This time, it's war - Aerobically!
She's a mane-iac, maaaaane-iac on the floor!
Too happy? Not for Pinkie!
I have no idea how to describe this one.
You look a bit tired, Pinkie Pie.
She dances like she had never danced before.
Pinkie blowing a raspberry.
Why do caltrops hurt so much?!
How does she always get into these situations?
Do the Monkey with Pinkie.
Yay! Pinkie's pain is funny!
Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!
The good, old-fashioned rooster crowing into the morn.
Pinkie Pie definitely knows everyone in Ponyville, whether they be Pony or otherwise.
This cow really loves her cookies.
Who said Pinkie Pie was only into sweets?
"Looking fit as a fiddle, Mr. Waddle!"
"And you're wearing my favorite tie!"
Somepony feels utterly flattered.
"Well, happy birthday, Cheerilee!"
"Happy day-after-your-birthday, Zecora!"
"What a lovely hi, Miss Pinkie Pie!"
"Is Pinkie Pie misinformed about my birthday?"
The happiest pony in all Equestria!
Can't suntan in the dark.
Pinkie Pie: Bringing loads of sunshine to your life.
"What's this? A couple of sad fillies? Not in my town!"
I know just what to do, to cheer up a couple of sad fillies.
I'll be sure to make you smile!
Pinkie and the fillies sliding down the railing
Big Mac ready to give Pinkie and the Fillies a hay ride.
Cherry Berry watching Pinkie.
Seeing Pinkie pass by, makes her smile. :)
A couple of cheered up fillies.
what a beautiful transition.
Pinkie jump roping with the fillies.
Jumping rope with Scootaloo.
Tornado Bolt" manages to hug Dinky Doo and the rope at the same time.
The more friends the better.
Pinkie Pie sharing the love with these fillies
Pinkie Pie jumping rope with Scootaloo and fillies.
I'll never be as good as them
Why doesn't anypony play with me?
Apple Bloom gets lifted by Pinkie.
Happy Apple Bloom smiling.
Even her nose makes a cute little smile!
Ponies smiling and following Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie's friends smile alongside with her.
Hey Applejack why so glum?
I still have so much to paint.
As cheerful and bright as the happy sunshine.
She has been in the darkness too long now.
When is it going to stop?
Just another case of Pinkie breaking logic.
The Pies has been doubled.
Confidence can be in the way.
Pinkie Parkour Roof Hopping!
who wouldn't want to do this in real life.
True best friends never let you down.
Open up the windows and Smile!
Singing along with Pinkie.
Spinning spinning spinning!
Nopony smiles as wide as Pinkie Pie.
A Pinkie smile in a prefect background.
"I've never seen you before!"
"Kid, you're smarter than you look."
"Property of C.D.D." I'm guessing that last "D" is for "Donkey"!
Pinkie and Cranky having a staring competition.
Ponies, Cranky. Ponies everywhere
Stop doing that or it will stay that way
"Nopony calls me DOODLE!"
"Sing random song outta nowhere..."
"Become instant best friends..."
The horrid truth about Pinkie Pie's undoing.
Determination in her eyes!
Pinkie Pie waving to some of her friends
Do you tie them in a knot? Do you tie them in a bow?
Behold! My "Welcome Wagon"!
"Welcome Wagon", huh? That's REAL clever.
Puppy Dog Eyes are nothing compared to Pinkie Pie Eyes.
"Let's get this over with!"
"Geez, Twilight, I'm almost as big as her, how is she gonna gobble me up?"
Sweet mother of Celestia...
"Spider! Big Hairy Spider!"
Pinkie Pie stomping on Cranky's wig
"A Toupee?" (Well, it does make sense. Most ponies are female and females don't normally go bald)
This donkey is really, really, bald!
Giggling at the Bald Donkey
Well, at least it's natural.
Sitting Calmly in the Sauna
Well... is he going to smile?
knows the feeling
This is what NASA does to prepare the astronauts.
Pinkie, get off Fluttershy!
Hiding behind a statue of Princess Celestia.
What happened to the statue?
Pinkie, Pinkie, everywhere...
"It can't be! Is it really you?"
"I put 2 and 2 and 2 together!"
Pinkie Pie with an extra set of hooves
Copying Fluttershy's "Always works" expression.
"We'll always have Paris... I mean, Canterlot"
Maybe Cranky would have gotten that note if Matilda had put it on the outside of the door.
And Cranky finally smiles
Aww! Isn't that just the sweetest?
Reaching maximum happiness....explosion imminent!
Houston, we have liftoff!
"This is just fantastic!"
A definite case of "Pinkus interruptus."