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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Kneel. Before your queen."
"I don't think so."
―Hela and Thor[src]

The Skirmish in Norway was the first confrontation between both Thor and Loki and their half-sister, Hela, immediately after the former king of Asgard, Odin, died peacefully in Norway.


"Anyway, my father is no longer in exile. So if you could tell me where he is, I can take him home."
"Gladly. He's in Norway."
―Thor and Doctor Strange[src]

Thor returned to Asgard after the conclusion of the Ultron Offensive to learn more about the Infinity Stones.[3] During his quest, however, he was captured by the Fire Demon, Surtur, who ultimately divulged that the doomsday prophecy, Ragnarök, as Odin was no longer ruling the realm. Suspicious, Thor escaped from Muspelheim, killing Surtur and many Fire Demons in the process.

Odin's Death

Odin peacefully dies

Thor's investigations led to the conclusion that Loki had survived the Second Battle of Svartalfheim, and had usurped the throne ever since Odin's absence. After having returned to Asgard with the sole purpose of revealing Loki's disguise to the Asgardian citizens, the two brothers traveled to Earth in order to find their father. With the help of Doctor Strange, Thor and Loki were teleported to Norway, the current location of Odin. As his death was imminent, he finally confessed to his two sons that the prospect of Ragnarök was inevitable as his eldest daughter, Hela, would be released from Hel after his death. Passing down his last words of advice to his sons, he finally died as his spirit peacefully transcended into Valhalla.[1]


"You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin."
"Really? You don't look like him."
"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement."
"You sound like him."
―Thor, Hela, and Loki[src]
Thor Ragnarok 105

Hela finally emerges from her prison

Moments after Odin's death, Hela was released from her prison in Hel, escaping through a getaway portal. Thor introduced himself to his half-sister and an awkward conversation ensued with Hela claiming that Thor did not share his father's appearance, but that Loki sounded a lot like Odin. She then ordered both her brothers to kneel before her as she was declared that she was the new Queen of Asgard.

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 11

MjĂžlnir is destroyed by Hela

However, Thor remained hostile, aggressively responding to her demand by throwing MjĂžlnir at her. However, to both Thor and Loki's surprise, she easily countered his attack and caught the hammer in mid air. Hela then proceeded to destroy the hammer as her incredulous brothers watched appalled. She then restored her headdress and conjured her Necroswords. Frightened, Loki attempted to call for the Bifrost Bridge, to Thor's opposition.


Thor and Hela battle in the Bifrost

However, Volstagg already opened to bridge, allowing Thor, Loki and Hela to enter the Bifrost. Hela effortlessly pursued both her brothers in the Bifrost Bridge, eventually knocking them off, thus stranding them in another location.[1]


"I'm Hela."
"I'm just a janitor."
"You look like a smart boy with good survival instincts. How would you like a job?"
―Hela and Skurge[src]

Hela made it to Asgard through the Bifrost Bridge, and ultimately slaughtered its current guardians, Volstagg and Fandral. Hela eventually challenged Hogun and the Einherjar warriors that were defending Asgard before she personally killed all of them, thus allowing her to freely usurp the Asgardian throne.

Hela began adding reinforcements to her cause, recruiting Skurge, whom she dubbed as her Executioner, and she resurrected a legion of undead Asgardian warriors and her pet wolf, Fenris, who served her during Asgard's ancient time of expansion.[1]

In Spring 2024, a reenactment was made for the New Asgard Tours.[4]

