We see the library's exterior so often that it seems like a norm now.
The usual Twilight Sparkle thing to do.
Just pulling out yet another inconspicuous book from its shelf and...
"But that doesn't answer my question..."
Alicorn Twilight levitating a book.
Pinkie Pie getting out of the bookshelf.
I don't know what that is!
Pinkie Pie, the ultimate
Jenga master.
Um, so yeah, that just happened.
Why didn't you tell me...
It's better than cotton candy!
"What the heck has Pinkie been up to this time?"
Good ol' Sweet Apple Acres.
And so I realized that there's a special connection between the Pie family and the Apple clan!
Apple Bloom, excited to know she has another sister!
"Pinkie" Apple Pie, not "Pinky".
Apple Bloom, with a kind smile.
Apple Bloom, jumping on the sofa and looking adorable.
Where did that come from?
I call Apple Bloom, the playful one.
"Ms. Know Everything 'bout Ponyville."
"A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to 48 moons!"
Smellin' that sweet Apple air.
Applejack's modesty compared to
Rainbow Dash's pride when praised makes her far more adorable, doesn't it?
"We're family, we're family, you and me are family!"
"Best family twirl ever!"
Did we celebrate prematurely?
How can she read like that?
"Are you sure it says 'Pie'?"
I knew in my heart it was true!
Aww! That is just the sweetest thing!
Smiling along with the Apples.
Happy family and Pinkie Pie.
Looks as if Big Mac is taking everything but the kitchen sink...or is he?
Well don't pack your sister!
"Has anypony seen my travelin' bonnet?"
"Isn't that it on your head?"
"I've had something in my teeth this whole time, haven't I?"
"No, Granny, your teeth are fine."
"Don't you worry, honey!"
Um, Apple Bloom, I don't think you can get a cutie mark for good behavior.
Anyone else notice that trombone in there?
And you thought you had difficulty in packing light while traveling.
Okay, now he's getting irritated with his sister!
"Let's get this show on the road!"
A horn blowing, but no sound.
That tree grew almost as fast as the zap apple trees!
That's quite a breeze blowing!
Uh, Big Mac, who's driving?
Those eyes stare into my soul
Pinkie! Those cameras are expensive!
Okay, how did Big Mac get in there?
So he did take the kitchen sink!
Joining the Apples in their chorus.
Guess he shouldn't have gotten so irritated with her.
Oh sorry, did you hear me?
"Don't know that it's helpful."
Okay, Big Mac, you're off the hook.
Big Mac, aren't you a little old to be wearing a duck-shaped floaty?
The red eyes were a nice touch.
"Applejack, when you're family,..."
"Who's got the map? I got the map!"
"M to the A to the yeah, that's right, P."
"Ain't no other pony found a map like me. I'm Applel-"
You know it'll be a bad day when...
No one sings that song except Twilight Sparkle.
Hashtag: BestSiblingsEver
Somepony's hyped for the scary part.
Best scary unidentifiable creature ever!
The Great and Powerful Applejack doesn't trust wheels.
"It's just been one 'a those days, y'know?"
Now look what you did Applejack!
Completely unaware of the situation
Pinkie, this is not the time..
...while on a waterfall...
So much for the sugar-pine sap.
...And Pinkie's balloons.
"Maybe you could read that one out loud?"
"I wasn't even reading it! I was just seeing how pretty the paper is!"
"Shush, Big Mac, we're paying you per word"
"You guys are the best family ever!"
"You never gave up, even when things got tough!"
"She does make a pretty good point."
"And I wanna be an Apple more than ever!"
Oh boy! This is so exciting!
Poor cats are getting squished!
How are they supposed to get to the door?
The prettiest one coughs up a hairball.
Hey! Wait! Pinkie could do that too!
Is that book really that heavy?
Wooly Willy: Pinkie Edition.
"It's obvious that you're an Apple to the core!"
I guess there IS a special connection between the Pie and Apple families! :D
Does Pinkie use tail extensions?
Hashtag: BestFamilyHugEver
There's the photo from the Scariest Cave
Sure you don't want to take some of these heirlooms?
The cutest cat has fleas.
By now that song is probably stuck in your head, amirite?
Cute photo, but who took it? One of the cats, maybe?
Remember me? Cutie Mark Crusader, making things sound exciting is my job.
Now, hold on there young'un.
Hold it Big Mac, this was my idea!
The arguing of the Apples.
Look at me! I'm part of the Apple family too!
I'm arguing! Argue, argue, argue!
Ain't no other family like them, they're Apples to the Core.
Pinkie Pie and Applejack... COUSINS?!?! If so, then Apple Pie.
Pinkie finds out whom is she related to.
Is Sweetie Bot Applejack or is Applejack Sweetie Bot?
Hello! Goldie Delicious here.