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Vile's Incident booklet cover.

Vile's Incident: Eden dome, its sin and rebirth (バイル事変-遥かなる理想郷、その罪と新生 Bairu Jihen - Haruka naru risōkyō, sono tsumi to shinsei, roughly "Vile Incident - The distant utopia, its sin and rebirth") is a recap of the events of Mega Man Zero 3 and Mega Man Zero 4, which are collectively dubbed "Vile's Incident", and an epilogue set two years after the conclusion of the Mega Man Zero series, where both humans and Reploids (Repliroids) join together to start a new life in Area Zero after Dr. Weil (known as Dr. Vile in Japan, not to be confused with Vile) is defeated by Zero. Written by science fiction author Satoshi Hase,[1] it is included in one of the two booklets from Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Physis.

Vile's Incident[]

Page 001: Preface[]

ネオ・アルカディア崩壊から、はや二年のときが流れた。 Two years have passed since the fall of Neo Arcadia.

December 16th. 3:31 p.m. A beam fired from the satellite turret Ragnarok pierced the center of Neo Arcadia, destroying the central area. More than 20 million people were killed, and the capital city ceased to function in a matter of seconds. On that day, the Dark Age of Neo Arcadia, under the reign of a single person named Doctor Vile, came to an end.



This unprecedented disaster, together with the political turmoil that preceded it, is now collectively known as "Vile's Incident."

However, due to the confusion in the mass media in the immediate aftermath, surprisingly few people have a grasp of the whole picture.

現在、我々はエネルギーや水道食料プラントをいまだ理想郷 ―― ネオ・アルカディア跡地に頼りつつも、人口の大多数はドーム都市から周辺へと居を移している。自然を回復しはじめたエリア・ゼロの大地にも、少ない人間たちが根を張ろうと試みつつある。 Today, while we still rely on the utopia—Neo Arcadia—for energy, water, and food plants, the majority of the population has moved out of the dome city and into the surrounding areas. Even in the land of Area Zero, where nature has begun to recover, a small number of humans are attempting to take root.
英雄エックスに守られ快適と安全を享受していた我々は、自然の風を受け四季のめぐりを感じた厳しい生活で、多くのことを学んだ。人間にこの地上で生き抜く力があるなどと、かつてどれほどの者が考えただろう。 While we enjoyed the comfort and safety of the hero X's protection, we learned a great deal from the harsh life of the four seasons with the winds of nature. How many of us once thought that we had the power to survive on this earth?
ある日、ドーム都市崩壊以後に初めて本物の太陽を見たひとりの少女が、真っ黒に日焼けした肌を見せびらかしに、私の仕事場に入ってきた。そして、「どうしておとなはみんな、ドームを理想郷って呼ぶの?」と無邪気にたずねたのだ。 One day, a girl, who had seen the real sun for the first time since the collapse of the dome city, came into my office to show off her darkly tanned skin. She innocently asked me why all the adults called the dome an utopia.
大きすぎる喪失から目をそらしている我々が、今、できることは何なのだろうと、12月16日を生きたおとなとして胸が震えた。彼女たち、我々の子どもたちに真実を伝えなければならないと、言いしれぬ焦りにかられたのだ。 As an adult who lived through December 16, my heart trembled as I wondered what we could do now, as we look away from the too great loss. I felt an inexplicable urgency to tell the truth to these girls, our children.
それが、バイル事変の記録を出版するに至ったきっかけである。積み上げてきたすべてが奪われ、ゼロになった悪夢。だが、このできごとを語る際、我々は破滅の一日を恨むより、智慧の指で過去から大きく事態をとらえなければならない。 This is what led me to publish the record of Vile's Incident. It was a nightmare in which everything that had been built up was taken away and reduced to nothing. However, in recounting this event, we should not resent the day of destruction, but rather look at the past with the fingers of wisdom.
長くなってしまった序文を、貴重な資料の収集にご協力いただいた、ネージュ氏ほか多数の人々への謝辞をもって締めさせていただきたい。彼女らの尽力なしに本書が世に出ることはなかった。 I would like to conclude this lengthy preface by expressing my gratitude to Ms. Neige and many others for their cooperation in collecting this valuable material. Without their efforts, this book would never have been released to the world.
そして何よりも、この記憶が我々自身の弱さによって押し流されぬよう、 強く望む。 And above all, I strongly hope that this memory will not be swept away by our own weakness.
モンターニュ Montagne

Pages 002-003[]

その時。 On that occasion.

Pages 004-005: Concealment[]

バイル事変を語るにおいて、何をおいても外し得ないのは、ドクター・バイルとは何者だったのかという疑問である。 The question that cannot be left unanswered when discussing Vile's Incident is who was Doctor Vile?
右ページに掲載した画像は、旧時代の図書館の遺跡から入手された、過去の大戦の記録である。無惨なものであったにちがいないその詳細については、今もって秘匿事項が多い。 The image on the right page is a record of a past war, obtained from the remains of an old library. Many of the details of what must have been a horrific event are still secret.
だが、公式発表ではっきりしていることだけでも、過去に学ぶには充分だ。ドクター・バイルは百年以上前の凄惨な戦争の立役者であり、それがゆえかつてのネオ・アルカディアから罪人として追放された。だが当時、人間のための国家だった理想郷は“人間であるバイル”の大罪を公表せず歴史の闇に葬り去ったのだ。そして長すぎる時間が、当のネオ・アルカディアにすら彼の危険性を忘れさせた。 But what is clear from what was officially announced is enough to learn from the past. Doctor Vile was the driving force of a terrible war more than a hundred years ago, and for that reason he was exiled as a sinner from the former Neo Arcadia. However, the utopia, which was a nation for humans at that time, did not disclose the great crime of "Vile the Human" and buried it in the darkness of history. Too much time has passed, and even Neo Arcadia has forgotten the danger he posed.
バイル事変に原因があるとすれば、まさしくその体面を重んじた欺瞞だったと言わざるを得ない。 If there was a cause for Vile's Incident, it was precisely the deception of its appearance.


A large Repliroid that appears to have been deployed at the late stages of the Great War.

The silhouettes behind it closely resemble that of the Neo Arcadia Titan-type Mechaniroids.

Pages 006-007: Coup d'État[]

Coup d'État
ドクター・バイルは巧妙だった。 Doctor Vile was ingenious.
4月23日。レジスタンスによる英雄エックス暗殺が、バイルの口から公表される。彼はただちに条例8項の適用によってネオ・アルカディアの暫定的な指導者となり、テロリスト鎮圧の指揮を議会によって承認される。非常事態はすみやかに全ドーム都市に通達され、彼はまたたく間に実権を掌握した。 April 23. The assassination of the hero X by the Resistance is announced by Vile. He immediately becomes the provisional leader of Neo Arcadia through the application of Ordinance 8, and is approved by the council to lead the suppression of the terrorists. The state of emergency was promptly notified to the entire dome city, and he quickly took over the reins of power.
かくして一夜にして、独裁的なバイル政権が樹立する。 Thus, overnight, the dictatorial Vile regime was established.
それはレジスタンスと、あの伝説のレプリロイド、ゼロの名が、はじめてネオ・アルカディア市民に脅威として記憶されたときでもあった。 It was also the first time that the Resistance and the name of the legendary Repliroid Zero were remembered by the citizens of Neo Arcadia as a threat.
そしてバイルによる暗黒時代がはじまる。もはやネオ・アルカディアは安楽なゆりかごではなく、貧苦と恐怖に震える牢獄だった。正義の方向性を狂わせるだけが目的のような執拗な見せしめと、レジスタンスへの憎悪をかりたてる宣伝により、住民たちの精神生活までが劣悪なものに塗り替えられていった。 And the dark age of Vile begins. Neo Arcadia was no longer a cradle of comfort, but a prison of poverty and fear. The people's mental life was being repainted into something degrading by the relentless warnings and propaganda that seemed to have the sole purpose of derailing the course of justice and inciting hatred against the Resistance.
ドクター・バイルに逆らう者は、人間であろうとイレギュラーの烙印を押されて処分される。皮肉にも独裁者が人間をしばった恐怖政治は、かつてネオ・アルカディアがレプリロイドたちをしばってきた対イレギュラー政策と、あまりに似ていた。 Anyone who defied Doctor Vile would be branded an Irregular and punished, regardless of whether they were human or not. Ironically, the dictator's politics of terror against humans was very similar to the policy of Neo Arcadia against Irregulars, which had been used against Repliroids in the past.
そして、変容した理想郷の暮らしに耐えかねて、ネージュ氏に率いられたキャラバンが人間の脱出を斡旋しはじめる。かつて巨大コロニー、ユーラシアが墜落した場所に回復した自然、エリア・ゼロへと。自由を求めたキャラバンの逃走もまた、かつてレプリロイドたちがシエル博士に助けられレジスタンスを組織していった様子と、あまりに似ていた。 Then, unable to endure the life in the transformed utopia, a caravan led by Ms. Neige begins to mediate the escape of humans. They were off to Area Zero, the restored nature where the giant colony of Eurasia had once crashed. The escape of the caravan in search of freedom was very similar to the way the Repliroids had organized the Resistance with the help of Dr. Ciel.
圧政の中で尊厳を奪われたとき、人間とレプリロイドがとった行動は同じだったのだ。 When their dignity was taken away in the face of oppression, the actions taken by humans and Repliroids were the same.
非正規報道資料として旧情報部から公表された英雄エックスとドクター・バイルの映像。音声ファイルは破損していた。 Footage of the hero X and Doctor Vile released by the former Intelligence Department as unauthorized press material. The audio files were corrupted.

Pages 008-009: Malice[]

ラグナロク作戦 ―― 苦痛に満ちたドーム都市という殻に人間を永久に押しこむため、ネオ・アルカディア以外の生活可能圏を破壊せんとした悪魔の所行である。貴重な自然が危機にさらされる様子が逐一、ドーム内で報道されていたことは、あの時代を経験した我々の記憶に新しい。 Operation Ragnarok—the devil's attempt to destroy all possible spheres of life outside of Neo Arcadia in order to force humans into the painful shell of the dome city forever. Those of us who experienced that era will remember the constant reports of precious nature being endangered while in the dome.
平和だった時期、我々人間の多くが、事実を伝えようとする報道に興味を持たなかったのは厳然たる事実だ。ネージュ氏がバイル政権という本物の危機に立ち向かおうとしたとき、カメラではなくキャラバンを選んだように、ネオ・アルカディアにおけるメディアは安楽を彩る甘いお菓子でしかなかった。 It is a hard truth that in times of peace, many of us humans had no interest in reporting the facts. Just as Ms. Neige chose a caravan instead of a camera when she tried to confront the real crisis of the Vile regime, the media in Neo Arcadia was nothing more than a sweet snack for comfort.
独裁政権は報道を、生き延びるための細い命綱として注視させ、同時に恐怖を住民にすりこんだ。住民は、巧妙な洗脳に翻弄され続けた。その代表が、指揮官クラフトが碧緑のマントをひるがえしラグナロク作戦の命令をくだす、アインヘルヤル八闘士による破壊ショウだ。理想郷の傭兵として古参だった彼がバイルの私兵の長として現れたとき、我々は戦慄した。ネージュ氏のインタビュー で、四天王のような管理者ではない、市井の親しみやすいレプリロイドとして彼は有名だったからだ。 The dictatorship made us watch the press as a thin lifeline for survival, while simultaneously instilling fear in the population. The inhabitants continued to be at the mercy of clever brainwashing. A prime example of this was the destruction show by the Einherjar Eight Warriors, whose commander Kraft flipped up his blue-green cloak and gave the order for Operation Ragnarok. We shuddered when he appeared as the head of Vile's private army, having been a senior mercenary of the utopia. This is because in the interview with Ms. Neige, he was known as a friendly Repliroid in town, not a superintendent like the Big Four.
ドクター・バイルは、側近の八審官をはたらかせた政権樹立当初、意思決定を常に彼自身が行なった。それが本来の独裁者バイルのやりかたなのだ。なのに、彼はラグナロク作戦で、相当の自由度でクラフトに指揮をまかせた。それどころか八闘士には、バイル製でないレプリロイドも多く取りこまれている。 In the early days of his regime, Doctor Vile always made decisions himself, with the help of his close aides, the Eight Gentle Judges. That is the way the original dictator, Vile, did it. Yet, during Operation Ragnarok, he left the command to Kraft with a great deal of freedom. Not only that, many Repliroids not made by Vile were incorporated into the Eight Warriors.
独裁者はレプリロイドたちに、もう一度、戦争をさせたかったのだ。勝者も敗者もない、荒涼とした死の大地を前にすべての者が絶望するような、正義も何もない戦争をさせたかったのだ。だから、人間の近くにいたクラフトが指揮官に抜擢された。 The dictator wanted the Repliroids to go to war again. He wanted them to fight a war where there would be no winners or losers, where all would despair before a desolate and deadly land, where there would be no justice, no nothing. That's why Kraft, who was close to the humans, was chosen as the commander.
ラグナロク作戦の記事を掲載するにあたって、私はネージュ氏に取材をするため、アポイントをとってトレーラーを訪れた。本書の趣旨を説明すると、事件を間近に見た彼女は、インタビューの申し出に穏やかに首を横に振った。そしてかわりに、汗じみで劣化したような一枚の写真を、私にくれたのだ。 For the publication of the article on Operation Ragnarok, I made an appointment to visit the trailer to interview Ms. Neige. When I explained the purpose of this book, she, who had seen the incident up close, gently shook her head at the offer of an interview. Instead, she gave me a photo that looked like it had been degraded by sweat.
それを眼にして、「本当にいいのですか」と聞かずにいられなかった。決定的な破滅の引き金を引いたあのレプリロイドを、我々が許すことは決してないにちがいない。だが元ジャーナリストである彼女は、事実を隠すことを望まなかった。 When I saw it, I couldn't help but ask if she was really sure about this. We must never forgive the Repliroid for triggering the decisive catastrophe. But as a former journalist, she didn't want to hide the facts.
キャラバン隊による脱出行はドクター・バイルからの危機に晒されていた。それを度々救ったのは、あのレジスタンス軍だったと伝えられている。ネージュ氏による撮影。 The escape route by the caravan was threatened by Doctor Vile. It is said that it was the Resistance that saved them on several occasions. Photo by Ms. Neige.

Pages 010-011: Sad Fate[]

Sad Fate
この画像は、その昔、まだ多くのことがうまく行っていた時代のものだ。すこしづつ、我々人間が見て見ぬふりをしていた陰できしみはじめていた、心やさしき英雄エックスの理想郷が、まだ楽園だったころの記憶だ。 This image is from a time long ago, when things were still going well. It is a memory of a time when the utopia of the kind-hearted hero X was still a paradise, slowly creaking in the shadows that we humans had turned a blind eye to.
ネージュ氏はジャーナリストとして、人々のために戦うレプリロイドの取材をしていた。遠征隊長であったクラフトと、彼女は相当期間、旅をともにしている。 As a journalist, Ms. Neige had been covering the Repliroids fighting for the people. She and Kraft, who was the leader of the expeditionary force, traveled together for a considerable period of time.
私などにもちろん、人とレプリロイドの鮮烈な生を論評できる資格などありはしない。ただ、その後に起こった事実を思い返すことができるのみだ。 I am, of course, not qualified to comment on the vivid lives of people and Repliroids. I can only recall the facts of what happened afterwards.
ジャーナリストであったネージュ氏は、バイル政権から脱出した人々を導くキャラバンを指揮する。そして市井の勇士として報道されたクラフトは、人間・バイルの命を受け、ラグナロク作戦の陣頭指揮をとる。 Ms. Neige, a journalist, leads a caravan of people who have escaped the Vile regime. And Kraft, who was reported as a hero in town, is ordered by the human Vile to lead Operation Ragnarok.
悲劇のもうひとりの主人公として、クラフトについて深く考えたとき、我々人間は苦さを禁じ得ない。それは彼が、ネオ・アルカディアにおけるレプリロイドのありようを象徴しているからだ。 As another protagonist of the tragedy, we humans cannot help but feel bitter when we think deeply about Kraft. This is because he symbolizes what the Repliroids are in Neo Arcadia.
英雄エックスの時代、理想郷は「人間を守る」という正義のもと統制されていた。そしてレプリロイドたちは、悩みながらも人間至上主義のもと、枠からはみ出した者をイレギュラーとして討伐していた。我々が彼らに、人間を盲目的にいただくことを強いてきたからだ。 In the time of the hero X, the utopia was controlled under the justice of "protecting humans." And the Repliroids, despite their concerns, under the principle of human supremacy, defeated those who strayed from the boundaries as Irregulars. This is because we have forced them to blindly accept humans.
守りたい大切なものがあっただろうクラフトも、人間・バイルに、悪だとしても従う道を選ぶ。 Even Kraft, who surely had something important he wanted to protect, chose to follow the human, Vile, even if he was evil.
あの暗黒の数ヶ月、ネオ・アルカディアに居住していた我々は、それでも“人間”であるバイルに、ほとんどのレプリロイドたちが反逆しなかったことを知っている。 Those of us who lived in Neo Arcadia during those dark months know that most of the Repliroids did not rebel against Vile, who was still "human."
ゼロ ―― あの強き魂を宿す伝説のレプリロイドと、彼の差は、そこだったのかもしれない。 Perhaps that was the difference between him and the legendary Repliroid with the strong soul—Zero.
人間とレプリロイドがよい関係を築けていさえいれば、重い“枠”は打ち壊されただろうか。深い絶望がなければ“英雄”になったかもしれないクラフトによって、ネオ・アルカディアは百年の歴史に終止符を打たれることとなる。 If only humans and Repliroids could have had a good relationship, would the heavy "border" have been broken? Neo Arcadia's hundred-year history is brought to an end by Kraft, who might have become a "hero" if not for his deep despair.
ネージュ氏とクラフト。 Ms. Neige and Kraft.

Pages 012-013: Collapse[]

RF-SX12 Ragnarok
レーヴァティン・コントロール・モジュール Lævateinn control module 超伝導エネルゲン融合コア Superconductive Energen fusion core
RF-SX12 Ragnarok
ブースト・インジェクター Boost injector 電解発生装置 Electrolytic generator
収束リング Convergence ring 加速リング Acceleration ring
ガイドライン Guideline 冷却用放熱フィン Cooling heat radiation fins
型式番号: RF-SX12 Model number: RF-SX12
種別: 対地衛星砲台 Classification: Anti-ground satellite cannon
本体全高: 72.4m (通常時) Height: 72.4m (normally)
本体幅: 231m Width: 231m
最大射程: 900~1800 km Maximum range: 900~1800 km
最大出力: 300Mw Maximum output: 300Mw
主武装: エネルゲン融合プラズマ・ビーム x1 / 自由電子レーザー x8 / 目標走查用エクマイザーレーザーx2
Main armament: Energen fusion plasma beam x1 / Free-electron laser x8 / Target scanning Ekumaizer laser x2
午後3時31分。軌道上の衛星砲台ラグナロク主砲が、ネオアルカディア中央部を貫き、中枢エリアを跡形もなく破壊した。これにより議会は消滅、独裁者バイルも行方不明となり、首都機能は完全に崩壊した。 3:31 p.m. The orbiting satellite turret Ragnarok's main gun pierced through the center of Neo Arcadia, destroying the central area without a trace. As a result, the parliament was obliterated, the dictator Vile was lost, and the capital city completely collapsed.
同日、ラグナロク副砲発射。 On the same day, the Ragnarok sub-cannon is fired.
ネオ・アルカディア住民は衛星砲台ラグナロクの存在すら知らず、圏内の居住者は、なすすべもなく施設と運命をともにした。犠牲者は二千万人以上、正確な死者数は今も把握できていない。 The residents of Neo Arcadia were unaware of the existence of the satellite turret Ragnarok, and those living within the area were left with no choice but to share the fate of the facility. More than 20 million people were killed, but the exact death toll is still unknown.
私自身はジャーナリストとして、中立よりややレプリロイド寄りである。だが事実は事実として、後世に残さざるを得ない。主砲の引き金を引くにあたって、クラフトは都市の人間たちへ、一切の警告を発しなかった。 As a journalist myself, I am a bit more Repliroid-leaning than neutral. But facts are facts, and they must be preserved for posterity. In pulling the trigger of the main cannon, Kraft did not warn the humans of the city at all.
012 軍用士官型レプリロイド クラフト Military Officer Type Repliroid Kraft


He seems to be a derivative of the initial production line developed for the purpose of postwar processing and rebellion suppression at the time of the establishment of Neo Arcadia. There are no battle records of him in the regular army, and he seems to have moved from place to place as a mercenary in various battlefields and disaster areas.

It is said that his custom body, which had many built-in connection units capable of controlling multiple military terminals simultaneously, kept the satellite turret Ragnarok under complete control, blocking any emergency codes from the outside.



Ragnarok, a satellite turret at the time of the start of construction, was discovered in old war footage, which is among the rarest of classified data released to the public.

It is said that more than 200 attack satellites of the same class alone are still hovering above our heads.

Pages 014-015[]

破られた殻。 The broken shell.

Pages 016-017: Demise[]

ネオ・アルカディア跡地の夜空は、激しい火災でその底を臓腑のごときピンク色にただれさせていた。 The night sky at the site of Neo Arcadia was a visceral pink at the bottom of it from the intense fires.
百年の理想郷が、無惨なむくろをさらしていた。その前で我々人間は、それでも、ドクターバイルの毒に満ちた牢獄から解放されたと安堵していた。かつては野蛮だと思っていた、外の世界のあまりの広さに、漆黒の空の透きとおる高さに興奮していた。炎の海がバイル時代の数ヶ月を精算していると見る冷淡な目すら、なかったとは言い切れない。 The utopia of a hundred years had been exposed as a miserable corpse. In front of it, we humans were still relieved to be freed from the toxic prison of Doctor Vile. We were excited by the sheer vastness of the outside world, which we had once thought barbaric, and by the crystal clear height of the jet-black sky. I can hardly say with any finality that there weren't even indifferent eyes that saw the sea of flames as settling the months of the Vile Age.
我々は破壊と犠牲の大きさにも、明日食べるものがない事実にも頭が回らなかった。まるで地獄の宴に突き落とされたような、奇妙な高揚に支配されていたのだ。 We couldn't get our heads around the amount of destruction and sacrifice, or the fact that we wouldn't have anything to eat tomorrow. We were in the grip of a strange elation, as if we had been thrust into a hellish banquet.
だから、星空を無数の光の雨が落ちたとき、幸運をよろこんだ。銀色のほうき星が地平線へ流れゆく様を見て、レジスタンスに救助され九死に一生を得たあどけない少女が、祈るように手を組んだ。 So, when a rain of countless lights fell through the starry sky, I rejoiced in my good fortune. Watching the silvery comets drift towards the horizon, an innocent girl, who had been barely rescued by the Resistance from certain death, folded her hands in prayer.
しかし、それも冷静な報告がトレーラーから発せられた時までだった。 But that was until a dispassionate report emanated from the trailer.
「衛星砲台ラグナロクは、レジスタンスの作戦でコアを破壊したことにより崩壊しました。もう地上へ衝突する心配はありません」 "The satellite turret Ragnarok has been disintegrated after its core was destroyed in a Resistance operation. There is no longer any danger of it crashing to the surface."
誰もがよろこぶべきその通達に、何百万という群集が、同時に呼吸を失ったように静まりかえった。世界が静止したこの瞬間、我々はようやくこれが未曾有の惨事だと、今の自分たちは廃墟から焼け出されたみすぼらしい避難民なのだと、気づいて震えたのだ。 At this news, which should have delighted everyone, the crowd of millions simultaneously fell silent as if they had lost their breath. It was at this moment, when the world stood still, that we finally realized that this was a disaster of unprecedented proportions, and that we were now just shabby refugees burned out of the ruins.
自由を求めて理想郷を飛び出したキャラバンの人間たちは言う。流星の空で、伝説のレプリロイド、ゼロは戦っていた。 So say the humans of the caravan who have rushed out of the utopia in search of freedom. In the sky of meteors, the legendary Repliroid, Zero, was fighting.
我々は忘れてはならない。バイル事変という戦争は、我々人間のあやまちからはじまったのだ。かつて巨大コロニーの墜落で大地が荒廃したように、衛星砲台ラグナロクは回復の兆しを見せはじめた自然に、とどめを刺すはずだった。殻からはい出し夜空を見あげたとき、我々は、己の戦いを貫きとおした英雄の命をそこに見ていたのだ。 We must never forget. The war known as Vile's Incident began because of our human mistakes. Just as the crash of the giant colony devastated the earth, the satellite turret Ragnarok was supposed to put an end to the nature that had begun to show signs of recovery. When we emerged from the shell and looked up at the night sky, we saw the life of a hero who had fought his way through.
いったい我々は、レプリロイドたちにどう報いてやれるだろうか? How can we repay the Repliroids?


Images from the moment of atmospheric entry by an auxiliary monitoring satellite that was left in the operation box recovered from the fallen fragments.

It is a miracle that Ragnarok, which had retained its original form to this point, exploded outside the stratosphere.

Pages 018-019: Hope[]

そして、二年が経ち、我々は新しい生活を築きつつある。 And now, two years have passed and we are building a new life.
出生率の倍増したベビーブームが、理想郷を追われた人々のうれしい悲鳴だ。 The baby boom, which doubled the birth rate, is the happy cry of those who were forced to leave the utopia.
武器を持って治安維持にあたったパンテオンのようなレプリロイドですら、今では復旧と子どもの世話で大わらわだ。今や、銃ではなくゆりかごやおしめを持って、我々は総力戦をしているのだ。 Even Repliroids like the Pantheons, who used to carry weapons to maintain security, are now busy rebuilding and taking care of the children. Now we are fighting an all-out war, not with guns, but with cradles and diapers.
この小さな子どもたちがおとなになったとき、それでも古い世代の我々はあのドーム都市跡を理想郷と呼び続けるだろう。だが、そんな老人たちを笑い飛ばして、この世界みんながそうだよと、若い世代が力強く言ってくれる日を望まずにいられない。 When these small children become adults, the older generation will still call the ruins of the dome city an utopia. However, I can't help but hope for the day when the younger generation will laugh at such old people and say emphatically that this world is like that for everyone.
我々は、バイル事変によって安楽な暮らしを失い、ゼロへと引きずり戻された。 だが、勇敢に戦い抜いた者がいたから、最後の最後で、もっとも大事なものを奪われずにすんだ。 We lost our comfortable lives in Vile's Incident and were dragged back to zero. But because some of us fought bravely, at the end of the day, we were not deprived of what was most precious to us.
今度こそ、この教訓を生かして、我々人間がレプリロイドたちと共存を果たせるよき時代が来ると、信じずにいられないのだ。いや、そうせねば犠牲になった同胞やレプリロイドたちに申し訳が立つまい。 I can't help but believe that this time, we humans will be able to learn from this lesson and live in harmony with the Repliroids. If we don't, we won't be able to repay the sacrifice of our people and the Repliroids.
理想郷はすでになく、傷痕はあまりにも大きい。だが、夏には汗だくになり、冬にはかじかむ手をこするこの二年ですっかり外に順応した、あの日焼けの少女は、ドーム都市が理想郷だったなどおとぎ話だと思っている。より素晴らしいものを、無邪気なその目は、外の世界にとらえているのだ。 The utopia is already gone and the scars are too big. But that tanned girl, who has adapted to the outside world over the past two years, sweating in the summer and rubbing her numb hands in the winter, thinks that the dome city was a fairy tale. Her innocent eyes see something more wonderful in the outside world.
このルポルタージュの終わりに、伝説のレプリロイドについての、シエル博士へのインタビューの一節をご紹介したい。 To conclude this documentary, I would like to share with you a passage from my interview with Dr. Ciel about the legendary Repliroid.
―― ラグナロク落下のとき、彼はそれでも戦い続けたと聞きました。一番近くにいたあなたの目から見て、彼は伝説のレプリロイドだから、それほど強くあれたのですか?


― I heard that when Ragnarok fell, he still continued to fight. From your eyes, as the one who was closest to him, was he able to be so strong because he was a legendary Repliroid?

"When Zero woke up, he had no memory, didn't even remember who he was. Yet, he always looked only forward."

レジスタンスとともに戦い抜いた彼女は、すべてを失っても残るものがあると微笑んだ。 Having fought alongside the resistance, she smiled and said that even if she lost everything, there was something that remained.
ここもベビーブームの例外ではないエリア・ゼロの取材中、真っ黒に肌を色づかせた子どもたちが、元気に走りまわっていた。彼らがはだしで草むらに飛びこむと、驚いて薄緑色のバッタが飛んでいった。 During our coverage of Area Zero, which was no exception to the baby boom, dark-skinned children were running around energetically. When they jumped into the grass barefoot, a light green grasshopper flew away in surprise.
すべてを失ったような荒れ地のオアシスに、それでも命が残っていた。エリア・ゼロの自然は豊かに、活力を陽光に輝かせている。愚かでも、我々は生きている。何度でも、この大地でやり直すこともできるはずだと、信じずにいられないのだ。 An oasis in a wasteland that seemed to have lost everything, but still had life left in it. The nature of Area Zero is rich, its vitality shining in the sunlight. Foolish as we may be, we are still alive. I can't help but believe that we can start over in this land again and again.
そこに命がある限り、すべては再び。 As long as there is life in it, all will be again.
ゼロから、はじまる。 From zero, it begins.
エリア・ゼロにて。 At Area Zero.

Page 020[]

モンターニュ (Montagne) Montagne
ネオ・アルカディア、エリアA 0076 出身。電子記録媒体による出版物が中心の現在において、あくまで紙媒体による出版にこだわり続けるルポライター。バ��ル事変によりレジスタンス軍に救出されたのをきっかけに、第13期キャラバン隊に参加。ノンフィクション作家へと転身する。代表作はネオ・アルカディア評議会の暗部をあばかんとした、「偽りの英雄」 など。 Born in Neo Arcadia, Area A 0076. He is a documentary writer who continues to insist on publishing on paper, despite the current trend toward publishing on electronic media. After being rescued by the Resistance during Vile's Incident, he joined the 13th Caravan. Became a non-fiction writer. His best known work is "False Hero," which exposed the dark side of the Neo Arcadian Council.
バイル事変 - 遥かなる理想郷、 その罪と新生 Vile's Incident - The distant utopia, its sin and rebirth
著者 モンターニュ
装丁・デザイン レドンド、 リーヴル
写真構成 インテルノ、 フレンテ
協力 SH318、 アロウ
Author Montagne
Binding & Design Redondo, Livre
Photo Composition Interno, Frente
Collaboration SH318, Arrow
Vile's Incident - Eden dome, its sin and rebirth



  • Montagne means mountain in French.
  • Redondo, Interno and Frente respectively mean round, internal and front in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Livre means book in French and free in Portuguese.


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