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Mega Man - The Board Game

Mega Man: The Board Game is a 2-6 (8 with expansions) player board game by Jasco Games based on the first Mega Man game. The game started as a Kickstarter project on December 2013,[1] and was released in December 2015.


  • 6 Mega Man game pieces
  • 6 Mega Man Character Cards
  • 6 pre-made decks, each with 40 cards (240 cards)
  • 7 game boards for the Robot Masters and Dr. Wily
  • 6 Robot Master game pieces
  • 1 Dr. Wily game piece
  • 36 Robot Master cards (6 cards per Robot Master)
  • 1 Dr. Wily boss card
  • 92 Challenge Cards (12 for each Robot Master and 20 for Dr. Wily)
  • 48 Minion tokens (6 per Minion)
  • 12 dice
  • 6 Health counters
  • 24 Weapon Energy Cubes
  • 24 Life Token
  • 1 rulebook


Mega Man: The Board Game uses interlocking boards. The larger board represents Dr. Wily's Castle and is set on the center. The six smaller boards represent the stages of each Robot Master (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Elec Man), and they are attached in any part of the central board. Wily's modular board has room for eight stages, the two missing spaces being for the Time Man and Oil Man expansion. Each player starts in a different stage and must overcome challenges (represented as Challenge Cards from the boss decks) to reach the boss, some of them having Minions to get in the way. After defeating a boss, the player obtains his power. Players can only move to other stage of their choice after defeating the boss or losing all lives. Players that defeat at least two bosses can move to Dr. Wily's Castle to challenge Dr. Wily or try other stage. The first player to defeat Dr. Wily wins.[2]

Character Cards[]

Each player has a miniature to move on the board and a Character Card with their details. Each card has two sides, one used during Challenges and other during Boss Battles. Each player also starts the game with 3 Lives, 28 Health, and one Action Card Deck.

The main game includes six Mega Man pieces and cards, and other characters are available in expansions. Dr. Light is a Kickstarter exclusive.

Character Health Energy Threat Lives Challenge
Mega Man, the Blue Bomber 28 3 10 3 Has eight versions, each with a different ability:
  • Calculating
  • Foresight
  • Incinerate
  • Optimize
  • Power Up
  • Refine
  • Recall
  • Revitalize
Proto Man, Prototype 28 3 10 3 Proto Shield
Roll, Little Sister 28 3 10 3 Resourceful
Rush, Robotic Dog 28 4 9 3 Rush Coil
Dr. Light, Genius Inventor 28 3 10 3 Reprogramming

Action Cards[]

Action Cards are cards divided in three parts, the Mega Man side, the Dr. Wily side, and the Boss Battle ability. The Mega Man side can be used in the player's turn to help overcome the challenges of a stage. Other players can use the Dr. Wily side during the opponent's turn to thwart their chances of winning a challenge. The Boss Battle ability can be used during Boss Battles to increase the chances of defeating the boss. Each ability has an Action Point cost to be used.

Each player has one Action Card Deck formed with 40 cards, and players must have 4 cards in their hand at all times during the game. If a card is played or discarded, the player must draw back up to 4 cards. The default deck for each player is:

  • 4x Fortified
  • 4x Rapid Fire
  • 4x Robot Tactics
  • 3x Boost
  • 3x Energized
  • 3x Land on the Edge
  • 3x Life Energy
  • 3x No Limit
  • 3x Shortcut
  • 3x Speed Run
  • 3x Steady Aim
  • 2x Quick Reflexes
  • 2x W-Tank

Challenge Cards[]

Challenge Cards represent challenges the player must overcome in a stage. Each stage has its own deck of Challenge Cards. Each Robot Master stage has 12 cards, and Dr. Wily's Castle has 20 cards. Time Man and Oil Man are part of their expansion.

Note: Challenge Cards with the same name are not identical.

Cut Man Big Eye Zone, Blaster Climb, Blaster Climb, Super Cutter Machine, Super Cutter Machine, Platform Hop, Platforms, Ladders, Ladders, Spike Field, Octopus Battery Block, Pit Jump
Guts Man Ascending Steps, Ascending Steps, Big Eye Trench, Blind Fall, Descending Steps, Dropping Platforms, Dropping Platforms, Hammer Trench, Industrial Plane, Scaffold Tops, Scaffold Tops, Spikes
Ice Man Battery Pit, Big Eye's Frost Plane, Crazy Ray (sic), Disappearing Blocks, Disappearing Blocks, Frozen Lake, Frozen Lake, Foot Holders, Foot Holders, Ice Chute, Peng Fleet, Peng Wave
Bomb Man Air Assault, Battery Climb, Blasters, Bombombom (sic), Killer Bullets!, Pillar Leap, Platform Spike Fall, Robotic Forest, Sniper Joe Defense, Sniper Joe Defense, Sniper Joe's Lair, Spike Jump
Fire Man Falling Tackle Fires, Fire Pillars, Fire Pillars, Fire Stream, Flame Gate, Furnace Blast, Furnace Blast, Hot Ladders, Killer Steps, Lava Fall, Rising Tackle Fires, Screw Driver Maze
Elec Man Block Hop, Block Hop, Disappearing Blocks, Electric Rope, Electric Rope, Gate Guardian, Lightning Trap, Lightning Trap, Magnet Beam, Spin Platform, Tower Climb, Watcher Invasion
Time Man Conveyer Belt, Conveyer Belt, Hammer Swing, Master Protector, Pendulum Ball, Pendulum Ball, Pendulum Time Bombs, Shield Attacker, Sniper Joe's Quarters, Spike Jump, Time Bomb, Time Bomb Spikes
Oil Man Big Eye Block, Crazy Cannon, Hot Head, Hot Head, Oil Fire, Oil Fire, Oil Spill, Oil Spill, Rope Ladder, Sabattol, Spine Shooter, Tank Piles
Dr. Wily's Castle Mega Man Copy, Cut Man Copy, Guts Man Copy, Ice Man Copy, Bomb Man Copy, Fire Man Copy, Elec Man Copy, Big Eye Field, Block Barricade, Block Barrier, Close Quarters, Foot Holder's Spike Roof, Joe-Castle Defender, Pit Leap, Robot Factory, Sabattol Garden, Skull Passage, Spike Chamber, Wily's Ascention, Wily's Army


Minions to make the game more difficult. The minions in the game are:

Minion Damage
Big Eye 3
Met 2
Octopus Battery 4
Peng 2
Sabattol 2
Sniper Joe 2
Tackle Fire 2
Watcher 2

Boss Cards[]

Boss Cards represent the stage bosses and the powers obtained from Robot Masters. Time Man and Oil Man are available in their expansion. Yellow Devil is a Kickstarter exclusive that can be used to make Dr. Wily's Castle more challenging. Each boss has three attacks, the one used depending on the dice results indicated in the card.

After defeating a Robot Master, the player takes the boss card to be able to use the robot's power. Each power has Battle Abilities and Stage Abilities. Battle Abilities are activated by spending Weapon Energy, and except for Fire Storm and Thunder Beam, each card has two Battle Abilities. The first ability mainly causes more damage in battles, while the second is an effect. For example, Cut Man's Rolling Cutter can be used to make Hit rolls cause 4 damage to Explosion Robot Masters or 6 damage to Blitz Robot Masters with the first effect, or discard the top 5 cards from the deck to play 1 of them as an additional Action Card with the second effect.

Boss Health Threat Power Attacks (damage) Boss Power
(Battle Ability summary)
Cut Man 28 3 Sharp Rolling Cutter (4)
Touch Damage (2)
Angry (effect)
Rolling Cutter (deals more damage to Explosion and Blitz Robot Masters)
Guts Man 28 3 Powerful Super Arm (6)
Touch Damage (2)
Quake (effect)
Super Arm (deals more damage to Aqua and Blitz Robot Masters)
Ice Man 28 3 Aqua Ice Slasher (8)
Touch Damage (2)
Freeze Over (effect)
Ice Slasher (deals more damage to Fire Robot Masters)
Bomb Man 28 4 Explosion Hyper Bomb (5)
Touch Damage (2)
Explosives (2)
Hyper Bomb (deals more damage to Aqua and Powerful Robot Masters)
Fire Man 28 4 Fire Fire Storm (4)
Touch Damage (2)
8,000 Degrees (4)
Fire Storm (deals more damage to Explosion and Mineral Robot Masters, to Yellow Devil, and to Dr. Wily)
Elec Man 28 1 Blitz Thunder Beam (10)
Touch Damage (2)
Egotistical (effect)
Thunder Beam (deals more damage to Paradox and Aqua Robot Masters and to Yellow Devil)
Time Man 28 4 Paradox Time Slow (4)
Touch Damage (2)
Time Charge (effect)
Time Slow (deals more damage to Powerful Robot Masters)
Oil Man 28 4 Mineral Oil Slider (5)
Touch Damage (2)
Slick Stance (effect)
Oil Slider (deals more damage to Blitz Robot Masters)
Yellow Devil 28 6 None Eye Beam (4)
Touch Damage (2)
Re-form (2)
Dr. Wily (Side 1) 28 5 None Wily Shot (4)
Touch Damage (2)
Wily Special (effect)
Dr. Wily (Side 2) 28 2 None Wily Beam (6)
Touch Damage (2)
Wily Special (effect)


Besides the base game, the following expansions were released for the game.

Mega Man: The Board Game Time Man & Oil Man Expansion
An expansion that includes the Mega Man Powered Up bosses Time Man and Oil Man.
  • 2x Pre-Constructed Game Decks
  • 2x Mega Man Game Pieces
  • 1x Oil Man Game Piece
  • 1x Time Man Game Piece
  • 1x Oil Man Game Board
  • 1x Time Man Game Board
  • 24x Challenge Cards (12 for each boss)
  • 2x Life Spinners
  • 2x Mega Man Player Cards
  • 28x Robot Master Cards
  • 8x Weapon Energy Cubes
  • 8x Life Tokens
Mega Man: The Board Game Boss Pack
Includes 96 Action Cards themed after the eight bosses that can be used to customize the decks.

Bomb Man Pack

  • 4x Reckless
  • 4x Demolitions Expert
  • 4x Bombs Aren’t Toys

Cut Man Pack

  • 4x Cutting
  • 4x Ceramic Titanium
  • 4x Fast and Agile

Elec Man Pack

  • 4x Multi-Shock
  • 4x Conceited and Egotistical
  • 4x High Voltage

Fire Man Pack

  • 4x Hot Tempered
  • 4x Heating Up
  • 4x Flame of Justice

Guts Man Pack

  • 4x Civil Engineering
  • 4x Durable
  • 4x Great Strength

Ice Man Pack

  • 4x Frozen Breath
  • 4x 200 Below
  • 4x Ice Slide

Oil Man Pack

  • 4x Slick Fall
  • 4x E-Tank
  • 4x Show Time!

Time Man Pack

  • 4x Alarm
  • 4x Time’s Up!
  • 4x Punctual
Mega Man: The Board Game
Dice Pack
Contains twelve dices, four exclusive to Mega Man: The Board Game and eight (four blue and four red) common that can be used in most board games.
Mega Man: The Board Game
Proto Man Expansion Miniature
Includes one Proto Man game piece and character card.
Mega Man: The Board Game
Roll Expansion Miniature
Includes one Roll game piece and character card.
Mega Man: The Board Game
Rush Expansion Miniature
Includes one Rush game piece and character card.
Minions Minis Bundle
A bundle with eight miniatures: Met, Big Eye, Octopus Battery, Sniper Joe, Tackle Fire, Sabattol, Peng, and Watcher.

Kickstarter exclusive[]

Dr. Light Dr. Light game piece and character card.
Yellow Devil Yellow Devil game piece and boss card.

External links[]

