Even Rainbow Falls has its own train station.
Who should arrive unto the platform but our dearest six pony friends.
Too early for Pinkie Pie shenanigans?
"Not that big of a deal."
"There always has to be a princess at the Exchange."
"Last year was Princess Cadance, this year it's me. It's just a formality." (You never know what happens if you enter the tunnel.)
"I'm sure none of the other ponies will even notice I'm here."
Get used to it Twilight, you're royalty now.
The Princess cometh at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange!
"I think they might've noticed."
Sure is a large Traders' Exchange market.
Something about this trinket reminds her of home.
Omigosh, this poster is amazing.
"It's Princess Twilight! Yeahhh!!"
I hate preferential treatment
"All I'm supposed to do is settle disagreements...."
Amethyst Star trading with Sassaflash.
Don't expect anypony to treat me as anything special.
Excuse me, Twilight, can I have an autograph?
Yes, they're being serious.
"I'm gonna be the first!"
"I did want to trade this bear call for a bird whistle..."
"I know what you mean, Rarity."
"Why don't we pool our trade stashes?"
I don't know. It still looks like the title is saying "Sapphire Stone," not "Statue".
Are those teddy bears on her flank?
Fainting over a book, Rainbow Dash?
Fluttershy thinks this is cute?! Yikes!
Rainbow's face says it all!
"I am so glad I found you."
"You're not gonna believe it!"
Saying the same thing at the same time.
Realizing the same thing at the same time.
Worrying about the same thing at the same time.
Applejacks wants a rusty old pie tin?
Gee, five seconds faster. Great. -_-
Rarity is understandably repulsed.
Wha? She wants a brooch identical to this one?
Around and around and around they go,
And where they stop, nopony knows!
How can she tell the difference?
Uh, which one was on the right?
They're both exactly alike!
Ah reckon Ah oughta be happier Ah'm gettin' so many close-ups in this here episode.
Well, she definitely has a point about a tin that cooks pies mere seconds faster.
"It's five seconds faster!"
Now they're mad over a couple of pointless vintage items.
Well, they're cute when they're getting their belly rubbed!
"I'll give it to you straight."
"Watch out for the lamp!"
"I could use another lamp."
Lampshade hanging on Discord-shaped lamps.
"What's an antique chicken?"
"So will you trade one for..."
"...a horseshoe so I can trade it for..."
"...a lamp and then trade it for..."
"...an Orthros so I can get..."
*breathes* "We need a crystal chalice..."
"...to trade for a chicken to trade for..."
"...a lamp to trade for..."
"I could use a slightly rusty old horseshoe."
But where are we going to find a rusty old...?
"Do you reeeeaaaaally want that?"
"What are you talking about?"
Twilight, I'm surprised you didn't remember the rules!
"You can't break the rules!!"
"But you're not going to say anything, are ya?"
"OR AM I?! Sometimes I can't even tell!"
"Hey, everypony! Step right up!"
Pinkie has gone Flam on Twilight. Too bad no pony's there to play Flim.
The chalice is fixed - sort of.
Okay, now did this slip past the censor?
"He didn't tell us what kind he wanted."
Fluttershy's still struggling with the shyness.
A genorosity-off? That's a new one!
Fluttershy's transportation is endorsed by Rainbow Airlines.
Oh, hello, Joan, fancy seeing you here.
"I know you're not more important than anypony!"
Crystal ponies like Fleur de Verre can go anywhere.
"Double Princess!!" The crowns have been doubled!
"You've gotta open your stand."
Sad puppy dog eyes have little effect on this trader.
Fluttershy burger-tossing!
Now that's what I call fast food!
This one? Couldn't they have gotten the first one they showed in this episode?
Aww! Othros loves Fluttershy!
disgusting, Rainbow be sure to take a bath when you get home!
Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Orthros in background.
It appears these two are at an impasse.
She's packing up already?
Fluttershy's making good use of her bear whistle she got to trade.
Wait! I dropped my bear call!
Way to thank Fluttershy, Rainbow.
Fortunately, Fluttershy is patient with her friend.
"I don't want an orthros anymore."
Fainting over a book... again.
Only this time, it's more understandable.
Who are you calling crazy?!
I guess some pets do resemble their owners...more or less.
Uh-oh! An add to the trade!
Rainbow's not even paying attention to what she just said.
Yep, she definitely doesn't know what she just did.
Rainbow realizing her mistake.
Minuette finally got a speaking role again!
Twilight realizing just how special her books are.
Was she really going to trade that baby?
"These books aren't that great!"
Twilight, I made a serious mistake!
"I need you to say a trade wasn't fair, fast!"
"You said it was a fair trade."
"Yeah, I said it. But I was wrong!"
Rainbow making a speech about friendship.
Awwwww, thanks Rainbow :)
"There's no way this trade can be fair."
"Oh, come on! That's... "
"...the sweetest thing I've ever heard!"
Dashie and Flutters hugging each other.
The dog(s) want in the hug too. :)
The rainbow-striped gavel.
The Gavel-Pound of Commencement.
Looks like Spike also got a fair trade.
Looks like everypony got what they wanted.
Let's hope Rouge the Bat doesn't steal it!
Which of them is the better friend?
"You both gave up something you wanted so that you can get something for each other!"
"Where's your double-doggy?"
"I traded it for something way better!"
Fluttershy happily uses her new traded gift to call a bird.
Twilight helping Rainbow Dash to complete her collection (sort of).
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash with their respective traded gifts.
once again, a group hug always is a nice finish :)