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Appearing in "Wreaking Havok, Part One: Unnecessary Evils"

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Synopsis for "Wreaking Havok, Part One: Unnecessary Evils"

At New Tokyo International Airport, a plane crashes, and Havok emerges from the wreckage. He continues to have problems controlling his powers.

X-Factor, including Mystique and Wild Child, have followed Havok's trail from Canada and encounter Yakuza cyber-samurai in Tokyo's Nihonbashi district. Mystique learns that they were sent by crime lord Tatsu'o. The team splits up to find Havok.

In Tokyo station, Alex Summers encounters Scarlett, a woman he thought was dead. She claims to be helping him but triggers confusion in his memories and he gets away.

Back in the United States, Random absorbs his roommate Vera and collapses in despair.

Tatsu'o meets with Fatale, a mysterious mutant assassin who is intent on keeping Havok away from Scarlett. X-Factor continues their search for Havok, and Mystique disguises herself to track him.

Havok wanders through Tokyo in a delusional state, with his powers dangerously out of control. He causes havoc and ends up in a club where the scene is being observed by Yukio. X-Factor arrives, trying to calm him down, but Fatale intervenes, stabbing Havok in the back.


  • Originally priced at $1.95 US and $2.75 Canada.
  • Ads in this issue include: [inside front cover] Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, K-mart (3 page ad), 32X (2 page ad), McDonalds (2 page ad), East Coast Comics, [inside back cover] Batman Forever Metal, [back cover] '94-95 Flair.
  • Havok (Alex Summers) is featured on the cover.

See Also

Links and References

