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"We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new weapon."
―Stage description, Mega Man X4

Snow Base (スノーベース) is Frost Walrus's stage in Mega Man X4. As the name implies, it is a Repliforce military base that is situated in a snowy region.


Snow Base Area 1[]


Snow Base's stage icon

The first half of the stage takes place in a snowy mountain outside the base. The stage has two paths; the upper path can only be reached with a Lightning Web wall jump with X or using Kuuenbu (double jump) with Zero. It contains a few extra lives. The lower path contains snow platforms that will crumble after a few seconds, as well as a Life Up on top of a block of ice that can be destroyed using Rising Fire/Ryuenjin. Next is a small section with small platforms and spikes, followed by a section with snow slopes that slowly crumble over a bed of ice spikes. If one is to wall jump to the top of wall to the right on this section, there is an EX Item which can be reached with a Lightning Web with X/Kuuenbu (double jump) with Zero. After reaching the bottom part, there is a small section with rising ice platforms that will crush the player if not careful enough. At the end of the section, there is a fight with the Eyezard sub-boss.

Snow Base Area 2[]

The second half of the stage takes place inside the base. The stage has ice blocks which sometimes contain enemies or explosives inside. Both paths lead to the same exit of the section. Near the end there is a Weapon Sub Tank inside an ice block. Next section features Ice Wings which if not destroyed in time, will freeze a portion of the stage, making the floor slippery as well as spawning ice spikes and freezing enemies. If these frozen enemies are destroyed, they will fire ice spikes. At the end of this section is where Frost Walrus awaits.


Image Enemy
Frost Walrus (boss)
Eyezard (sub-boss)
Knot Beret S
Fly Gunner
Mettaur D2
Ice Wing


Location Life Up
The Life Up is sitting atop an ice block in Area 1, which can be destroyed with Rising Fire/Ryuenjin.
Location EX Item
Climb up the wall on the far right of Area 1's ice slope segment. Use X's Lightning Web or Zero's Kuuenbu to maneuver onto the ledge where the EX Item awaits.
Location Weapon Sub Tank
Take the high path through the destructible ice blocks in Area 2; the Weapon Sub Tank is stuck in one of the top blocks.

Mega Man X DiVE[]

Snow Base is a stage in Mega Man X DiVE. It is the thirteenth Story stage, and features Bit with his shield as the final boss.

A modified version of the Snow Base stage appeared as the Christmas event stage for Mega Man X DiVE in 2020. The theme music is changed to the Frozen Town Stage theme, modified with a Christmas touch. Christmas Bit is fought in the end of the stage.


Image Enemy
Bit (with Shield) (boss) (13-6)
Raider Killer (sub-boss) (13-3)
Hover Gunner (13-1, 13-2, 13-4, 13-5)
Mettaur (13-1, 13-4, 13-5)
Mad Joey (13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13-5)
E-AT (13-1, 13-3, 13-4, 13-5)
Knot Beret S (13-2, 13-3)
Spiky (13-2, 13-4)
Refleczer (13-3, 13-4, 13-5)
Ice De Voux (13-4, 13-5)

Removed from Offline version[]

Other media[]

Rockman X4 manga[]

Snow Base X4 manga

The Snow Base in the manga.

Collection destroyed

The destruction of Walrus's ghastly collection.

The Snow Base makes an appearance in the manga. The base is located in a very snowy and frosty region, and is under the command of Repliforce soldier Frost Walrus. Inside of the base is a thermal device which emits very cold particles, constantly keeping the room filled with ice. Frost Walrus calls the base the Room of the Wild Ones (猛者の間), and keeps the bodies of Maverick Hunters he has slain encased in ice as trophies for his personal collection. Walrus only grants this "honor" to the Hunters who manage to survive more than 20 seconds in battle against him.

Eventually, the Colonel of the Repliforce grows tired of Walrus's destructive and murderous antics as they are not helping the general goal of Reploid independence for their organization. Colonel visits him in the Snow Base and demands that he stop at once. Walrus angrily threatens the Colonel, but backs down once Colonel tells him he will report his behavior to the General, and that he must get his act together or face the wrath of the General.

In a fit of anger, Walrus releases several Maverick Hunter prisoners he has been keeping in the base, and tells them to run for their lives just so he could hunt them down and kill them sport. One of the Hunters is saved by the efforts of X and Blizzard Buffalo, the latter of whom had become reformed as a Maverick Hunter. Frost Walrus proved to be more than a match for the two Hunters and easily overpowered them both. Throughout the entire battle, Walrus remained stationary and did not even have to take a single step to battle against them. X noted this in shock before he was ruthlessly impaled on Walrus' shoulder blade, causing him to lose consciousness. Blizzard Buffalo then stepped in to defend X. After X awoke, he discovered Buffalo was dead, impaled by a large icicle.

Enraged and grief-stricken, X rushes to the Snow Base to confront Walrus in a modified Eagle Ride Armor. X crashes through the roof of the base, and proceeds to fire all his weapons haphazardly in Walrus's direction, destroying several of the encased cylinders of Hunter corpses in Walrus's collection. Although Walrus is unharmed by X's blasts because of his immense strength, he is still infuriated that X would dare to destroy his collection and proceeds to swiftly destroy X's armor with a Frost Tower attack. However, X survives the explosion of the armor, and manages to heavily damage him by setting him ablaze with the Ride Armor's damaged fuel tank, and fires a barrage of X-Buster shots at him.

Walrus recovers, and proceeds to endure X's blasts. X is undeterred, and keeps firing, but Walrus finally reaches him and grabs him by the head, preparing to kill him. Before he can, Walrus is brutally shot down by General as a punishment for his previous misconduct and to save X's life.

General solemnly stares down at X, and the latter proceeds to fire a barrage of X-Buster blasts at him. The blasts have no effect due to the General's immense power, and General shuts his eyes in resignation and proceeds to leave without saying anything to X. X then slams his X-Buster arm to the ground in frustration, breaking it.

A mysterious Reploid watches from afar, perched on the one of the massive wires near the ceiling of the Snow Base. He believes that General was showing his respect for X and silently apologizing by allowing X to attack him, and that Walrus suffered a price for disobeying the military rules of Repliforce.

A great explosion later rocks the Snow Base, destroying it. X's broken Buster arm is found in the wreckage and he is feared dead by many, though it is shown he survived the explosion.




Snow Base in Mega Man X DiVE, with the incorrect Snow Mountain screenshot in the bottom left corner.

  • A screenshot of Snow Mountain in Mega Man X was mistakenly used as the preview image for Snow Base stage in Mega Man X DiVE. This was later revised with a correct screenshot from Mega Man X4 in an update.
  • Blizzard Buffalo and Chill Penguin make cameo appearances in the stage, frozen in ice. The damaged Blizzard Buffalo is at the beginning of the stage, and Chill Penguin is in Eyezard's room.
    • The manga Rockman X4, the cameo of Blizzard Buffalo's wreckage is integrated into the story as the character's demise by the hand of Frost Walrus.
  • This is the only of the eight Stage Select Screen stages from Mega Man X4 to have unique music for each of its two areas.
