What a nice day for a swim...
This is strangely cute actually.
Apple Bloom ought to take stunt lessons from her friend Scootaloo.
Who's the nicest big sister in Equestria?
Granny Smith about to tell a story.
This must've been some time after Ponyville was founded.
Spike running the projector again?
It took years before I could...
...makes my whole body aches!
These old legs can't even paddle!
Um, Granny? I don't think sand is all that slippery.
"You think I'll ever be scared of the water?"
Laughing after scaring Apple Bloom.
"The best one in Ponyville!"
"It's incredibly dangerous!"
For the last time, that's not Mando!
"Now where in Ponyville do you two think you're goin'?"
Don't let Fluttershy see what we're using for lighting...
Hmm. Those silhouettes look familiar.
"Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!"
"A demonstration of a better life!"
"A demonstration of a better time!"
They can get sued for this.
Boy, this mare has quite a parasprite problem!
I won't need these crutches to walk out the door! (And you never did.)
"Now how do ya like that?"
Something fishy is going on
Didn't he just catch this guy from falling?
Lemme look in your mouth!
I want all of you to look at it!
"Congratulations, Granny Smith!"
"Are you as worried as I am?"
You don't use apples for bait.
Unless of course, there's one type of fish out there who has a taste for apples.
"When somepony says that something is too good to be true, it usually is." (That's the old saying.)
"Granny wasted her money?"
...but I don't think there's such thing as a tonic that can make an old pony young again.
Rare footage of Big Mac taking off his yoke
Huh! That yoke makes a good life saver!
...unless, of course, the life you're trying to save swims right past it.
How'd she know that was there?
"I thought you were too afraid of the water to swim!"
"And what about your hip?!"
Draw me like one of your French mares.
"I'm glad you're feelin' good."
This is what Big Mac would look like if he only wore his yoke while working on the farm
Big Mac doesn't want Granny Smith to be apple bucking.
"Aw, quit your bellyaching!"
It's time to get to the bottom of this.
Hmm. This guy looks familiar.
"That's the same pony from before!"
And the Apple sisters give chase!
Apple Bloom questioning...
Scared of a little filly, Silver Shill?
Applejack looking around.
"Because he's part of the act!"
It's time for you to spill the beans, Mister
"You never needed crutches at all, did you?"
How does nopony else notice him?
"What's so bad about that?"
If she keeps acting like this, she'll pass out from exhaustion or worse. (It's a good thing Applejack avoided using that word)
An awkward confrontation.
"That's quite an accusation!"
Apple juice and beet leaves? Ugh!
I don't know about them, but I'd take this as a confession.
Here's a question for you Applejack...
"Do you really want to be the pony who takes all that happiness away?"
Applejack gets put in a bad spot.
...And it just got worse!
AJ giving into the brothers' pressure.
"...I don't suppose it really matters."
"If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me either, sis."
That's it, Applejack! Just lie to your sister!
AJ, why aren't you swimming?
Oh! She's actually doing it!
Wow! She's actually strong enough to do that?
"We'd be a cinch to win!"
Granny's still unsure of being an aquapony again.
I'll get there someday, Apple Bloom.
Well, I don't want them to be sad, so...
Granny's confidence spikes back up!
"The next show starts in five minutes!"
Nice disguise, Silver Shill. -_-
It s-seems to work for Granny...
Looks like AJ just got put in a bad spot!
"That's good enough for me!"
Derpy's pretty cute at doing claps.
"We got tonic on our side!"
Looks like Applejack's become a spokespony,...
...and so has Granny Smith!
We got some swimmin' to do!
"That's a 10 from this Doctor!"
"Now that's what I call impressive!"
"You're levitating it wrong."
A nice shot of these four!
"Thanks to you, I realize that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy!"
Now Apple Bloom's promoting the tonic?
Silver Shill pointing out trouble.
That pie tin is also Mane si... Wait a minute. PIE TIN?!?!
"What in tarnation did you do that fer?!"
That was the most foolish thing we have ever seen anypony do.
"You can't do a dive like that!"
Now they're just making dangerous claims!
Lens flare. ding (Sin Counter +1)
Remember your Element Applejack: Honesty
But you gave it your stamp of approval!
You lied when you gave the tonic your stamp of approval?
"What about all those aquabatics that we just did?"
"I guess you can forget what you're capable of."
"It was inside of you all along."
"But makin' ponies believe in a lie is just wrong!"
"But you just said it boosts confidence!"
Not only does he not need crutches, he also doesn't need glasses!
"Believin' in somethin' can help you do amazin' things. But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's gonna lead to real trouble."
Better get outta here before hatred comes.
"I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again."
"I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth."
He's paying her for teaching him honesty? That's nice of him!
You should be proud of yourself, Applejack: For telling the truth and teaching another pony about the value of Honesty.
I'm just gonna never trust those two sales ponies again!
They're gone!! Don't worry, we'll get them next time when they come to town.