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Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man


Yuusha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH! title screen

Yuusha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH! (勇者のくせにこなまいきだDASH!), Yuukona DASH (勇こなDASH) for short, is a freemium puzzle RPG released for iOS and Android in Japan. It is part of the Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaiki da series, known as No Heroes Allowed! outside Japan. The game's service ended on April 24, 2019.


Similar to Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da. G (No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!), the player uses a pickaxe to dig blocks to combine three or more of the same monster to summon it to attack the heroes invading the dungeon of the Overlord. The player must defeat the hero before he reaches the Overlord, otherwise he will be captured. Heroes that survive are captured and can be forced to mine for items or monsters.

Rockman event[]

In 2018, the game held the Rockman collaboration event "Rockman Invasion! Awakening of the Evil Robo Army!" (ロックマン襲来!目覚めよ悪のロボ軍団!) from August 30 to September 13. Several enemies from the Rockman series appeared as monsters in the gacha during the event. The player could also fight against Rockman in Block Man's stage, Fuse Man's stage, and the first Wily Stage stage from Rockman 2, each with their own difficulty. Besides capturing Rockman, which can be used to dig for Guts Man, the player gains small and big Life Recovery points that unlock rewards as they are accumulated, including three types of E Cans to enhance Rockman monsters and tickets for the event gacha.

On September 6 new stages and a new gacha became available, with Blues appearing alongside new versions of Rockman in Clash Man's stage, Flash Man's stage, and the fifth Wily Stage from Rockman 2. Heroes obtained in these stages can dig for Yellow Devil. The new gacha replaces Block Man and Splash Woman with Forte and Quick Man.

Rockman characters[]


Monsters available in the Rockman event are five types of Metalls (GX, BX, RX, LX and PX), Guts Man, Air Man, Shadow Man, Pharaoh Man, Slash Man, Splash Woman, Block Man, Fuse Man, Forte, Quick Man, and Yellow Devil. Guts Man and Yellow Devil are obtained by using captured Rockman heroes to dig for them. The other robots are obtained in the Rockman event gachas.

No. Name Rarity Color Class Species Attribute Power
Cost Passive Skill Active Skill
700 Fuse Man ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 479-839 17 None Scramble Thunder
701 Fuse Man ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 592-888 23 None Scramble Thunder
702 Fuse Man ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 692-969 25 Party Combo Up (Fast) Scramble Thunder+
703 Fuse Man ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 811-1136 30 Party Combo Up (Fast) Scramble Thunder+
704 Fuse Man ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 912-1140 38 Party Combo Up (Fast)+ Scramble Thunder++
705 Block Man ★5 Light Blue Golems Giant Attack 228-399 16 None Block Dropper
706 Block Man ★5 Light Blue Golems Giant Attack 308-462 22 None Block Dropper
707 Block Man ★5 Light Blue Golems Giant Attack 345-483 24 Combo Extend & Def. Down+ Block Dropper+
708 Block Man ★5 Light Blue Golems Giant Attack 435-609 29 Combo Extend & Def. Down+ Block Dropper+
709 Block Man ★5 Light Blue Golems Giant Attack 506-633 37 Combo Extend & Def. Down++ Block Dropper++
710 Air Man ★4 Green Thunderheads Basic Defense 133-233 12 None Air Shooter
711 Air Man ★4 Green Thunderheads Basic Defense 146-219 16 None Air Shooter
712 Air Man ★4 Green Thunderheads Basic Defense 166-233 19 Combo Atk. Up Air Shooter+
713 Air Man ★4 Green Thunderheads Basic Defense 191-268 22 Combo Atk. Up+ Air Shooter+
714 Splash Woman ★4 Red Loreleis Basic Magic 222-389 11 None Laser Trident
715 Splash Woman ★4 Red Loreleis Basic Magic 278-417 16 None Laser Trident
716 Splash Woman ★4 Red Loreleis Basic Magic 328-460 21 Basic Type Atk. Up Laser Trident+
717 Splash Woman ★4 Red Loreleis Basic Magic 387-542 26 Basic Type Atk. Up+ Laser Trident+
718 Metall GX ★3 Green Mosses Basic Defense 63-111 6 None Safety Helmet
719 Metall BX ★3 Blue Insects Basic Defense 96-168 8 None Safety Helmet
720 Metall RX ★3 Red Lizardmen Basic Defense 127-223 10 None Safety Helmet
721 Metall LX ★3 Light Blue Demons Basic Defense 189-331 12 None Safety Helmet
722 Metall PX ★3 Purple Dragons Basic Defense 252-441 14 None Safety Helmet
723 Slash Man ★3 Red Lizardmen Abnormal Attack 174-305 10 None Slash Claw
724 Slash Man ★3 Red Lizardmen Abnormal Attack 202-303 13 None Slash Claw
725 Slash Man ★3 Red Lizardmen Abnormal Attack 235-329 16 Hero Def. Down+ Slash Claw+
726 Pharaoh Man ★3 Light Blue Skelemen Rare Magic 133-233 10 None Pharaoh Shot
727 Pharaoh Man ★3 Light Blue Skelemen Rare Magic 182-273 15 None Pharaoh Shot
728 Pharaoh Man ★3 Light Blue Skelemen Rare Magic 223-313 19 Combo Time Extend+ Pharaoh Shot+
729 Shadow Man ★3 Blue Aquachnids Abnormal Attack 129-226 9 None Shadow Blade
730 Shadow Man ★3 Blue Aquachnids Abnormal Attack 159-239 12 None Shadow Blade
731 Shadow Man ★3 Blue Aquachnids Abnormal Attack 185-259 17 Skill Boost Shadow Blade
732 Guts Man ★4 Green Spirits Basic Defense 153-268 10 None Super Arm
733 Guts Man ★4 Green Spirits Basic Defense 182-273 16 None Super Arm
734 Guts Man ★4 Green Spirits Basic Defense 207-290 20 Combo Time Up Super Arm+
735 Guts Man ★4 Green Spirits Basic Defense 237-332 22 Combo Time Up+ Super Arm+
736 Forte ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 509-891 17 None Forte Buster
737 Forte ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 622-933 23 None Forte Buster
738 Forte ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 722-1011 25 Skill Boost Forte Buster+
739 Forte ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 841-1178 30 Skill Boost Forte Buster+
740 Forte ★5 Purple Dragons Rare Defense 952-1190 38 Skill Boost+ Forte Buster++
741 Quick Man ★4 Light Blue Humanoids Rare Attack 216-378 11 None Quick Boomerang
742 Quick Man ★4 Light Blue Humanoids Rare Attack 296-444 15 None Quick Boomerang
743 Quick Man ★4 Light Blue Humanoids Rare Attack 363-509 20 Hero Dig No. Up+ Quick Boomerang+
744 Quick Man ★4 Light Blue Humanoids Rare Attack 383-537 24 Hero Dig No. Up++ Quick Boomerang+
745 Yellow Devil ★5 Light Blue Maras Giant Defense 310-543 13 None Liquid Metal Body
746 Yellow Devil ★5 Light Blue Maras Giant Defense 370-555 16 None Liquid Metal Body
747 Yellow Devil ★5 Light Blue Maras Giant Defense 400-560 20 Hero Speed Down+ Liquid Metal Body+
748 Yellow Devil ★5 Light Blue Maras Giant Defense 440-616 24 Hero Speed Down+ Liquid Metal Body+
749 Yellow Devil ★5 Light Blue Maras Giant Defense 500-625 27 Hero Speed Down++ Liquid Metal Body++


The heroes from the event are Rockman (N rarity) and Blues (SSR), and variations of Rockman with Spark Shock (R), Tornado Blow (SR), Pharaoh Shot (SSR), Metal Blade (R), and Block Dropper (SR). The Dig Skills from the R, SR, and SSR units gives a chance to obtain specific monsters when the heroes are sent to dig in the mine. Power Arm (パワーアーム) has a chance to obtain Guts Man, and Liquid Metal Detection (液体金属探知) can grant Yellow Devil.

No. Hero Rarity Lv. HP Defense Occupation Attribute Dig Skill Stage
1134 Rockman N 10 660 18 Warrior Defense None Block Man Stage
1135 Rockman R 25 870 30 Monster Hunter Attack Power Arm Block Man Stage
1136 Rockman SR 18 790 22 Priest Attack Power Arm Block Man Stage
1137 Rockman SSR 30 850 34 Shaman Attack Power Arm Block Man Stage
1138 Rockman N 50 2080 42 Warrior Defense None Fuse Man Stage
1139 Rockman R 75 2660 52 Monster Hunter Attack Power Arm Fuse Man Stage
1140 Rockman SR 60 2550 46 Priest Attack Power Arm Fuse Man Stage
1141 Rockman SSR 80 2690 55 Shaman Attack Power Arm Fuse Man Stage
1142 Rockman N 120 4520 146 Warrior Defense None Wily Stage (1)
1143 Rockman R 150 6670 163 Monster Hunter Attack Power Arm Wily Stage (1)
1144 Rockman SR 130 6170 106 Priest Attack Power Arm Wily Stage (1)
1145 Rockman SSR 200 7410 169 Shaman Attack Power Arm Wily Stage (1)
1146 Rockman N 15 2551 71 Warrior Defense None Clash Man Stage
1147 Rockman R 22 2652 71 Swordsman Attack Liquid Metal Detection Clash Man Stage
1148 Rockman SR 30 4355 104 Martial Artist Defense Liquid Metal Detection Clash Man Stage
1149 Blues SSR 35 4810 102 Iron Man Attack Liquid Metal Detection Clash Man Stage
1150 Rockman N 55 7040 131 Warrior Defense None Flash Man Stage
1151 Rockman R 80 6912 152 Swordsman Attack Liquid Metal Detection Flash Man Stage
1152 Rockman SR 70 7993 158 Martial Artist Defense Liquid Metal Detection Flash Man Stage
1153 Blues SSR 100 9881 165 Iron Man Attack Liquid Metal Detection Flash Man Stage
1154 Rockman N 120 7570 146 Warrior Defense None Wily Stage (5)
1155 Rockman R 130 9513 170 Swordsman Attack Liquid Metal Detection Wily Stage (5)
1156 Rockman SR 150 11014 191 Martial Artist Defense Liquid Metal Detection Wily Stage (5)
1157 Blues SSR 200 13244 208 Iron Man Attack Liquid Metal Detection Wily Stage (5)


Image Name Description
Evolution materials
E(3) E Can (★3)
Energy for robots from other world that was refined and packed in a can. It can evolve Shadow Man, Slash Man and Pharaoh Man.
E(4) E Can (★4)
Energy for robots from other world that was refined and packed in a can. It can evolve Air Man and Splash Woman.
E(5) E Can (★5)
Energy for robots from other world that was refined and packed in a can. It can evolve Fuse Man and Block Man.
SE(4) SE Can (★4)
Energy for robots from other world, this special brand can has Demon World's demonic power. It can evolve Quick Man.
SE(5) SE Can (★5)
Energy for robots from other world, this special brand can has Demon World's demonic power. It can evolve Forte.
3 Copper Metall Statue
Lizardmen Attack +100
2 Silver Metall Statue
Insects Attack +200
1 Golden Metall Statue
Mosses Attack +300
3 Copper Dr. Wily Statue
Liliths Attack +5%
Heroes Defense -3%
2 Silver Dr. Wily Statue
Demons Attack +10%
Heroes Defense -5%
1 Golden Dr. Wily Statue
Maras Attack +20%
Heroes Defense -10%


Music used in the Rockman event.

Music Usage
Game Start Hero introduction
Block Man Stage Block Man Stage
Fuse Man Stage Fuse Man Stage
Dr. Wily Stage 1 (Rockman 2) Wily Stages
Clash Man Stage Clash Man Stage
Flash Man Stage Flash Man Stage
Top Man Stage During a Fever
Boss (Rockman 2) Hero is near the Overlord
Stage Clear Game Over

Rockman related text[]


Text Translation
No. 700-704 ヒューズマン (Fuse Man)

ロックマン11に登場する 高圧電流を扱う電気設備管理用ロボット。 高圧電流を自在に操る能力と 電光石火の移動スピードを誇り、 瞬時に勇者の死角に回り込んで 高圧電流弾を放ってくる。

危険度と重要度の高い施設を 任されているプレッシャーからか 本人が電流をまとっていない時でさえ 近づくとピリッとくるほど、いつもピリピリと 神経をとがらせている。

A robot for managing electrical equipment that handles high voltage current that appeared in Rockman 11. Boasting speed of lightning movements and the ability to manipulate high-voltage currents, he instantly travels into the blind spot of a hero and releases a high-voltage shot.

Due to the pressure of being assigned to a facility with a high degree of risk and importance, he is always tense and nervous, being tense even when the current is off.

No. 705-709 ブロックマン (Block Man)
No. 710-713 エアーマン (Air Man)

ロックマン2に登場する空中戦闘用ロボット。 お腹に巨大なプロペラが入っており、 その結果大きな胴体の胸部と頭部が一体化した 特徴的なフォルムになっている。

何度やっても倒されない不滅の敵として、大変有名。 その噂を間いて尋ねてくる魔物に対して、 尊大に先輩風を吹かせて接してくる。

ただし一部の植物系魔物には 決して会ってくれようとはしない。

An air combat robot that appeared in Rockman 2. He has a huge propeller in his stomach, and as result he has a distinctive form that unites the chest and head in a large torso.

He is very famous for having an immortal enemy that fought him many times and never defeated him. In response to the monsters that ask him about that rumor, he respectfully blows them away with an air of seniority and says he will come in contact with them.

For some reason he never tried to meet some plant based monsters.

No. 714-717 スプラッシュウーマン (Splash Woman)

ロックマン9に登場する 人魚のような容姿をした海難救助用ロボット。

美声の持ち主であり、趣味はカラオケ。 その歌声を問いてオチない男はいない。 芸能界からもしばしばスカウトされているが 誘いは全て断っている。

自分の姿を写真や動画に残すのは 好きなようなので、諦めの悪い勇者などは せめて写真集だけでもと、しつこく迫って 迎撃されている。

A marine rescue robot with a mermaid appearance that appeared in Rockman 9.

She got a beautiful voice and her hobby is karaoke. There is no man who can not resist her singing voice. She is often scouted by the entertainment industry, but she refused all invitations.

It seems that she likes to leave her appearance in photos and videos, so good-for-nothing heroes are at least imminently intercepted when given a photo collection.

No. 718 メットールGX (Metall GX)

ロックマンに登場する敵キャラクターのなかで、 もっともメジャーなロボット。

巨大な工事用の安全ヘルメットを被っており、 ヘルメットを閉じている間は いかなる攻撃もはじき返す。

しかしヘルメットから顔を出した時を 狙われれば、大抵一撃で倒されてしまう。 結局は一山いくらの悲しきザコ敵である。

The most major robot among the enemy characters that appeared in Rockman.

Wears a huge construction safety helmet, and any attack is repelled while the helmet is closed.

However, it is usually defeated with one hit by aiming at the time when the face is out of the helmet. After all, that's the great sadness of being a minor enemy.

No. 719 メットールBX (Metall BX)

メットールは用途に合わせて 様々な機体が存在する。

魔界でも5つのブロック種別に合わせた 5種類のメットールが用意されている。

もっとも多少ステータスに 差がある以外、大きな遣いはない。 見た目にいたってはまったく同じである。

Metalls have various models according to their purpose.

In the Demon World there are five Metall types to match the five block types.

Except for the slight difference in the status, they aren't very different. Their appearance is exactly the same.

No. 720 メットールRX (Metall RX)

メットールにも、巨大種ともいうべき 規格外なサイズのタイプが存在するらしい。

大きくなってしまってはヘルメットに 隠れられないのではと心配になるが、 どのような仕組みかヘルメットから はみ出している部分も攻撃をはじき返すらしい。

が、なぜかヘルメットの一部に 攻撃が通用するという、本末転倒な状態らしい。

Metalls also appear to have a nonstandard size type of the Giant species.

If it got bigger, it will be worrisome if it can't hide under the helmet, but it appears that the part out of the helmet is now able to repel attacks.

But it seems to have placed the cart before the horse as it somehow got in a state where attacks now work on the helmet part.

No. 721 メットールLX (Metall LX)

末確認ながら、時にメットールが家族を 作ることが報告されている。

メットールの家族だんらんを目にした 独り身の勇者は、「メットールでさえ 家族がいるのに、俺ときたら…」と 落ち込んで戦闘不能になるとかならないとか。

A late confirmation, it has been reported that Metalls sometimes form a family.

A single hero who saw a Metall family wandering, "Even if Metall has a family, should I...", and probably got depressed and could not fight.

No. 722 メットールPX (Metall PX)

総括すると、メットールはロックマン世界の マスコットキャラとしていたるところで 活躍し、愛されている。

各種魔物たちも、いつか魔界のメットールと 呼ばれるよう、愛されるマスコットキャラを 目指して日夜研さんに励むこと。

In summary, Metalls are active and loved in many places as a mascot character from Rockman's world.

Also, the various monsters from the Demon World work day and night aiming to someday also be called beloved mascot characters.

No. 723-725 スラッシュマン (Slash Man)

ロックマン7に登場する 戦聞用に改造された森林伐採ロボット。 とてつもない機動力を有し、並みの勇者では その動きを目で追うことさえできない。

野獣のような見た目そのままの ワイルドな性格の持ち主だが 好きな食べ物は野菜に果物と意外と草食系。

更に気温が寒ぎると冬眠し、暑すぎれば 脱水症状を起こすなど結構デリケート。

A deforestation robot remodeled for combat that appeared in Rockman 7. He has tremendous mobility, to the point heroes could not even chase his movements with their eyes.

He looks like a wild beast and has a wild personality, but surprisingly he is herbivore, his favorite food being vegetables and fruits.

Furthermore, he is quite delicate to the temperature as if it gets colder, he hibernates, and if it is too hot, it causes dehydration.

No. 726-728 ファラオマン (Pharaoh Man)

ロックマン4に登場する 戦闘用に改造された ピラミッド探索用ロボット。 遺跡に仕掛けられた罵に対抗するため、 高い耐久性と敏捷性を備えている。

太陽エネルギーを溜めて強力な エネルギー弾として放てる機能も持っている。 活動の場が太陽の届かない ピラミッドの奥底であるはずなのに、 何故このような装備が チョイスされたのかは謎である。

A pyramid search robot remodeled for combat that appeared in Rockman 4. He has high durability and agility in order to counter the traps set on the ruins.

He also has the ability to store solar energy and release it as a powerful energy shot. It is a mystery why such equipment was chosen even though his place of activity is supposed to be deep inside a pyramid, where the sun can't reach.

No. 729-731 シャドーマン (Shadow Man)

ロックマン3に登場する データの存在しない謎のロボット。 その手に持つ巨大なブレードは、魔界や地上では 見つからない特殊な金属でできている。

趣味は人を驚かせること。勇者でさえ 素早い動きで翻弄し、突然思いもよらない場所に 出現して慌てふためかせる。

ただし少々考えが洩いため、ある程度戦うと 出現場所もパターン化されているのが 見破られてしまう。

A mysterious robot with no data that appeared in Rockman 3. The huge blade held in his hand is made of a special metal that can not be found on the Demon World or above the ground.

His hobby is to surprise others. Even the heroes are forced in a swift motion, suddenly appearing in an unexpected place makes anyone hesitate.

However, as he gives little thought to his revelations, fighting him to some extent will reveal that the places he appear are patterned.

No. 732-735 ガッツマン (Guts Man)

ロックマン1に登場する土木作業用ロボット。 恐ろしく頑丈な身体と、 2トンの岩をも持ち上げる怪力が武器。

情に厚いが気は短く、理屈が嫌い。 正論でやり込めようとしたりすれば、 リアルちゃぶ台返しで投げつけられた 岩の下敷きになるのを 覚悟しなくてはならない。

A civil engineering robot that appeared in Rockman 1. He has a tremendously sturdy body and his weapon is his superhuman strength able to lift two ton rocks.

He is more emotional than rational, and dislikes theories. If you try to argument with him, you really must be prepared to become trapped under a rock thrown by him if he gets angry.

No. 736-740 フォルテ (Forte)

ロックマンシリーズに登場する ロックマンの設計図を基に作成されたロボット。

ロックマンを倒すことに執着しているが あくまで自分のカで勝つことを望んでいる。

汚いやり方や卑怯な作戦には たとえ魔王の命令でも従わず反発するので、 邪悪の道が基本の魔界的には扱いが難しい。

A robot created based on the design of Rockman that appeared in the Rockman series.

He is obsessed with defeating Rockman, but he only wants to win with his own power.

Although dirty ways and cunning strategies are the basics of the Demon World and the way of evil, he repulses them and is difficult to handle, not obeying even the Overlord's commands.

No. 741-744 クイックマン (Quick Man)

ロックマン2に登場する「自らが光速に近づく」 というテーマのもとに製作されたロボット。 そのテーマに相応しく、自身の主観時間を増大させ 高速で移動することができる。

本人も自らの速さを自慢にしているようで 進んでカーレースなどのスピード競技に参加している 。 余りに速すぎて被写体の枠に 収まりきらないのか、ピンナップから顔の一部が しばしばはみ出している。

A robot manufactured under the theme "approach the speed of light" that appeared in Rockman 2. Accordingly to the theme, he can move at high speed by subjectively increasing his own time.

He seems to be proud of his own speed, and he goes on to participate in speed competitions such as car racing. As he is too fast to fit into frames, a part of his head often protrudes from pin-ups.

No. 745-749 イエローデビル (Yellow Devil)

ロックマン1に登場する 液体金属で作られたロボット。 身体の形を自由自在に変えられる トリッキーな動きと、物理ダメージを 無効化する液体の身体によって 多くの勇者を苦戦させた。

一部の勇者はイエローデビルを 倒すまで眠れない呪いにも かかってしまったらしい。

A robot made of liquid metal that appeared in Rockman 1. Many heroes struggled with its tricky movements as it can freely change its shape and its liquid body nullifies physical damage.

Some heroes seem to have suffered a curse that deprives them from sleep until they defeat Yellow Devil.

Overlord and his daughter[]

After taking rewards in the Rockman events, the Overlord and his daughter will say something for specific rewards.

Collab Gacha Ticket (Rockman)[]

Colab Event "Rockman Invasion! Awakening of the Evil Robo Army!"
Colab Event "Rockman Invasion! Awakening of the Evil Robo Army!"
Face Text Translation

大変ですぞ、破壊神さま!! 魔界にロックマンと呼ばれる 謎のロボットが攻め込んでまいりました!

Lord God of Destruction, this is serious!! A mysterious robot called Rockman is attacking the Demon World!

腕から放たれる光の弾を浴びて 配下の魔物たちが一瞬で 爆登四散しておリます。なんと恐ろしい!

He emits a bullet of light from his arms and monsters bombarded by it are done for in the blink of an eye. Scary!

ここも危険でございます。 早いところ、どこかに避難を…

Here is also dangerous. Hurry, we must evacuate somewhere...

あれ? ツルハシ 見たことないチケットもってるんだな。 それなんだ?

What's this? Pickaxe, I found a ticket that I never saw before. It that yours?

ムスメよ、今はそのようなことを 気にしている場台では…む? むむむむ?

Daughter, now is not the time to be concerned about such a trivial thing... Mmm? Mmmmmmmm?

な、なんと一一!? このチケットを使えば あのロックマンに対抗可能な悪のロボットを 呼び出すことができるようですぞ!

Wha, WHAAAAAT!? This ticket can be used to call an evil robot that can compete against that Rockman!

すごいじゃないか、ツルハシ! どっから持ってきたんだな!

Isn't it amazing, Pickaxe! Where did it came from?

いやはや、まったく。破壊神さまは 魔界の危磯にいつでも救いの手を 差し佃べてくださいますな。

Nah, not at all. Lord God of Destruction always gives a helping hand to this Overlord anytime he is in danger.

このチケットの裏に、いろいろと書かいて おりますな。おそらく予言の類でしょう。 解読いたしましょう。

There are various things written on the back of this ticket. Probably a kind of prophecy. I will decipher it.

とリあえずわかるのは… このチケットで呼び出せるロボットたちを 更に進化させる方法ですな。

I understand that... There is a way to further evolve robots that can be called with this ticket.

エネルギー回復の(大)(小)を集めて E缶と呼ばれるアイテムを 精製するのだそうでございます。

It seems that we must gather Energy Recovery (Large) (Small) and refine the item called E Can.

やるべきことが見えてまいリましたな。 私は解読を続けますので、破壊神さまは エネルギー回復の収集をお願いいたします。

I don't have anything better to do. Lord God of Destruction, while I continue to decipher this, I will ask you to collect Energy Recovery.

頑張るんだな、ツルハシ!! Do your best, Pickaxe!!

E Can (★3)[]

Face Text Translation

ほほう。これが悪のロボットを進化させる E缶といるものですか。

I see. This E Can is something that can evolve evil robots.

ここぞという時に使用すると HPが全回復する、 エリクサー的な気配を感じますな。

When used as it is, it feels like an elixir that can fully recover the HP.

手元にストックしておくと 少しだけ安心できそうですな。

I feel a little relieved now that we have a stock of it at hand.

進化用とは別に、保存用として もっと作成しても良いかもしれませんな。

Apart from evolution, maybe it would be a good idea to create more for storage.

E Can (★4)[]

Face Text Translation

前に作ったE缶よリ、 出来が良くなったんだな。 E缶の精製に慣れてきたのかな?

The E Cans are getting better than the ones made before. Have you got used to refining E Can?

これなら今までのE缶じゃ 進化させられなかったロボットにも、 使えそうなんだな。

It looks like this can be used to further evolve robots that can no longer be evolved with the other E Can.

でもE缶だけあっても意味ないからな。 う~んと強いロボットを 呼び出してくれよ、ツルハシ。

But there is no point in having only E Cans. Call me a strong robot, Pickaxe!

E Can (★4) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

破壊神さま! 予言の解読で 素晴らしいことがわかリましたぞ!

Lord God of Destruction! I found a wonderful thing while deciphering the prophecy!

なんと! ロックマンに対抗できる 悪のロボット・ガッツマンが、この魔界の 地下に埋まっているのだそうです!

Unbelievable! An evil robot that can compete with Rockman, Guts Man, is said to be buried in the depths of the Demon World!

ただし、普通の採掘では 見つからないようですな。

However, it seems that he can't be found with normal mining methods.

ガッツマンを採掘するには、 掘スキル「パワーアーム」を持った勇看を 揃える必要があリますぞ。

To mine Gutsman, we need well-trained workers with the Dig Skill "Power Arm".

採掘は基本、数を撃って当てるですからな。 目当ての魔物が出るまで 諦めず挑戦いたしましよう。

Mining is simple, so give it a number of tries. I would not give up and try until the wanted monster comes out.

E Can (★5)[]

Face Text Translation

おお~、すごいんだな。 アタシ、こういうの全然 詳しくないんだけどさ。

Oohhh, it's amazing! I'm not familiar with it at all.

このE缶の出来が、普通じゃ ないってことぐらいは、わかるんだな。

But I understand that the result of this E Can is not simple.

多分だけど、一番新しい 悪のロボットでも、このE缶なら 進化させられるんじゃないか?

Maybe even the newest evil robots can be evolved with this E Can?

やっぱあれなんだろ? ロボットも 家電とかと同じで、新しければ新しいほど 色んな機能が付いて便利なんだろ?

Robots are the same as home appliances, so the newer they are, the more versatile they are with their various functions, isn't it?

きっと一番新しいのは、材料渡せば どんな料理でも作れたり、ボタンーつで 好きな番組が見れたリするんだな。

Surely the newest one must be able to make any kind of dish if you pass the ingredients, or you can use a button to watch your favorite show.

E Can (★5) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

おめでとうございます、破壊神さま! これだけの数のE缶を精製できれば どんな悪のロボットでも進化させられますぞ!

Congratulations, Lord God of Destruction! If you refine many E Cans you can evolve any evil robot!

ふむ。ここまで生産体制が整ったのなら ロボットの進化用以外にも精製して、 一般販売するのもあリですな。

Hmm. If the production system has been established up to this point, besides the evolution of robots, it may be worthwhile to refine and sell them.

強烈な回復作用があるのですから、 魔王印のエナジードリンクとして 売り出せば大ヒット間違いなしですぞ!

As it has a strong recovery effect, if you sell it as an energy drink with the Overlord's seal, it will definitely be a big hit!
SFX (yellow text) チュドーーン!!

のぉ一一一!! ロックマンに攻められて いるというのに、サクセスドリームなど 語っている場合ではありませんでした!

Nooooo!! I think we can't talk about a success dream while being attacked by Rockman!

早くなんとかせねば、魔界はE缶でも 回復不可能な狀態になってしまいます。 やってやってください、破壊神さま!

If we don't stop him as soon as possible, the Demon World will enter in a state that won't recover even with E Cans. Please do your best, Lord God of Destruction!

Collab Gacha Ticket (Rockman) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

破壊神さま。予言の解議で 恐ろしいことがわかりましたぞ。

Lord God of Destruction! Now I understand the horrible resolution of the prophecy!

あのロックマンというロボット、ココとは 異なる世界でなんども世界セイフクの 野望を打ち砕いているそうです。

That robot called Rockman is from an alternate world from ours that apparently had success in crushing any kind of ambition to conquer the world.

まさに勇者どもに員けず劣らずの 厄介なロボットですな。

It's a truly nasty robot that is no better than a team of heroes.

いや、やっていることは勇者そのものでは ないですか。これは出し借しみをしていい 相手ではあリませんぞ。

It can't be... He is the hero in person? In that case, let's borrow a good partner.

同じ異世界の力を持つ 悪のロボットたちを可能な限り 呼び出しましょう、破壊神さま。

Use your power to call as many evil robots from the same alternate world as possible, Lord God of Destruction.

Collab Gacha Ticket (Blues)[]

Colab Event 新たなる脅威! 負けるな悪のロボ軍団!
Colab Event 新たなる脅威! 負けるな悪のロボ軍団!
Face Text Translation

ようやくロックマンの襲撃も おさまってきたんだな。 やれやれなんだな。

Rockman's raid finally subsided. What a relief.

やっつけてもやっつけても、まったく同じ 顔と形のやつがすぐに現われるんだもの。 怖すぎるんだな。

Even if you slam or smash him, that guy soon appears again with the exact same face and shape. It was quite scary.

た、大変ですぞ、破壊神さま!! チケツト裏の予言に、とんでもないことが!!

T-This is serious, Lord God of Destruction!! Behind this ticket is a prophecy with something outrageous!!
(red text) ♪~~

なんの音なんだな? 誰かが口笛吹いてるのか?

What kind of sound was that? Was someone whistling?

こ、これは!? まさに予言の通リの!!

Th-That's...!? Just like the prophecy!!

破壊神さま! あの厄介なロックマンには 同じくらい厄介な仲間・ブルースが いるようなのです!

Lord God of Destruction! That nasty Rockman seems to have an equally nasty fellow: Blues!

そして今の口笛こそ、ブルースが 現れた証! 魔界にロックマンだけでなく ブルースまで攻め込んできたのです!

And now that whistle is proof that Blues appeared! Not only Rockman but Blues too is attacking the Demon World!

パパ、落ち着くんだな。こっちにだって ツルハシの呼び出した 悪のロボット軍団がいるんだな。

Daddy, calm down. There is even an army of evil robots here that were called by Pickaxe.

落ち着いてなどいられません。 よくお聞きください、破壊神さま。

I can't calm down. Please listen carefully, Lord God of Destruction.

なんとブルースはロックマンの試作機、 ……プロトタイプなのです!!

Blues is a trial production version of Rockman, ...a prototype!!

そうです!破壊神さまは よくおれかリのようですな!

That's right! Lord God of Destruction, that's what it looks like!

ヒーローロボットモノにおいて、 プロトタイプは量産型をはるかに 超える力を持つのがお約束でございます。

In the hero robot thing, prototypes have the potential of being more powerful than mass produced models.

つまリブルースもまた、これまでとは 比べ物にならない強敵と いうことでございますな!

Which means that Blues is also a strong enemy without equal!

ふ、ふ~ん? そうなんだ?

H-Huh? Is that so?

これに対抗するには、 我々もよリ強力な悪のロボットを 呼び出すしかあリませんぞ。

To counter this, we have no choice but to also call powerful evil robots.

例えばロックマンの設計図を基に 悪の科学着によって作成された ロボットなどですな。

For example, there is one robot based on Rockman's blueprints that was created by someone evil wearing scientific clothes.
(bold equal yellow text)

そのようなロボットを進化させるには 武器エネルギー回復を集めて 専用アイテムを精製する必要がございます。

To evolve such robots, it is necessary to collect Weapon Energy Recovery to refine special items.

破壊神さま。 新たなダンジョンで 武器エネルギー回復を集めてくだされ。

Lord God of Destruction. Collect Weapon Energy Recovery in the new dungeon.

SE Can (★4) (1st)[]

Face Text Translation

ふ~ん。これが武器エネルギー回復を 集めて作った、SE缶か。

Hmm. So this is what is created by collecting Weapon Energy Recovery, the SE Can.

アタシにはE缶の色違いにしか 見えないんだな。

I can only tell the difference with the E Can by its color.

へ~。ロボットが持ってる 不思議な武器を使うのに、 この武器エネルギーが必要なんだ。

Heh. We need Weapon Energy to allow robots to use their mysterious weapons.

魔法を使う時の 魔力みたいなもんなんだな。

It's quite like requiring magic power to use magic.

SE Can (★4) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

やりましたな、破壊神さま。 SE缶が必要数集まリましたぞ。

I did it, Lord God of Destruction. I have collected a number of SE Cans.

これで新たなロボットを、最終段階まで 進化させられるはずです。

This should allow new robots to evolve to their final stage.

しかも武器エネルギー回復の力で 特殊な武器による攻撃も可能です! これにはロックマンも���いますまい !

Moreover, it is also possible to attack with Special Weapons with the power of Weapon Energy Recovery! That Rockman won't be a match to his enemies!

なんですと!? ロックマンは こちらのロボットたちが持つ武器を 全て使えるのですか!?

What!? Rockman is able to use all the weapons that these robots have!?
それはずるくないですか!? Isn't that cheating!?

SE Can (★5) (1st)[]

Face Text Translation

破壊神さまに朗報です! この魔界の地下に、更なる 悪のロボットが眠っているようです!

Good news, Lord God of Destruction! It seems more evil robots are asleep in the depths of the Demon World!

もちろんこのロボットも、 普通の採掘では見つかリません。

Of course, this robot too can't be found in an ordinary mining.
(yellow text)

イエローデビルを採掘するには、 掘スキル「液体金属探知」を持った勇者を 揃える必要がありますぞ。

In order to mine Yellow Devil, you need heroes with the Dig Skill "Liquid Metal Detection".

ガンガン勇者を倒してホカク→採掘すれば それだけイエローデビルの発見は 早まります。お願いしますぞ。

Defeat and capture groups of heroes → The more mining, the faster you can find Yellow Devil. I look forward to it.

SE Can (★5) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

SE缶もばっちり揃いましたな。 これで新たなロボットも最終段階まで 進化が可能ですぞ!

The SE Cans were perfectly aligned. Now it is possible to evolve new robots to their final stage!

もはやロックマンにもブルースにも 負ける気がしませんな! いつでもかかってきなさい!

I feel like we can no longer be defeated by Rockman and Blues! Come at us any time!

きゃあ一一!? 口笛が!? ブルースが近くにいるのですか!?

Kyaahhh! A whistle!? Is Blues nearby!?

今のはアタシが気分良くなって 口笛吹いただけだぞ。 パパ、ビビリすぎなんだな。

Whistling just now made me feel better. Daddy, you're too chatty.

Collab Gacha Ticket (Blues) (2nd)[]

Face Text Translation

お喜びください、破壊神さま! ブルースというロボットの弱点が 判明いたしましたぞ!

Please rejoice, Lord God of Destruction! It turns out that the robot named Blues has a weak point!

どうやらブルースはロックマンに比べて、 耐久性が低いようです。

Apparently Blues has low durability compared to Rockman.

その弱点を補うために 楯を装備しているようですが なに、楯のひとつやふたつ怖れることは。

It seems that he is equipped with a shield to compensate for the weakness, but one or two shields aren't reason to fear him.

は? ブルースの楯は 受けた攻撃をそのまま相手に 跳ね返すのですか?

Huh? His shield is able to bounce back the attacks it receives?

それでは下手に強力な攻撃を放ったら、 逆にこっちがやられて しまうではないですか!

Then, if hit with a powerful attack on the wrong way, you may be defeated with a counter!

Rockman quotes[]

Use Quote Translation
Introduction (all) .........
Idle (N) エネルギーチャージちゅう "Charging energy"
Idle (R/SR/SSR) ぶきセレクトちゅう "Selecting weapon"
Attack (N) ロックバスター! "Rock Buster!"
Attack (N) チャージして こうげき "Charge and attack"
Attack (Spark Shock) スパークショック! "Spark Shock!"
Attack (Tornado Blow) トルネードブロー! "Tornado Blow!"
Attack (SSR) ファラオショット! "Pharaoh Shot!"
Attack (Metal Blade) メタルブレード! "Metal Blade!"
Attack (Block Dropper) ブロックドロッパー! "Block Dropper!"
Attack (R/SR/SRR versions) じゃくてんぶきで こうげき "Attack with the weapon it's weak"
Defeat (all) ティウンティウンティウン "Tiun Tiun Tiun"
Overlord captured (all) ステージボスまえに とうたつ "I reached the stage boss"

Blues quotes[]

Use Quote Translation
Introduction ♪~~
Idle ♪~~
Attack ブルースストライク! "Blues Strike!"
Attack これが ほんきのショットだ "This is a serious shot."
Defeat おれの そうそういじょうだった… "You are more than I expected."
Overlord captured ようやく おでましか "You finally came out"




Metall Gutsman Airman Shadowman Pharaohman Slashman Splashwoman Blockman Fuseman Quickman Forte Yellow Devil

Rockman Rockman (Spark Shock) Rockman (Tornado Blow) Rockman (Pharaoh Shot) Rockman (Metal Blade) Rockman (Block Dropper) Blues


External links[]
