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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"My Adria. We already have been through so much together."

Adria was the wife of Kaecilius, who died because of a brain aneurysm.


Losing His Wife[]

"Time is unmerciful... I knew before the doctor even set foot in that room that you were lost to me, just as our son was lost to us, and you were going to be joined together in a place I could not follow. I failed you both..."
―Kaecilius to Adria[src]

Kaecilius learns of the passing of Adria

Adria and her husband Kaecilius, lived happily in Copenhagen, despite having to deal with the death of their son years before. One day, Adria was struck with a terrible illness which took ahold of her and despite Kaecilius' best efforts, he could not save her. Her loss led him to desperately seek out some kind of understanding of why. This eventually led Kaecilius to join the Masters of the Mystic Arts and become an apprentice of the Ancient One.[1]


"When he first came to us, he’d lost everyone he ever loved. He was a grieving and broken man, searching for answers in the mystic arts. A brilliant student, but he was proud, headstrong. Questioned the Ancient One, rejected our teaching. He left Kamar-Taj. His disciples followed him like sheep, seduced by false doctrine."
―Karl Mordo[src]

Despite learning a lot from the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Kaecilius grew disillusioned with the Ancient One, who drew power from the Dark Dimension to ensure her immortality. Gathering a group of followers, Kaecilius defected from the Masters and became a disciple of Dormammu, the ruler of the Dark Dimension, who promised to bring the dimension to Earth so humanity could be perpetually immortal. Failing to understand Dormammu's deception, Kaecilius and his Zealots stole the Book of Cagliostro and attacked the order's sanctums to bring Dormammu's reign over the Earth.

However, Kaecilius' efforts were ultimately in vain as Doctor Strange managed to stop Kaecilius and outsmart Dormammu, who agreed to leave the Earth, but took Kaecilius and his two remaining acolytes to the Dark Dimension by transforming them into Mindless Ones. Kaecilius was ultimately sent to the Dark Dimension for all eternity, precluding him from ever joining Adria and their son in death.[2]






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