Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Conflict of Interests is an RPG sourcebook, an adventure module for FASA's Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. It was one of seven TOS packages released by FASA Corporation in 1986. The Klingon Intelligence Briefing, a reference on Klingon history and culture, accompanied the module.


This adventure pits two groups of players against one another as diplomatic teams from the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The objective is to convince the population of Sheridan's World to join either the Federation or the Empire. The only problem is that this planet was settled by the Organians right after the Organian Incident by 100 colonists from the UFP and by 100 colonists from the Klingon Empire. Having kept the planet in isolation for 15 years, the Organians have decided that now is the time for the colonists to decide whether they will become Klingon, Federation, or independent. Each diplomatic team must do its best both publicly and privately to convince the colonists to join their side.


Teams from the Federation and the Klingon Empire are sent at the behest of the Organians to make contact with a hidden jointly-founded colony.



Starfleet liaison team[]

Sean SheridanAlan Michael FoxIrenna SuparovDamiano Troyat

Klingon liaison team[]

Molodar vestai-HurricKinot vestai-JurissKemoc vestai-ReshtarcKilara vestai-Subaiesh

Sheridan colonists[]

Harper AbermarleAbexek AmerexAosta AmerexAtovra AmerexAuloc AmexarAuroc AmexarKyle BaronTristan BallardLaura BartonRandolph BerrinLinda BrightonAdam BrintoneJudy BrintoneThomas BrintoneNathan BristolWilliam CallarXavier CambridgeTimothy CesterAlbert ChesterfieldTrisha CochrainJames CocharalCathleen CorriganAlberta CrillUrsulla DaggartElizabeth De La CroixDavid de WinterFrederick de WinterOscar DiamondAbarr DrexaAccovo DrexaAcesh DrexaAcollo DrexaAdacov DrexaAindar DrexaAindira DrexaAlodahc DrexaAnarth DrexaAopori DrexaAorge DrexaAorsu DrexaAresha DrexaAreshta DrexaArilla DrexaKiff tai-DrexaKinnon DrexaKistenn tai-DrexaKrox vestai-DrexaAndrew DuncanGregory DundasHarriet DundasMalinda DundasEdward DysonLoris EdwardsLisa ElgennBarbara EllisonMatthew FindersAdam FletcherKagarri FulmoriKecar tai-FulmoriKigann tai-FulmoriKirros tai-FulmoriAlennic GomorracAnalla GomorracAoroz GomorracAthora GomorracCaroline GordenBarbara GoreDavid GoreDavid GreenSamantha GreenLinda HardennSandra HollanderLorri HuntJames HunterTristan HunterAhorri HuronAmarra HuronAohless HuronKarn tai-HuronKereg vestai-HuronKravax HuronFranklin HurrnAonari IssarraMargaret IssenAburla JarovAomol JarovAyarth JarovAzarx JarovKimparri vestai-JarovCarl JergensonKavin JergensonRaven JergensonKristal JimorAorano JurissAparax JurissArilana JurissAthilla JurissHadrian J. KantVictoria KinnisenRussel KrandhalXavier LeonidasPaul LindersTrisha LindersPaul LissorFiona LockwellAbeck LorexenAddarra LorexenAqalova LorexenAurilla LorexenAuvellex LorexenKahmirix tai-LorexenKarsani LorexenKienoss tai-LorexenKilosar tai-LorexenKmarn sutai-LorexenAival LorexenAritha LorexenLieniss tai-LorexenHarrison LuxenXavier LuxenSandra MacDugallRichard MacNeillKsanna MacDonaldThadeus MacDonaldJudith MakepeaceDavid MastersWilliam MastersJorge MattiganAdax MesseshAmorex MesseshAollis MesseshAorus MesseshApexin MesseshAsaratoc MesseshAtrax MesseshAuvarak MesseshKamindar vestai-MesseshKellig vestai-MesseshKeshik MesseshKimon tai-MesseshKmenna vestai-MesseshCandy MillesterLorra MindasJulie MinnarkCarla MintaineConstance MintaineEdward MolloMartin MolloSandra MolloAmber MorganGeorge MorganQuintus MorganTamin MorrisonAcax MrithAegreth MrithAgannor MrithAivilla MrithArell MrithAsarra MrithAubar MrithAzarna MrithKavili vestai-MrithKilmarac tai-MrithAhindar NivalliAliss NivalliKedda tai-NivalliKialess sutai-NivalliJondrek NormanJudith NorthPeter NorthTamara NorthKbarra sutai-Pallara MacDonaldKexor sutai-PallaraAnsella PallasNatalie PetersonBenjamin PollardIlliana ProkovaFranklin PytharRamonna PytharThomas PytharHarrison QuillerJacov QuillerPamella QuillerDaniel QuinnEdward QuinnUrsella QuinnAcavra ReshtarcAgorva ReshtarcAgriva ReshtarcAkahra ReshtarcAlondis ReshtarcAlork ReshtarcAlova ReshtarcAnissi ReshtarcAolon ReshtarcAsernic ReshtarcAsevenna ReshtarcAssix ReshtarcAwrenn ReshtarcKexen vestai-ReshtarcKuvalex vestai-ReshtarcMathias RinnPamella RinnWalter RinnJudith RiversonHamilton SarnAbacor SimparriAdarra SimparriAggarath SimparriAharri SimparriAinsarri SimparriAmorri SimparriAnillis SimparriAolara SimparriAozal SimparriAozzar SimparriAparri SimparriAlannira SolazarnAnexxa SolazarnKgar vestai-SolazarnRoger SterlingKnarsh vestai-SubaieshCarl TashketSamuel TashketAuron TharaxesTimothy TormalineValerie TownsendRaven UnderhillKaziri sutai-UrussigAdehk VallicAdexxa VallicAdhol VallicAoer VallicAparox VallicCaroline VictorFiona VincentJason VollorJonathan WalkerPaul WaterfieldJames WedgewoodMary Ann WintersSamuel WellingtonPatrick WrennStephen WrennMartha YareKansar YurrisMichael ZaineBarbara ZannicDaemon ZornTamar Zuborov

Referenced only[]

James T. KirkSpock

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Hornet (Constitution-class class XI cruiser) • IKV Rampage (K't'inga-class class XI battle cruiser) • USS Impala (Greyhound-class class I warpshuttle) • IKV Intimidator (Kas Maal-class class III warpshuttle)
Referenced only
USS Enterprise (Constitution-class class XI cruiser)


Planetary locations[]

Sheridan's World
Continuity (The Bloody Fist BarThe Home Away From Home BarKexor GrottoMedark PalaceSheridan's World Hall of Records)
Buenos AiresDevonshireEnglandMontrealNew LeningradNew YorkNorth AmericaUnited States of America
LeandrailMartian Colony 3

Stations and outposts[]

Starbase 12

Planets and planetoids[]

Sheridan's World
Referenced only
EarthGanarra IIIKannagaKlinzhaiKorvalineLantosOrganiaRashileRibald QuestTaamar Colony XIZannaduu IVZwaalan

Stars and systems[]

Referenced only
Sol systemOrganian systemZannaduu

Stellar regions[]

Organian Treaty Zone

Races and cultures[]

Klingon (Imperial Race, Klingon/Human fusion, Klingon/Romulan fusion) • HumanOrganianOrion

States and organizations[]

FederationIntersystems Extraction, Inc.Klingon Defense ForceKlingon Diplomatic CorpsKlingon EmpireStarfleet

Klingon lines[]


Science and classification[]

Technology and weapons[]

warp drivestarshipshuttlecraftsubspace radiocommunicatorcomputerphaserhand phaserdisruptorblademêlée weapontransporter

Substances and energies[]

mineraldilithiumfooddrinkmetalcrystalgemstoneradioactive elementelementwater

Foods and beverages[]



humanoidplantanimalreptilemonitor lizardlizardjendrallmammalzandan horsehorseoxtuballoynyopsbirdperegrine falconrodentsherrin

Occupations and titles[]

commanderlieutenantliaisonkingadministratorprefectemperorsecuritysecurity chiefSecretary of Starfleet Commandcaptaincommanding officerfirst officerscience officer

Other references[]

spaceplanetlifeformranktitleuniformStarfleet uniformFederation Starfleet ranks (2270s-2350s)insigniarank insigniaraces and culturesgovernmentcolonymonarchypoliticsdiplomacytreatyOrganian Peace Treatysubspacecommunicationsspaceclass M planetwarFederation-Klingon War of 2267third planetsfourth planetsmoonkilometerquintotriticaleagriculturetechnologyenergyklingonaase


Related media[]


Other contributors[]

L. Ross Babcock III
Senior editor
Donna Ippolito
Production managers
Karen Vander MayJordan Weisman
Typesetting, layout & pasteup
Tara Gallagher



reference stardate 1/86
Adam Brintone born.
reference stardate 1/92
Harper Abermarle born.
reference stardate 1/94
Laura Barton born.
reference stardate 2/04
Between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, post-war border skirmishes continue along new frontiers of disputed territory claimed by both sides.
reference stardate 2/05
Starfleet Commander Sean Sheridan leads a survey team that discovers a habitable planet that will be named Sheridan's World.
reference stardate 2/06
The Klingon Empire sends a team to examine the colonization potential of Sheridan's World.
reference stardate 2/07
Armed conflict erupts between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Both sides suffer casualties and prepare for full-scale war.
reference stardate 2/08
Representatives of the Federation and the Klingon Empire fail to reach peaceful resolution of their differences. Warships of the Klingon Empire invade space claimed by the UFP. Klingons invade Organia, and a Federation task force counters. The Organian Peace Treaty is imposed by the Organians, with further negotiations during the following months establishing the Organian Treaty Zone between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. The establishment of the Zone means new territory for both sides.
reference stardate 2/12
Kravax Huron born.
reference stardate 2/14
Judy Brintone born.
reference stardate 2/17
Thomas Brintone born.


Star Trek: The Original Series RPG sourcebooks and adventures
Heritage Models sourcebook Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier
adventure The Slaver Ruins
Tsukuda Hobby sourcebook Enterprise: Role Play Game in Star Trek
adventure The Drifting Ring
FASA sourcebooks The Role Playing Game (Star Fleet Officer's ManualCadet's Orientation SourcebookGame Operations Manual) • The Klingons (The Klingons: Star Fleet Intelligence ManualThe Klingons: Game Operation Manual) • Star Trek II: Starship Combat SimulatorStarship Tactical Combat SimulatorThe Romulans: Starfleet Intelligence ManualThe Romulan Way: Game Operations ManualStar Trek III: Starship Combat GameStar Trek III: Starship UpdateThe TriangleThe Orions: Book of Common KnowledgeThe Orions: Book of Deep KnowledgeThe FederationStar Fleet Intelligence ManualStar Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation SourcebookUSS Enterprise Deck PlansKlingon D-7 Deck PlansTrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd edition) • Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar TradeShip Construction ManualStar Trek III Sourcebook UpdateThe Four Years WarThe Romulan WarKlingon Intelligence BriefingStar Trek IV Sourcebook UpdateRegula-1 Orbital Station DeckplansShip Recognition Manual: The Klingon Empire/Klingon Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: The Federation/Federation Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: Romulans
adventures Adventure Book (Ghosts of ConscienceAgain, Troublesome TribblesIn the Presence of My Enemies) • The VanishedWitness for the DefenseDenial of DestinyIntrusionThe Natural OrderTermination: 1456Demand of HonorOrion RuseMargin of ProfitThe OutcastsA Matter of PrioritiesA Doomsday Like Any OtherThe Mines of SelkaLost and Presumed DeadThe Triangle CampaignGraduation ExerciseWhere Has All the Glory Gone?Return to AxanarDecision at MidnightAn Imbalance of PowerOld Soldiers Never DieConflict of InterestsThe Dixie GambitThe White Flame Starship Combat Scenario PackThe Strider IncidentStardate Magazine (The Serpent FactorDeneva DeceptionSafari in VioletContinuing the LineOperation ShadowfallThe Barrier of EssaiOrion RisingThe Hottest Blood of AllOperation KingmakerOperation Starling) • StarDrive (Another Piece of the Action)
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adventures The Danurian FactorStopping at the Beast
Mōdiphiüs sourcebooks TOS Rules Digest
adventures These are the Voyages: Mission Compendium Vol. 1 (A World With a Bluer Sun) • RemnantsA Forest ApartHard Rock CatastropheStrange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Vol. 2 (Pluto's CaveDrawing Deeply From the WellNo Good Deed) • The BurningKobayashi MaruThe Keyhole of EternityMission Briefs: First ContactsMission Briefs: SpacewrecksMission Briefs: MysteriesMission Briefs: Ancient CivilizationsMission Briefs: Cold WarMission Briefs: Khitomer AccordsGhosts in the MachineConflict of ValuesAlternative TruthsMission Briefs: The Alpha Quadrant

External link[]
