. I've got new better friends waiting for me at the farm."
"Yeah! I'm sick of you losers."
"With friends like you, who needs...enemies?"
Twilight Sparkle turns into Twilight Tragedy AKA the Drained.
It was a sad day for Ponyville.
That terrible feeling deep inside of me. What is it that I am missing?
The return of the "Bunny Stampede"
Silly buffalos as ballerinas.
There goes the fourth wall!
You don't see pies floating up everyday.
Screwball randomly floating by and swiveling her hoof.
"Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did."
Pepper, something that will give you allergies.
Berryshine sneezes so hard, the (fake) buildings fall down.
Oh, right in the funny-bones.
Why the long face, Twilight? (Get it, cause you're a... never mind.)
"Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things!"
"Pack your things, Spike, we're leaving."
"Don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here."
"Can't...move. The princess...has been sending these...since I came back upstairs."
Why would Celestia send all these back?
"Real friends don't care what your cover is. Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing."
"And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through."
"The best thing to do is stay true to yourself."
"Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them."
"Spike, it's all so clear!"
"Discord's trying to distract us from what's important."
"He knows how powerful our friendships are, ..."
"...and he's trying to keep us from seeing it."
"Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville?"
"I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends."
"But the opposite is true!"
"The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. And now they need to save it from Discord!"
What're you saying, Twilight?
"You're right, Spike. I've got to fight for my friendships."
Uh, there seems to be something wrong with Spike.
"Oh...uh...why don't you just stay here and rest?"
"I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself."
At least one good thing has come from Discord's influence, Granny Smith's hip is fixed!
"And so I tried to defeat Discord, but none of my so-called "friends" would lift a hoof to help me."
Applejack's reaction to Twilight's arrival
"Applejack, I'm here to fight for our friendship."
Twilight's best dog, Big McIntosh.
"Oh, now you want to fight. Where were you when I was battling Discord?"
"This isn't you! You're not a liar!"
Liarjack has now become Honestjack (or just plain old Applejack).
"I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies."
"Can you ever forgive me?"
From Fluttercruel to Fluttershy.
"I had the worst dream...."
After Avarity's transformation back to Rarity.
"Let us never speak of this again." Applejack's got plans...
After Meanie Pie's transformation to Pinkie Pie.
I can't find the old Rainbow Dash in here.
"Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements."
"She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her."
"We've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, loyalty!"
"Have you seen Ponyville? It's a disaster."
"I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome." Uh, Dashie, that's not Cloudsdale.
"How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of cloud is Cloudsdale?"
"The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond."
"I thought we agreed never to speak of that again."
Is she gonna wake up? Don't wake Rainbow Dash!
"Okay, Fluttershy, you grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down."
"Applejack will lower me down from this rope so I can cast the memory spell on her."
Fluttershy is going to hit Traitor Dash so hard!
"Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"
Ugh! Should have kept Fluttercruel for a bit more.
Do you expect me to let you do that?
What do you want me to do with this rope?
"Come on, Fluttershy, we've got to catch her."
Just try and get me, ponies!
Don't ever underestimate my flying powers!
You're not going anywhere!
"You were supposed to secure the rope!"
Whoops... forgot to tie it down...
"Rarity, Pinkie, hold on! Y'all are slowing her down!"
"Oh, Fluttershy, would you be a dear and fly faster, please?"
"...Meanie!" I'd be careful what you say, Fluttershy. You're speaking about your future husband right now!
Fluttershy is gaining speed.
"Okay, Applejack, last rope! Make it count!"
Traitor Dash is finally caught
"Let me go, I don't need you guys!"
It's time to get de-discorded.
Twilight about to turn Traitor Dash back into Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash has been restored
What about the Elements of Harmony?
Now we can defeat Discord!
Too early for a group hug. Gotta love Rainbow Dash's "??????" face.
Discord drinks a glass of chocolate milk. Literally.
"That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long."
"Oh, Applejack, don't lie to me."
"I'm the one who made you a liar."
Who knew Discord had such murderous intent?
Discord gathers the Element bearers around him.
Twilight teleports into the middle of the group.
Discord is surprised at Twilight's magical ability.
Twilight gently lowers her friends to the ground.
With that spot, the Main ponies are very confident that they can stop Discord.
Discord still doesn't realize the danger he's in.
"I'll tell you what we've learned Discord."
"We've learned that friendship isn't always easy.""
"But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."
"Fine, go ahead, try and use your little Elements, ..."
Discord is annoyed at all the chaos he's missing.
"...excellent chaos here."
The Main ponies are about to activate the Elements. Wait, where's Pinkie?
I have to drink some chocolate milks before defeating Discord!
The ponies are not amused.
Rarity's element upon activation.
Applejack's Element upon activation.
Fluttershy's Element upon activation.
Rainbow Dash's Element upon activation.
Twilight goes into the Avatar State once more. This time with real friendship!
The Elements, fully activated.
The unleashed power of Friendship.
And this makes it Elements of Harmony: 2, Discord: 0.
Discord...has been defeated!