Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Widow-class fighters were small nimble craft used by the Tholian Assembly in the 2400s. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)


Widow-class fighters were part of Tholian battle groups that attacked several Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force starbases in 2409. (STO missions: "Fleet Alert", "Fleet Transport Defense", "Starbase Fleet Defense")

The craft were also part of another Tholian force attempting to capture ancient artifacts in the Beta Lankal system. (STO mission: "Beta Lankal System Patrol")

They were also sighted during a Tholian attack on a Romulan Republic installation in the Archer system. (STO mission: "Archer System Patrol")

Numerous Widow-class fighters participated in a Tholian attempt to capture the Vault. (STO mission: "The Vault: Ensnared")

Technical data[]

The Widow-class was capable of both carrier-based and independent operations. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)



This section is written
from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta

Although the Widow is visually similar to the Tholian fighters encountered in the 23rd century by USS Defiant and USS Enterprise, it is unclear whether it is the same class or a technological descendant, so it has been listed separately.

The name of the class appears to refer to Earth's black widow spider, part of genus LatrodectusWP.


Starship classes of the Tholian Assembly
By name Amethyst • Emerald • Feldspar • Garnet • Weaver • Mesh Weaver • Orb Weaver • Quartz • Recluse • Ruby • Sapphire • Shard • Spinner • Tarantula • Widow Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image.
By type Chakuun fighter • Chakuun ghostship • Tholian fighter • 2290s Tholian starship • Tholian cruiser (2270s Tholian cruiser) • Tholian battlecruiser

External links[]
