The Ponyville Schoolhouse.
The foals talking and waiting for Miss Cheerilee.
"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee!"
"Good morning, everypony! I hope you brought your thinking caps..."
"...because today we're going to learn about physics!"
"Specifically, the use of force in energy conversions!"
"In this case, using mechanical work to convert potential energy into kinetic energy!"
"Um, Miss Cheerilee? That sounds a bit over our heads."
"Yeah. Why would we even need to know that stuff?"
"Oh, it's very important."
"In fact, you'll most likely end up using it tomorrow."
"Why, for participating in the..."
"For a second, I thought we were gonna have to.."
" know, learn stuff."
"We get to race in the Applewood Derby tomorrow?"
"My family's talked about it for years..."
"...and now I'm finally old enough to race!"
"Now hold on to your horseshoes, everypony. You've got a lot of work to do before you're ready to race."
"Yeah, but... not schoolwork, right?"
"There'll be a block of applewood..."
"...just like this one waiting for you at Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow..."
"...and you've got one day to turn it into a race-ready cart."
"Oh, yeah... That is a lot of work."
"Luckily, you'll each get to pick an older pony to help you!"
"...because they'll also have to ride in the cart with you during the race."
"I think I know just the pony to ask."
"Just remember, everypony. Your cart has to be able to finish the race..."
"...if you want to win one of the awards."
Left to right? Fastest for finishing. Most traditional, for a replica of classic. Most creative design.
"Hoo-wee! Those ribbons are the bees' knees."
They sure are, Apple Bloom! They sure are!
"You've got a lot to learn if you want to build a race cart!" D'oh!
"Aww... I knew there was gonna be a catch!"
"Have you seen what the carts used to look like in the olden days?"
Talk about timeless designs!
"When Ponyville started the Derby, they decided to use the wood from our apple trees for the carts."
"The race has been a part of Sweet Apple Acres ever since."
"I just think these old carts look so cool!"
"But I guess you and Applejack will probably win the award for the most traditional, huh?"
"The Apples usually do..."
"...but honestly, I'd rather build the fastest cart there is and win the race!"
Scootaloo coming through!
"But... I'm pretty sure Scoot and Rainbow Dash'll take that award."
"You know, I race around so much on my scooter, being the fastest isn't such a big deal."
"Maybe I'll try to make..."
"...the wildest looking cart I can think of!"
"I want you to have as much fun as I did when I was a filly!"
"Wait, Cloudsdale has a derby too?"
"Sure! Practically every town in Equestria has one!"
"I still remember racing my cloud cart..."
"This is so awesome! Woo-hoooooo!"
It's not Rainbow Road, but I'm okay with it.
Ah, yes, those bullies are still there.
"And lemme guess. You won fastest cart."
"Don't worry, I've got a lot of––"
"What are you looking for?"
"The blueprint for my derby cart, of course!"
"I'll have to change it a little, 'cause this race is on roads, not on clouds."
"But trust me, your cart is gonna be amazing!"
"Um, okay, Rainbow Dash, thanks!"
"With Dash on my team, how could anything go wrong?"
"Well, I'm mighty flattered you wanna work with your big sis on your cart."
"I mean, the Applewood Derby did—"
"—start on our farm! I know!"
"Well, I couldn't be more proud to help my little sister take the prize for most traditional."
"Actually, I was kinda thinking of somethin' else."
"Apple Bloom, things aren't like they were in the old days."
"The fastest cart now has gotta be slick and modern and—"
"The Apples win most traditional."
"Why would anypony want to win anythin' else?"
"Now why don't you head off and get some chamomile vines, some hickory sticks, and some apple barrels..."
"...and I'll show you what an Apple family cart should look like!"
"I guess I do have a family tradition to uphold..."
"Wow. Uh, Rarity, I didn't know you'd be this excited."
"...I'm just itching to right an old wrong from long, long ago!"
"I designed my own cart when I was just a filly..."
"...and I was positive I was going to win the prize for most creative, hooves down!"
"You? Second in most creative? To whom?!"
Derpy wins, Derpy always wins!
"Yes, that's what I said – my hooves."
"Darling, I hope you're ready to get an early start tomorrow!"
"Rarity, the sun's not even up yet."
"Oh, apples, quit complainin'!"
"In my day, we were up even earlier!"
"Hey, I'd get up in the middle of the night!"
"If it means my cart crosses that finish line first and wins fastest!"
"And my cart wins most creative!"
"And my cart wins most traditional!"
"It's gonna be a good day!"
Scootaloo: "You mean our carts, right?"
"Yes, that's what we said, darling"
"Their carts? It almost sounds like they're planning on building them without us."
"I'm sure they meant 'our' carts. Like, the team cart, right?"
"Of course! I mean, they're all our older sisters."
"Plus, they've all done this before."
"I'm sure they know best."
"Let's just buckle down and get to work!"
"But don't it have the makin's of the best cart you ever did see?"
"Is somethin' wrong, Apple Bloom?"
"I thought we covered this!"
"Tradition is all that counts!"
"And who knows tradition better than Apples?"
"So are you an Apple, or are you an Apple?"
"what if I just take off this fringe?"
Apple Bloom screaming... with frustration.
"Let me out, I'd do it over..."
"...if I only knew howww!"
When you're in a race like this, here are the directions: left, right, another right and stop to the finish line.
The wheels are coming off the cart.
Look at this. We went from Applewood Derby to Demolition Derby.
"It still counts as a win if I push my cart across, right?"
"They're not your carts!"
"We were supposed to design them!"
"And we were supposed to drive them!"
"The Derby was supposed to be for us, not the three of you!"
"Now you've ruined it for everypony!"
Diamond Tiara and her butler are not happy, Rarity.
This swan just lost its wings.
"But I thought you all wanted our help!"
"But why didn't you say anything?"
We figured you three knew best because you've done the race before.
It's hard to speak up to older ponies. (Sweetie Belle isn't wrong for saying that.)
Just because your sisters are older CMC, it means they automatically knows best
You three should have did a better job of listening to your sisters
Great design, and probably fast enough, anyway.
Well, some traditions simply can't be ignored.
See? Traditional carts don't have to be plain.