Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A spider is a type of arachnid arthropod animal lifeform, with a basic form that has been noted throughout the galaxy.

History and specifics[]

On Earth, many spider creatures are known to build intricate spiderwebs by instinct, with somewhat complex geometry, yet were not intelligent lifeforms. (TOS novel: Vulcan!)

On Kwettir, the lifeforms grew to a massive size. James T. Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, and Montgomery Scott visited the planet in 2269, but were grabbed by a boy named Togor. He left them in a jar in his bedroom, but their lives were threatened when a spider climbed into the jar. (TOS comic: "To Swiftly Go...")


During a holodeck drill controlled by Badgey aboard the USS Cerritos in 2381, the Dog became a carrier for a virus that de-evolved ship's personnel. One of the ship's crew turned into a giant spider. (LD video game: The Badgey Directive event: "In the Beginning")

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See also[]

External links[]
