Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Tarantula-class was a class of dreadnought used by Tholian Assembly space forces in the 2400s. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

History and specifications[]

Tarantula-class ships took part in a number of battles in 2409. Five of them led separate raids on Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force starbases. These were destroyed. (STO mission: "Fleet Alert")

Other Tarantula-class ships guarded captured Romulan Republic Falchion-class starships at a base in the Azure Nebula. (STO mission: "Azure Nebula Rescue")

Two more arrived at the Vault after defending forces disrupted a Tholian attempt to encase the space station in a Tholian web and drag it into an alternate universe. The defenders destroyed these vessels as well. (STO mission: "The Vault: Ensnared")

Several more vessels appeared in the Tau Dewa sector block and destroyed a Borg fleet, then attacked Romulan Republic-allied forces responding to the Borg sighting. These, too, were destroyed. (STO mission: "Tholian Red Alert")

Tarantula-class vessels were holographically duplicated in one version of Combat Simulation 347 as one of several classes of Tholian ships attacking a civilian transport. (STO mission: "No Win Scenario")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate 2409 created by the USS Enterprise-C traveling forward in time rather than backwards after entering a temporal vortex, a Tarantula-class vessel attempted to prevent the Enterprise from escaping a Tholian space station and returning to 2344. It was destroyed by the Enterprise and the USS Pastak. (STO mission: "Temporal Ambassador")

Known vessels[]

Tholian Assembly Tarantula-class starships
Azar • Ikukube • Iskel • Ketus • Lelkene • Loskene • Naskeel • Presa Gran • Saphene • Seldspar • Tik'r • Zagristi • Zlo'Pauk • unnamed Seal of the Tholian Assembly.



Starship classes of the Tholian Assembly
By name Amethyst • Emerald • Feldspar • Garnet • Weaver • Mesh Weaver • Orb Weaver • Quartz • Recluse • Ruby • Sapphire • Shard • Spinner • Tarantula • Widow Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image.
By type Chakuun fighter • Chakuun ghostship • Tholian fighter • 2290s Tholian starship • Tholian cruiser (2270s Tholian cruiser) • Tholian battlecruiser

External link[]
