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The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming
The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming Battle Event
Event Information
Type Siege
Running Time(s)
December 18, 2020 - December 28, 2020
November 26, 2021 - December 6, 2021

The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming is a 10-day Limited-Time Siege that was first held on December 18, 2020 to December 28, 2020. It is held again on November 26, 2021 to December 6, 2021.

Blue Magic Coins to Gems (Conversion)[]

2,501 - 10,000 5 VERY EASY
10,001 - 30,000 10 EASY
30,001 - 100,000 20 BETWEEN EASY AND MEDIUM

NOTE: After the end of the event, the maximum amount of Gem that you'll win in the conversion is 30.


Rarity: Oh, I DO hope we make it to Manehattan in time... I hear Chiffon Ruffles will be making an appearance at this holiday fête, and she ALWAYS shows off some delightfully fresh new look!

Rarity: I'm so nervous I can barely sit still! And leaving the Royal Hearth's Warming Gala in Canterlot in such a hurry was far from the ideal impression I'd hoped to make...

Rarity: ...but there are just SO many plans I want to honor tonight! *sigh* ... Thank you for accompanying me, Spike. A friend at my side calms my nerves... and your new suit is très chic indeed!

Spike: Aww, Rarity, there's no need to be nervous! I've ALWAYS thought that dress looked super-nice on you--

Rarity: "Always"?! Oh my goodness, just how many times have I worn this outfit?! I can't show up to a MANEHATTAN party in a tired old ensemble! W-wait here; I'm going to make some last-minute alterations!"

Quest #1: Finicky Fashionista[]

Quest #1: Finicky Fashionista
""Always"?! Oh my goodness, just how many times have I worn this outfit?! I can't show up to a MANEHATTAN party in a tired old ensemble! I'm going to make some last-minute alterations!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Rarity to quadruple-check her Hearth's Warming Eve look.
Skip: 1 Gem

1 Time
Task Time: 3 minutes

2 Star

30 Bit

Quest Giver: Rarity
Ending text
"Oh, Rarity... You gotta admire a pony so dedicated to looking wonderful -- I just wish it didn't take such a toll on, well, her own self!"

Spike: You look great, Rarity! But, uh, did you hear the train conductor's announcement? All the snow's caused some delays...

Rarity: No!!! Oh, I wish I could simply teleport to the party! I should have brushed up on transportation spells... but those are difficult on short notice, even for very skilled unicorns--

Trixie Lulamoon: Did somepony say "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE"?! No...? Fine, did somepony say "very skilled unicorns," then?

Rarity: Er... I-I did. But what in the world are you doing here, Trixie? And were you waiting this whole time for me to say something so oddly specific...?

Trixie Lulamoon: NEVER MIND THAT! I was simply on my way to a holiday show in Madisoats Square Garden, when I overheard your conundrum. You're in luck, Rarity! You should thank me! Profusely!

Trixie Lulamoon: I used Centaur magic to borrow a TAD of Princess Luna's power -- with her permission, of course. And now my teleportation magic is overflowing! I WAS going to debut it at my show...

Trixie Lulamoon: ... But I suppose helping out a friend is its own reward! Now, I'll need a spot to perform the spell safely... With my overcharged magic, there's a SLIGHT chance something will go awry. "SLIGHT," I said!

Quest #2: Trixie's New Trick, See?[]

Quest #2: Trixie's New Trick, See?
"... But I suppose helping out a friend is it's own reward! Now, I'll need a spot to perform the spell safely... With my overcharged magic, there's a SPLIT chance something will go awry. "SLIGHT", I said!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Trixie Lulamoon to find an optimal spellcasting spot.
Skip: 1 Gem

1 Time
Task Time: 5 minutes

3 Star

40 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Trixie Lulamoon
Ending text
"I guess this'll mean me and Rarity will be able to make all our plans on time, but... can we really trust Trixie? (Don't tell her I said that!)"

Trixie Lulamoon: Let's see... I need somewhere quiet, where we won't be disturbed by other passengers -- somewhere I can truly focus on my transportation spell!

Spike: Umm, what about the baggage car? There shouldn't be anypony hanging around there, right?

Trixie Lulamoon: You're the perfect magician's assistant, Spike! I suppose we'll have to talk our way past a few train security ponies to get there, but I'm SURE we can manage that! Probably.

Stage #1: Safe, for a Spell (Minions)[]

Minion: Ms. Conductor
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X1 Magic Coins 3 100 12 +1
  •  Trixie Lulamoon may appear glowing during battles. Tapping her while she is glowing awards bonus Magic Coins (up to 5 taps at a time and 50 taps total before the glow disappears). This may be repeated every 1 hour.

Stage #1: Safe, for a Spell (Boss)[]

Boss: Stationmaster Pony
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Snow Krumplehorn (Decor) 10 100 1m
End Text
Phew! We made it to the luggage car! Good thing Trixie and Rarity handled all the fast talking... They're better at that than me!

Trixie Lulamoon: Ha-HA! It worked! And we're only a few blocks from your Manehattan fashion fête! Truly I am the greatest magician in all the-- Uh... Um... R-Rarity...?

Nightmare Rarity: Wh-what? Why are you both staring at me? Did the teleportation spell smudge my eyeliner? I-is my dress wrinkled?


Nightmare Rarity: Huh?! N-no, Spike! It's still me! Oh my... Did Trixie's spell REALLY have such a... er... dramatic effect on my appearance? And more importantly... can I show up to the party like this?!

Trixie Lulamoon: MORE importantly, Spike's yelling seems to have alerted the Manehattan Police -- and if they think Nightmare Rarity is on the loose, they'll lock you up! EVERYPONY, RUN!!!

Stage #2: Fast Fashion! (Minions)[]

Minion: Night Watch
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X2 Magic Coins 576 800 50 +1

Stage #2: Fast Fashion! (Boss)[]

Boss: Rough Diamond
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Mountainside Express (Decor) 38 570 1m
End Text
D-don't worry, Rarity! We're coming with you, even if everyone thinks we're evil accomplices! Ugh... what a holiday...
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 11 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Spike: Um, Rarity? Wh-where are we going? This doesn't exactly look like the highway out of Manehattan!

Nightmare Rarity: ACK! I'm SO sorry, I just instinctively ran toward my party! Ahahaha... ha... I-I'm sure they'll all understand if I just explain myself properly after making my grand entrance!

Spike: Rarity... as your friend, can I just say THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA--

Songbird Serenade's Agent: Hey, you! Incredibly sinister looking unicorn! You'd better leave all these fancy artists alone, or I'm gonna have to put the holiday smackdown on you and your friends!

Trixie Lulamoon: Argh! You two go on ahead while I distract the soirée security... and try to think of a spell-reversal... AND decide on just HOW MUCH you owe me, Rarity!!!

Stage #3: A Festive Diversion (Minions)[]

Minion: Songbird Serenade's Agent
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X3 Magic Coins 1,065 1,500 45 +1

Stage #3: A Festive Diversion (Boss)[]

Boss: Songbird Serenade's Bodyguard
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Castle Ruins (Decor) 80 1,200 1m
End Text
You can do it, Trixie! And while you're at it, do you have a spell that'd teleport a sweater onto me? It's cold out here!
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 18 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Rarity: Ah! I'm back to normal... Trixie's done it! Oh, I could just kiss her cheeks... as soon as I've made my introductory rounds, of course! Now, where IS that elusive Chiffon Ruffles...?

Chic Soirée-Goer: My goodness, who is that gothic-chic fashionista who has graced us with her presence?!

Cool Soirée-Goer: So dangerous! So DARING! I hardly know whether to run screaming, or faint dead away! I think I'll do both, somehow!

Nightmare Fluttershy: U-um... c-c-could any of you point me back to Ponyville? Specifically my hiding spot under the bed?

Trixie Lulamoon: Ohh, no... I didn't REVERSE the spell, I just teleported Fluttershy here -- AND Nightmare-ified her! I'd be VERY impressed with myself if I weren't COMPLETELY PANICKING!

Rarity: Now, darling, I know the party has collapsed into chaos, but would you please wait until I've completed ONE decent conversation with Chiffon Ruffles before you get us out of here?

Stage #4: Gala Getaway! (Minions)[]

Minion: Surrealist Pony
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X9 Magic Coins 2,619 4,000 40 +1

Stage #4: Gala Getaway! (Boss)[]

Boss: Spearhead
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Train Depot 234 4,680 1m
End Text
I don't think Trixie is gonna wait for Rarity to complete her social rounds... In fact, I feel another teleport spell coming on already!
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 33 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Spike: Phew! Trixie's spell landed us safely back at the Canterlot Castle holiday party... I wonder if we still have time before the fireworks start?

Rarity: Never mind THAT, Spike! I was SO CLOSE to making an unforgettable impression on Chiffon Ruffles! Did you SEE her candy cane-inspired ensemble? Oh, Trixie, you MUST take us back--!

Trixie Lulamoon: NO WAY! You've gotten me into enough trouble tonight, Rarity... And it's usually the other way around -- so frankly, I'm shocked!

Trixie Lulamoon: Now: Let me concentrate so I can counteract this spell before Fluttershy gets into trouble! Maybe I should find Princess Luna -- it's HER magic originally, after all--

Nightmare Pinkie Pie: Heyyy pals! Riddle me this: WHY do I look so COOL, and can I possibly look like this forever? Just, y'know, WITHOUT all the angry castle guards chasing me around with spears?

Trixie Lulamoon: Augh!!! This magic is WAY too unstable! Spike, Rarity -- help me track down Princess Luna so we can FIX all this! She's gotta be at this party somewhere...

Stage #5: Looking for Luna! (Minions)[]

Minion: Unicorn Guard
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X24 Magic Coins 8,328 8,000 35 +2

Stage #5: Looking for Luna! (Boss)[]

Boss: Solemn Canterlot Marshal
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Rough Diamond 494 9,880 1m
End Text
A-all I wanted to do was spend a fancy night in the city with Rarity, I swear! I'll do all I can to help find Luna in the meantime...
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 49 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Rarity: Th-this is it, I believe -- Princess Luna's quarters! Given the sheer breadth of her security detail, she MUST be inside...

Spike: Please! You guys gotta let us in -- we need to talk to Princess Luna right away!

Princess Luna's Royal Guard: No can do -- especially not with an unsavory character trying to gain access to Princess Luna's inner sanctum. We will protect Her Highness from the likes of you!

Rarity: "Unsavory"? Well, I never! Princess Luna is directly acquainted with us, and--

Nightmare Rainbow Dash: Um... I think the guard meant me. Sorry, guys -- I thought Luna could help me out after I transformed, but I don't think anypony's gonna lend me a hoof while I look like this!

Trixie Lulamoon: Well if the Great and Powerful Trixie has anything to say about it, they'll HAVE to!

Stage #6: Appeal to the Princess! (Minions)[]

Minion: Princess Luna's Royal Guard
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X47 Magic Coins 15,980 15,000 30 +3

Stage #6: Appeal to the Princess! (Boss)[]

Boss: Princess Luna
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Magical Beacon Gem(2) 852 21,300 1m
End Text
Princess Luna! Please open up! Rainbow Dash is NOT a nightmare monster, I promise! Uh... that came out wrong!!!
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 65 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Princess Luna: What's all the commotion out here? I'm very busy dealing with an avalanche situation on the railroad tracks in Poirot Pass, you know-- Huh...? Why does Rainbow Dash look like that?

Trixie Lulamoon: Princess! I must return my borrowed magic to you posthaste! It seems to have an... erm... unintended effect on other ponies. Perhaps I should study more before using Centaur magic again...

Princess Luna: Very well! But after that, I really must get back to handling this accident. Some snow creatures must have been playing too rough, and nearly buried a train en route to Ponyville...

Rarity: *sigh* ... Spike, Trixie, everypony... I'm SO sorry. If it weren't for my stubborn insistence on getting to that party and making an impression, none of this would have happened...

Spike: Hmm... Rarity, how about we go with Luna to help with the rescue effort? That way, we could all spend time together -- and besides, doing good deeds is what the holiday's all about!

Rarity: Oh, Spike... That's a wonderful idea! Princess Luna, will you kindly take us with you to Poirot Pass? For the rest of the night, I promise to use my magic for generosity ONLY!

Stage #7: Hearth's Warming Rescue (Minions)[]

Minion: Reformed Windigo
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X77 Magic Coins 24,640 25,000 25 +4

Stage #7: Hearth's Warming Rescue (Boss)[]

Boss: Winterzilla
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Nightmare Twilight Sparkle 1,284 32,100 1m
End Text
Phew! That was hard work... but it was all worth it to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with Rarity!
  • Trixie Lulamoon is recommended to reach Level 81 on both pieces to beat this boss (given that no helpers are active).

Princess Luna: Wonderful job, everypony! Especially you, Twilight and Applejack... Are you two sure you want to be un-Nightmare'd? You both look rather dashing like that!

Nightmare Applejack: Heh! As strong as I feel, I should probably go back to bein' regular ol' Applejack soon as we're done here -- or I think I'd frighten the kerchief right offa Granny!

Nightmare Twilight Sparkle: Same here, Luna. Somehow, I don't think my students would sit still for their lessons if their friendship professor showed up like this!

Spike: See, Rarity? Everything turned out pretty sweet tonight... so don't look so glum, okay? The Ponyville fireworks are starting, and you can see 'em super well even over the mountains!

Rarity: Oh, Spike... I know you wanted to see them up close. My holiday wish is for you to find it in your heart to forgive me... I promise I'll make the rest of tonight as wonderful as I can!

Spike: Already done, Rarity. With friends like these to share 'em with, the fireworks look even prettier!

Stage 8: Magic Chest[]

Minion: Magic Chest
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X77 Magic Coins 40,425 24,000 N/A N/A

Trixie Lulamoon: Kya-CHOO! Ugh... As nice and emotionally poignant as tonight's rescue effort was, I do wish it hadn't given me the sniffles -- I've got WORK to do!

Trixie Lulamoon: I have to continue studying the intricacies of Centaur magic. I clearly have a lot to learn before I'm good enough to NOT have all my spells misfire.

Trixie Lulamoon: My research continues -- and next time, I'll make sure my magical skills are good enough to sell out arenas! Ha HA!

The End


Character Team Power
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Twilight Sparkle +5 - - - - - - -
Rarity +5 - - - - - - -
Pinkie Pie +5 - - - - - - -
Inquisitive Shopper(220 Gem) - +20 - - - - - -
Ancient Vagabond(450 Gem) - +20 +20 - - - - -
Nightmare Rarity(900 Gem) - +20 +25 - - - - -
Avant-Garde Soirée-Goer(450 Gem) - - +20 - - - - -
Chic Soirée-Goer(495 Gem) - - - +25 - - - -
Cool Soirée-Goer(540 Gem) - - - +30 - - - -
Nightmare Fluttershy(900 Gem) - - - +35 - - - -
Golden Gavel(480 Gem) - - - - +30 - - -
Kibitz(630 Gem) - - - - +30 - - -
Nightmare Pinkie Pie(900 Gem) - - - - +35 - - -
Sheer Perfection(495 Gem) - - - - - +45 - +45
Roadwings the Awesome(540 Gem) - - - - - +50 - +50
Nightmare Rainbow Dash(900 Gem) - - - - - +55 - +55
Ms. Conductor(585 Gem) - - - - - - +45 -
Paramedic Pony(630 Gem) - - - - - - +50 -
Nightmare Applejack(900 Gem) - - - - - - +55 -
  • Helpers increase the maximum amount of Magic Coins you can store in the "bag".



From (Lvl) To (Lvl) Power (Mane) Power (Body) Mane Magic Coins Cost Body Magic Coins Cost
1 2 2 - -
1 2 3 3 1 1
2 3 4 4 2 2
3 4 5 5 3 3
4 5 6 6 5 5
5 6 7 7 9 9
6 7 9 9 15 15
7 8 11 11 40 40
8 9 13 13 99 99
9 10 16 16 234 234
10 11 19 19 273 273
11 12 22 22 288 288
12 13 25 25 316 316
13 14 28 28 360 360
14 15 31 31 402 402
15 16 34 34 446 446
16 17 37 37 489 489
17 18 40 40 532 532
18 19 43 43 648 648
19 20 46 46 693 693
20 21 51 51 743 743
21 22 56 56 823 823
22 23 61 61 905 905
23 24 66 66 985 985
24 25 71 71 1,067 1,067
25 26 76 76 1,147 1,147
26 27 81 81 1,229 1,229
27 28 86 86 1,309 1,309
28 29 91 91 1,391 1,391
29 30 96 96 1,471 1,471
30 31 103 103 1,553 1,553
31 32 110 110 1,665 1,665
32 33 117 117 1,782 1,782
33 34 124 124 2,520 2,520
34 35 131 131 2,676 2,676
35 36 138 138 2,820 2,820
36 37 145 145 2,976 2,976
37 38 152 152 3,132 3,132
38 39 159 159 3,276 3,276
39 40 166 166 3,432 3,432
40 41 175 175 3,576 3,576
41 42 184 184 3,780 3,780
42 43 193 193 3,972 3,972
43 44 202 202 4,164 4,164
44 45 211 211 4,356 4,356
45 46 220 220 4,548 4,548
46 47 229 229 4,752 4,752
47 48 238 238 4,944 4,944
48 49 247 247 5,136 5,136
49 50 256 256 5,569 5,569
50 51 267 267 5,758 5,758
51 52 278 278 6,016 6,016
52 53 289 289 6,251 6,251
53 54 300 300 6,509 6,509
54 55 311 311 6,788 6,788
55 56 322 322 7,003 7,003
56 57 333 333 7,262 7,262
57 58 344 344 7,496 7,496
58 59 355 355 7,755 7,755
59 60 366 366 7,990 7,990
60 61 378 378 8,249 8,249
61 62 390 390 8,507 8,507
62 63 402 402 8,789 8,789
63 64 414 414 9,047 9,047
64 65 426 426 9,330 9,330
65 66 438 438 9,432 9,432
66 67 450 450 9,702 9,702
67 68 462 462 9,972 9,972
68 69 474 474 10,241 10,241
69 70 486 486 10,510 10,510
70 71 500 500 10,742 10,742
71 72 514 514 11,088 11,088
72 73 528 528 11,396 11,396
73 74 542 542 11,704 11,704
74 75 556 556 12,012 12,012
75 76 570 570 12,320 12,320
76 77 584 584 12,628 12,628
77 78 598 598 12,936 12,936
78 79 612 612 13,244 13,244
79 80 626 626 13,552 13,552
80 81 642 642 13,860 13,860
81 82 658 658 14,206 14,206
82 83 674 674 14,592 14,592
83 84 690 690 14,938 14,938
84 85 706 706 15,284 15,284
85 86 722 722 15,631 15,631
86 87 738 738 15,978 15,978
87 88 754 754 16,362 16,362
88 89 770 770 16,709 16,709
89 90 786 786 17,056 17,056
  • Note: When you tap the bag to the left of the number of Magic Coins collected during a fight, all collected Magic Coins will be immediately added into the total amount you own.

Babysitter Trixie (Trixie Lulamoon's Outfit)[]

Tier Piece Team Power Increase Magic Coins Cost Total Cost of Magic Coins
(Up to Level 11)
Mane: +19 681 1,362
Body: +19 681
(Up to Level 33)
Mane: +117 20,244 40,488
Body: +117 20,244
(Up to Level 55)
Mane: +311 96,951 193,902
Body: +311 96,951
(Up to Level 77)
Mane: +584 213,175 426,350
Body: +584 213,175
(Up to Level 90)
Mane: +786 194,348 388,696
Body: +786 194,348
  • Finishing the whole outfit with the bonus gives you a total of 1,572 Team Power and a total cost of 1,050,798 Magic Coins.


Leaderboard Time Limit:
10 Days
Assign Characters to complete tasks and earn: Heart-Warming Orbs
Prize 1 (1-100) Prize 2 (101-500) Prize 3 (501-1000)
Old Wizard Manehattan Emergency Services (Décor) 20 Gem

Community Helpers[]

NOTE: Complete a mini-game similar to Equestria Girls mini-game in order to gain tokens and various items.

Pony Sweets Sweets Produced Time
Sweetie Belle 200 2h (SKIP WITH 17 Gem)
Big Macintosh 200 2h (SKIP WITH 17 Gem)
Lilac Links(X2) 400 3h (SKIP WITH 27 Gem)
Princess Cadance(X2) 400 3h (SKIP WITH 27 Gem)
Shining Armor(X4) 800 5h (SKIP WITH 47 Gem)
Open Skies(X4) 800 5h (SKIP WITH 47 Gem)
Thorax(X7) 1,400 8h (SKIP WITH 50 Gem)