If you look closely, in the front right seat is a filly with Scootaloo's model, and in the front left seat is a filly with Sweetie Belle's model.
A silver spoon cutie mark. No prizes for guessing what the
owner's name is.
How can an Earth pony possibly do archery?
Cheerilee's cutie mark: three happy flowers.
Cheerilee getting ready to teach her class about cutie marks.
Cheerilee's students, ready to learn.
Look, it's absolutely nothing!
Cheerilee starts her lesson.
Diamond Tiara, who has her cutie mark, finds the lesson "boooring"!
Hm, is that a portrait of Celestia in the background? Guess she IS always watching.
Apple Bloom with a pencil in her mouth.
"Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared."
Cheerilee as a teenager, in very stereotypical '80s New Wave style.
Pshh, everypony look at how funny Cheerilee looked!
Did Cheerilee change her tail?
"Yes I know, but honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then."
My hooves, they look good.
Oops, is that Sweetie Belle before her debut later in the episode? Hm, and another Celestia portrait in the background...they appear to be everywhere...
It takes skill to write like that.
Pass the note here, please.
Apple Bloom just being nice...
Apple Bloom getting caught.
Getting scolded for passing a note.
I spy ... a note on the ground!
Blank just like Apple Bloom's flank.
Apple Bloom's flank is completely blank.
Great, now the whole class knows! And Sweetie Belle has been replaced by a teal coated, gold haired imposter!
Twist seems pretty happy about something.
Why you not happy, like me?
Your happiness is making me more sad...
You need to cheer up, Apple Bloom!
What the hay? Where did you two come from?!
Oh, nowhere at all. Just caught up to say "what's up?"
There is a spy in our midst...
As if you haven't already done this before.
Careful, it seems Twist is prone to biting other fillies.
Apple Bloom staring off into space for no reason.
Apple Bloom: Who are you again?
Diamond Tiara: Get a good close look at my face...
I'm so glad we're such good friends.
Grr, I'm angry now after being sad for so long.
Let's stylishly walk away while we laugh and talk.
What'd they say? They're so far away!
I got so angry... that now I'm sad again....
Apple Bloom telling her problem to Applejack.
Applejack about to pick up an apple.
She doesn't look cheered up.
Applejack's attempts to cheer her sister up. Don't seem like they're working.
Why, I remember when I got my cutie mark.
Applejack, a happy farm pony.
"My unique talent must have something to do with apples!"
Lyra talking to Tornado Bolt, while Cherry Berry is in the background with Shoeshine.
Lucky Clover, walking past Applejack and Apple Bloom.
Juggling an apple on her head.
Swallowing an apple whole? Wow Apple Bloom.
Golden Harvest and Shoeshine, when Apple Bloom tells them to buy apples.
That's one way to make apple juice
Listen kid, I ain't got time for this!
Come on, buy an apple and I'll leave you alone!
Seriously! Buy an apple; it'll do you some good.
The bits land perfectly in her pocket.
It's called, You can keep the change Applejack.
What in Equestria, 'lil 'sis?
First of all, what was Berryshine trying to do?
Do I have to tell you the rules?
"You touch it, you buy it!"
"We take cash or credit..."
What's going on with you, Berry?
Applejack doesn't look pleased.
Apple Bloom secretly puts apples in
a pony's bag
Officially the most popular Sweetie Drops voice.
Put a sock (or hoof, in this case) in it!
Now to scold a certain yellow filly.
Now, listen here sugarcube.
Listen 'lil sis, you'll earn your cutie mark eventually.
I'm sure sugarcube, now go on and find your friends.
Apple Bloom looks reassured.
Who's been using my racket?!
"So I was thinkin'... maybe we could go to Diamond Tiara's cute-ceaƱera together."
Twist earned her cutie mark!
Le checking out Twist's cutie mark.
Now, Apple Bloom is even more upset.
Look at me, I'm miserable!
Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara walking by.
Hearing the words from the bullies' mouths.
Apple Bloom about to cry...
"What's the matter, kid?"
About to tell Rainbow her problem.
Now I'm gonna block out the rest of the world
"Hey, who are you gonna listen to, Applejack, or the pony who was first in her class to get a cutie mark?"
"The key here is to try as many things as possible as quickly as possible.
"One of them is bound to lead to your cutie mark."
"I said, Are you ready?!"
Guess juggling isn't her special talent.
Looks like this isn't her talent either.
Rainbow Dash has a black belt.
Too bad, kite flying would have been a nice cutie mark.
"Ultrapony Roller Derby, go!"
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk by while Dash is trying to think of new ideas.
"Tried that one, tried that one, tried that one..."
"You look like you'd be good at eating cupcakes."
I mean I did give up, but cupcakes sound tasty right now.
Apple Bloom takes her leave.
I don't have any cupcakes
You'll need that, Apple Bloom.
"All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix!"
"Now just take a little something sweet, not sour!"
"A bit of salt, just a pinch!"
"Baking these treats is such a cinch!"
Balancing a tray on her head.
"Add a teaspoon of vanilla!"
"Add a little more and you count to four, and you never get your fill of..."
Awkward smile, let Pinkie help you out.
These are much better than the last batch!
Apple Bloom still thinks they taste terrible
Don't cry, charcoal cupcakes are great!
Flour for a cutie mark? Never seen that one before.
Pinkie notices a mark on Apple Bloom's flank.
She sees a white blotch and imagines what it might be...
"Flour. It's flour! Yay! I guessed it."
"What game you wanna play next? Please say bingo, please say bingo."
Hey Twilight! Wanna try some cupcakes?
Wow, I'll be sure to tell Applejack about her sister's baking skills.
Twilight passes on Pinkie's cupcakes.
You can use magic to make my cutie mark appear!
Apple Bloom begs Twilight to use her magic to give her a mark
Twilight makes the attempt
First is a wheelbarrow full of apples, but it quickly fades
Third is three white cupcakes.
Fourth is a blue teddy bear.
The thirteenth, a trio of brown footballs, is Twilight's last attempt, which also fails.
This is going to be the worst moment of my life.
"Forget it. There's no way I'm goin' to that-"
Noi, attends the party too.
Twist talking to Royal Blue.
Ah, I'll hide behind this chocolate pony.
It seems that Apple Bloom forgot Pinkie Pie was hosting the party
"Don't forget your party hat, 'Forgetty Forgetterson'!"
Apple Bloom, hiding behind a big cake.
The cake looks scrumptious to
Wow, and here I had thought only
Pinkie could manage bites that big.
Apple Bloom's cover is ate.
Diamond Tiara scolds Snails...
As Apple Bloom jumps to find a new hiding place.
What a hat,
Lily Dache! You've really outdone yourself!
Cute-ceaƱera party balloons
Do the Pony Pokey and poke some balloons!
..Nopony is watching right?
Applejack unintentionally stopping Apple Bloom's escape plan.
Cotton Cloudy with Dinky.
And a serious Silver Spoon.
(Wow, she's actually buying it?)
Their attention has been turned.
"I said, "You got a problem with blank flanks?!"
Just because she doesn't have a cutie mark yet, doesn't mean that she's not special!
Her possibilities are, like, endless! And my eyes are like, weird looking!
She could even be mayor of Ponyville someday!
And she's not being stuck up like you two!
Happy to see that there are other fillies with blank flanks.
They just don't know special, when they see it.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders!
They've got all the time in the world.
The fillies paying attention to Apple Bloom and her friends.
No bump bump sugar lump rump, Silver Spoon!
Diamond Tiara, clearly not in a good mood.
Spoon and Tiara watching The Crusaders get all the attention.
Twist dancing with other fillies. It won't be "So super" when she sees her glasses are broken.
The Founding Mothers' very first meeting.
Thanks for standing up for me, guys.
Now that We're friends, we name for our new club.
They both drive us totally crazy!
Scootaloo, thinking hard.
Hey, where'd the flying cupcake come from? This calls for a fanfic.
DON'T... EAT... THE.... CUPCAKE. It tastes of ashes.
The reaction when Scootaloo didn't catch the cookie.
"Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out..."
"...can actually be the thing that helps you make your closest friends and realize how special you are."
A close up of Princess Celestia's Cutie Mark.