The real Princess Cadance.
The foe's Cadance barely dodged the Flamethrower!
"You've got to believe me!"
Twilight hears an old memory.
Cadance proves herself to Twilight.
Ear drop and shrinking pupils: What can be more adorable than that?
Of course, we can't forget the cuteness when the ears perk back up.
My foal-sitter is not a jerk!
Twilight and Princess Cadance.
I think everything's alright...NOT.
When in darkness, always head for the light
A rose by any other name, still has thorns.
"This day is going to be perfect!"
"The kind of day which I dreamed..."
"Everypony will gather round, say I look lovely in my gown..."
"What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!"
"This day was going to be perfect."
"The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small."
"But instead of having cake..."
"...with all my friends to celebrate..."
" wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all."
"I could care less about the dress!"
"I won't partake in any cake."
... well I'll be lying when I say."
"That through any kind of weather."
"I'll want us to be together."
"... I don't care for him at all!"
(Be lucky, Chris, that Uncle Scrooge is Scottish and wears a top hat)
"No, I do not love the groom!"
Atrus son of Gehn called; he wants his chandelier back.
"In my heart there is no room!"
Disney evil queens, eat your hearts out!
"But I still want him to be..."
(So her left eye is closed, but her right eye is open? Does that make sense?)
"Must escape before it's too late"
"Find a way to save the day."
"Hope I'll be lying if I say"
"I don't fear that I may lose him."
Is that an expression of...disgust?
"To one who wants to use him"
Cadance: "Not care for, love, and cherish him each day."
"For I oh-so love the groom."
"All my thoughts he does consume."
Wait...Why didn't Rarity's gem finding spell pick up on this mine?
Twilight touched at how much Cadance loves Shining Armor.
Twilight carrying somepony approximately half a decade older than her
"... I'll be there very soon!"
It's gonna be a bumpy ride!
My love will take flight!
Shining Armor's eyes are not normal looking.
And this imposter has an evil look on her face, and yet nopony in the background cares!
A wide pan-out of the wedding crowd layout.
"Oh, the wedding we won't make!"
"He'll end up marrying a fake!"
The lying broken heart and the true love.
"Shining Armor will be..."
"We're never going to save him!"
"You're not going ANYWHERE."
This wedding is a trap in disguise!
"It's official: She's lost her mind."
"Why does she have to ruin my special day!?"
"It's not your special day!"
"But how did you escape my bridesmaids!?"
Princess Cadance is smiling... LIKE A BOSS!
Don't you just hate it when the bridesmaids lose it and their eyes start glowing green?
Think, think...oh what's that.
Solving a problem like a Princess.
"I WANT IT!!!" (Animation Error: No tails!)
Face-off. Everyone seeing the truth!
"How can there be two of them?" Really
"She's a
Changeling! She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding on your love for them!"
Dropping the mask ... Chrysalis Terrorize!
Looks like somepony isn't lying about the green light.
And thus, a new evil queen was born!
*Evil smile with buck teeth*
"Right, you are Princess!"
The queen sure looks weird alright.
Those vibrant, emerald green eyes! They really are mesmerizing!
I may be evil but I can be cute sometimes.
Cadance determined to take back Shining Armor.
Queen Chrysalis blocks Cadance's way. (did anyone else realize that her legs sorta look like Swiss cheese?!?)
That's right jump up! Now stay frozen up there.
Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings.
Queen Chrysalis forgot to take Princess Celestia into account.
Nopony turns me against my own student!
I can defend my subjects!
Celestia using her magic to try and defeat the Queen!
The magical beams colliding.
The Queen's magic is more powerful than Celestia's!
This is a pure face of evil.
You must get the Elements of Harmony! (Uh, what good are those gonna do, they're going to be surrounded by changelings, so there's no way those are gonna work.)
What about the dresses...?!
Rarity looking a little embarrassed at herself.
Those things are getting nearer...
An army of changelings is attacking!
A few bumps but no bruises.
Rarity a tad upset at Applejack.
The main 6 is facing a big problem here.
"It's time to do this the hard way."
Oh, it's just a reflection. Or maybe not.
What happened to Rainbow Dash being "The One and Only"
Rainbow Dash, use Double Team!
It's extremely effective! The Defending Ponymon is now confused!
Captain of the changelings?
Duplicates of
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
Got a fight on our hooves ...
You can kind of tell
Fluttershy from the changelings. It's REALLY obvious.
Uh.... DUR! I'm one of you! Let's go get 'em! Dur!
Can't believe that actually worked ...
Facing 4 of your best friend
Quadruple Rainbow Dashes all the way, all the time!
Real Rainbow Dash on third.
It's me, the real Rainbow Dash!
That's blurry, but hay there's Fluttershy.
Wait, this isn't Twilight!
Anyone reminded of Alien?
If you guessed the one on top, you're correct!
Applejacks! Applejacks everywhere!
She is such a happy pony.
That don't impress me much. (Oh oh oh oooooh!)
Say hello to my little pony! Five rounds rapid. And it cost 400,000 bits to fire Twilight for 12 seconds.
Chrysalis: I have an army.
Pinkie: We have a Twilight.
You still want some of this!?
What is that in front of us?
There's too many of them. A bug spray would be good right about now.
We're no match for them girls
Let's give it up, they win this round.
Princess Celestia waking up to a surprise... and also looking slightly derpy.
Overpowered and trapped by that black hag, serves her right!
Coming into the doom wedding (Spike you're not glued down, so do something)
"You won't get away with this!"
Queen Chrysalis wondering- "Ah perfect it's the cue in which you be quiet Princess Cadance."
"You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you?"
"It's funny, really, Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along."
None of this would've happened, if you all had just listened to her in the first place.
DON'T touch me you bonehead!
"Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct!" (Chrysalis never seems to stop making cheap shots, does she?)
Twilight with the hopeless gaze. (She's not wrong, Twilight. None of this would have happen if your friends had just listen to you from the start)
"Sorry, Twi. We should have listened to you". (Come on Applejack really, you're the one that told everypony to go check on the fake Cadance, and that's all you can say to Twilight, half of this is your fault.)
"It's not your fault. She fooled everypony." (Well, Twilight, it's not your friends' fault they were fooled by Chrysalis' disguise, but it is their fault for not taking your concerns seriously earlier on.)
I'll give you two bits for this window!
"This day has been just ..."
"The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small."
"Everypony I'll soon control."
"Every stallion, mare, and foal."
Chaos is a wonderful thing!
Who said supervillains can't be adorable?
Go to him while you still have a chance!
Now what can Twilight be lying about now?
I hope that spooky Queen didn't hear my magic.
Embracing her Shining Armor.
Uh, so you CAN use love to cure a migraine.
Derpy but otherwise back to normal.
"Oh, my head..." Or maybe not.
Cadance with a beautiful smile.
The Mane 6 are so happy that they fail to notice the shadow before them.
"What good will that do!?"
"My changelings already roam free!"
Shining Armor struggling to use his magic.
Shining Armor doesn't look so good.
Shining Armor can't recreate the spell.
Now is not a good time for hugs.
Frankly I really don't care.
"What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment."
Queen Chrysalis enjoying the mayhem going on down there.
Shining Armor finally looks serious. ("Nopony turns me against my own sister!")
Capture this moment! (The Power of Love)
Whoa we were not expecting this.
These horns of ours are burning pink, their loud roar tells us to grasp happiness...
I guess Pinkie don't care if bright light blinds her.
You shall remain, until you are...
The power of love triumphs!
Celestia just got schooled.
"You have a real wedding to put together."
Twilight and Shining Armor.
Hmmm? Looks a bit crooked to me.
Twilight's and Shining's parents: Night Light and Twilight Velvet.
Cutie Mark Crusaders Flower Fillies! YAY!
A cute shot of Shining Armor
The real Cadance marching to her love
"I get why the queen of the Changelings wanted to be with you..."
"...but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you?"
"I tell her that she wouldn't just be gaining a husband, she'd be getting a pretty good sister too."
Shoeshine as one of the guests
Get ready to: A.Blush, B.Cry, C.Barf
"And after I promised myself I wouldn't cry..."
"She's not looking, right?"
"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza... "
"Princess Cadance is fine."
"Hmm." How dare you interrupt me.
Princess Celestia looks cool in this shot.
"May we have the rings please?"
"I now pronounce you mare..."
Behold, citizens of Canterlot...
Love: check. Marriage: check. Baby in baby carriage:
not yet.
The mane six, Spike and Celestia.
"You persisted in the face of doubt, and your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us."
"Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."
Bride and groom share their first kiss.
"Rainbow Dash, that's your cue!"
I've been waiting for this moment.
Here comes the Sonic Rainboom!
Rainbow must have been practicing. She did that so easily.
Their first dance as husband and wife.
Look who's just in time for the party!
"Hello, everypony. Did I miss anything?" (No, you didn't, Luna)
Hey guys! I found where she's been hiding since season one!
"Let's get this party started!"
That microphone sure should be dizzy by now....
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom to love...
They sure love each other...
I wanna party! I wanna samba!
Mmph...This cake is amazing!
AJ fiddles while this party burns!
She's actually very good at it!
Dancing like Discord? Huh.
They can make a great couple. (Yeah, but a couple of what?)
Thanks for everything ...
"Love you too, B.B.B.F.F."
I'll always be with you ...
Who wants the last big humour moment of the season?...I mean the bouquet
Bouquet toss! Who's the lucky mare?
That bouquet is MINE!!! (What happened to the Element of Generosity?)
"Now this was a great wedding."
Spike telling the main 6 about his plan for the bachelor party (which he should have done before the wedding).
Hey Rarity you wanna make it a double?
A little late on the bachelor party, Spike ...
As the fireworks decorate the sky, the season has officially ended.