First Pinkie Pie, now Fluttershy. Who's next? Applejack?
Rainbow dashes past Fluttershy.
Rainbow falls.
Rainbow Crash strikes again!
National Random Holiday Party Day[]
"Three months and twenty-six days, three months and twenty-six days..."
Rainbow entering the library.
Nice fez, Pinkie.
Dance Dance Revo(hooves)tion.
A party in a library? Weird.
"You might say the secret ingredient is..."
"...A SECRET!"
Heh, the old classic.
Why me?
"Yeah. I can vouch for that."
"I know everything about her."
Blah, blah, blah.
"Where she lives?"
The award for the most attractive party hat goes to...
Daring Do revealed![]
We have to move fast, and cover our tracks!
The rest of the Ponies just strolling as usual.
Looks like somepony messed up a house.
Looks like this house has been abandoned long ago...Or has just been robbed.
Pinkie, now's not the time to play "Queen of the Mountain".
Something terrible must have happened, for the mirror to be broken I cannot check my reflection.
"Oh, no!"
"What are you all doing here?" said a shadowy figure.
A.K. Yearling herself.
Why Wub Too: Electric Scootaloo.
"We didn't do this!"
Hehehehe, can't hold in my excitement.
A.K. Yearling rolling her eyes at this crazy fanpony.
"A.K. Yearling has made it pretty clear that she wants to be left alone. We need to respect her wishes!"
Fighting Dr. Caballeron's thugs[]
3 vs. 1. Oh boy.
Here we go again
Daydreaming again typical -_-
"I knew it all along".
Dat ring.
My precious.
Lord of the Ring.
Doctor Caballeron.
"That's Dr. Caballeron to you."
Daring Do... Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away.
Daring Do works alone[]
Fluttershy: Shouldn't we go and help her, maybe?
Others: Oh! Right!
"We've gotta go help!"
"You heard her! She says she works alone!"
"How can we just stand by and do nothing?"
"Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin since book three!"
"True, but in book four, she defeated Ahuizotl and secured control of the Amulet of Atonement, dispelling the dark magic of the Quetzalcoatl Empress, ..."
"...and thus protecting the basin with the Radiant Shield of Razdon!"
"But the Radiant Shield of Razdon is vulnerable to the dark enchantment of the Rings of Scorchero!" (PInkie's nodding her head as if she actually knows what they're talking about.)
"But are you forgetting that the Rings were scattered to the four corners of Tenochtitlan, thus rendering the dark enchantment powerless?"
"Only if you assume that the Rings have yet to be retrieved, and the ring Caballeron just stole isn't the last to completely restore the dark tower and its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan! Did you ever think of that?!"
"You gotta admit, Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good point."
We're going to need a carefully thought-out plan.
I'm coming, Daring Do!
"That's not a plan!"
Dashie hesitating.
"I just need a sec."
Seriously, why are you hitting yourself?
I don't know, but my cheek's starting to hurt.
Who goes there?!
"It's just you."
"I am suuuuuch a huge fan!"
Real smooth, Rainbow.
Do I look like I'm joking?
"Can't believe I'm even talking to her..."
Helping too hard[]
"I'll be quiet now."
Ah, sure. That beard is just as convincing as your A.K. Yearling disguise. (NOT!)
Daring: Just who I didn't need here ...
Uh oh ...
I'm outta here!
Ahuizotl: Notyou, again !!
I can't watch but I have to because it's cool.
"The ring, Daring Do!"
"Give it to me!"
"Now, Ahuizotl..."
" know I love you..."
"...but I can't give you the ring 'til I've properly proposed."
The duckface, or a close imitation of it at least.
That's one small kitten as a predator
And now we see the meaning of cat fight.
"Bring it!"
Oh, that'll be a pleasure, Daring ! RAAA... !
... Aouch ... !
Dat kick.
Yay go Daring Do
That going to be sore for a long while.
"Don't bother! I'd say you've already helped plenty."
Saving Daring Do[]
"Where does it hurt?"
In my heart.
"This don't sound like you!"
Well, I guess I am with you guys.
Piranhas...Why did it have to be piranhas?
"Eight hundred years...
"...unrelenting, sweltering heat!"
"You can flap, too, y'know!"
"Have I mentioned yet that work alone?"
"Have I mentioned yet that you're lucky don't?"
Daring Do's cheesy grin.
Daring Do trots off...
... and Rainbow Dash flies after her.
Stopping the ritual[]
"Drop the ring, Ahui....whatever your name is!"
"Place the ring, quickly!"
Insert hula hoop joke here.
A ringer!
How many rings can these pegasus ponies remove?
"Daring Do, I will have my revenge!" (Yeah, good luck with that.)
Parting ways / The early edition[]
Hugging a celebrity
If you can't beat them, join them.
Friendly hug!!!
That's enough now.
"I've got a book to finish!"
Bye, Daring Do! Looking forward to your next book!
Group hug!
Not sure why the mailpony looks unimpressed.
Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny (featuring Rainbow Dash and their past adventure)