The naturally happy place that is Fluttershy's cottage.
What a beautiful morning!
Flutters singing to the birds.
And some cheeses for you.
AJ is so shocked, her hat is hanging in mid-air.
Um... that wasn't me. You didn't hear me.
"Wow, I've never heard you sing a solo like that before!"
"It was like a little slice of heaven."
Such amazing, untapped talent you have!
I cannot believe we didn't know about it until now!
You would make a welcome addition to Ponyville's Singing Team...
This simply must be rectified!
You must share that stunning voice!
"Basking in the hoof-lights!"
Fluttershy's scrunchy face.
No, bad Pinkie! You're scaring Fluttershy!
"Aw, but I'm so good at it!" And we LOVE you for it, Pinkie!
"I'm one of their biggest fans."
"I have... stage fright."
Why does this surprise you, Pinkie?
"Stage fright isn't a disease, Pinkie."
"It's a terrible waste of an exquisite talent."
"But I understand that you're not comfortable." Also, adorable Rarity and AJ pic.
What's Sweetie Belle looking at?
Rainbow Dash and two of the Cutie Mark Crusaders helping prepare the fundraiser.
"Let's run through that again!"
Rarity getting the performance started.
Rarity and Toe-Tapper singing.
Fluttershy, why you so adorable?!
"Rarity, you were awesome!"
"Uh, thank you, Spike, but this is an ensemble."
"Eh, the rest of you were pretty good too."
An adorable moment between Fluttershy and Rarity.
Celestia must've been late.
Two bunnies dressing up! How cute!
"We're the Pony Tones minus one tone."
"Haven't I told you about punctuality?"
The thing looks familiar.
Uh-oh! Big Mac doesn't sound so good!
"Big Mac, did you lose your voice?!"
Big Mac has won 6 years running.
In addition to being a very unpheasant turkey call, when Pinkie Pie enters a contest, you know you've already lost.
"Quit your gabbin' and get on with the gobbin'!"
Pinkie doesn't seem to care about what's going on here.
"Now we can't perform tonight!"
"Well, we cannot perform tonight with only three voices."
"It would take rearranging all the music."
Hey, Gummy, you gonna eat that?
"Something's in the air today."
Spike's enjoying the show, even though he can't see it!
He's my dreamy cutebottom!
Fluttershy's having fun with this!
Smiling cuteness at its finest.
Oh, Celestia- fan swarm! SECURITY!
"Fluttershy, you were on the wrong side of the curtain!"
"Everything ran smoothly!"
Zipporwhill suffers from AADHD. Adorable Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder.
Please, Miss Rarity? Oh please?
"Oh, Rarity, we can't disappoint that sweet little filly."
Twist? What are you doing here?
How does nopony notice the voice coming from the barrel?
Singing at a higher octave
Uh, Fluttershy, Big Mac's having trouble keeping up!
"...singing in front of every pony..."
"I don't think anypony was jealous."
"...'cause there certainly wasn't an angry mob..."
"...but it must have been horrible standing there on stage..."
"It's like you living your own personal worse nightmare!"
You dare make Fluttershy cry???
Nice job breaking it, Pinkie...
"What Pinkie meant to say is that you were really great!"
"Wait! Didn't I say that?"
"You totally blew my mind!"
"Though, no offense... you kind of sounded like a dude."
You're not helping, Pinkie!
Well, thank you for your support.
Looks like Princess Twilight's flying has improved, to the point where she's emulating Rainbow Dash's habit of stationary flying.
Because I'm never singing in front of anypony ever again.
"Can we please stop running?!"
"And, for all her babbling, Pinkie Pie was right about one thing."
"Was it really that bad?"
"Well, what was so bad about it?"
""The thunderous applause?"
"The praise for your fantastic singin'?"
Or possibly all of the above.
Can't you be a little more subtle, Pinkie?
Look at Flutter and Mac! Aww! :3
Uh, Fluttershy, what's your ear doing on Rarity's ear?
...but she's still not ready for large crowds.
"I'll get there someday."
"But for now, baby steps, everypony, baby steps."