—WolverineWhy is that, Creed? You're not my father, my brother, or my clone. Why is it we can never get rid of each other?
Appearing in "Evolution Chapter 1: First Blood"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Silver Fox (Death) (Only in flashback)
- ⏴ Sabretooth (Victor Creed) ⏵ (Appears in flashback)
- ⏴ Romulus ⏵ (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters:
- Lupine (Dream)
- Shadowy Leader (Dream) (First appearance)
- Pup (Dream) (First appearance)
- Blondie (Dream) (First appearance) (Death)
- Magneto (Erik Magnus Lehnsherr) (Mentioned in narration)
- X-Men
Races and Species:
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- North America
- United States of America
- Canada (Only in flashback)
- Yukon (Only in flashback)
- Canadian Rockies (Only in flashback)
- Logan and Silver Fox's Cabin (Only in flashback)
- Mount Logan (Only in flashback)
- An unnamed Saloon (Only in flashback)
- Canadian Rockies (Only in flashback)
- Yukon (Only in flashback)
- Roman Empire (Mentioned)
- North America
- Hell (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Evolution Chapter 1: First Blood"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Puny Little Man"
Featured Characters:
- ⏴ Wolverine (Logan) ⏵ (Main story and recap)
- Hulk (Bruce Banner) (Only in recap)
Other Characters:
- Department H (Referenced)
- Alpha Flight (Referenced)
- Heather Hudson (Referenced)
- James Hudson (Referenced)
- Alpha Flight (Referenced)
- Charles Xavier (Referenced)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (Referenced)
- Weapon X Program (Referenced)
- Wolverine (Logan) (Vision or hallucination)
- Hulk (Bruce Banner) (Vision or hallucination)
- Marvel Universe (Main story and recap)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Canada (Main story and recap)
- New York City, New York, U.S.A. (Mentioned)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Ultimate Universe (Vision or hallucination)
- Wolverine's Suit (Only in recap)
Synopsis for "Puny Little Man"
Wolverine is narrating his first-ever fight with the Hulk. He says that when he remembers his memories, he takes the good with the bad, but he still tells it a little differently each time. He said how he was stuck with Department H in Canada where Heather and James Hudson took him him when nobody else would've, but had to make him wear a cowl with whiskers (as if a cowl wasn't embarrassing enough) and a bright yellow costume. He states how it's a stupid idea that Canada needs a superhero team, and that how he even needed a mask when he couldn't recall his own name at the time. He was "The Wolverine," as if there were more Wolverines. They also made him state things like, "And like a wolverine, I've got claws -- forged out of diamond-hard adamantium!" Towards the end of the battle, when the Hulk picks up Wolverine to rip him in two, the fight changes to when the Hulk from the Ultimate Universe actually does this to the Wolverine of that universe. Wolverine from Earth-616 then wakes up from a dream and/or memory in Canada. He has no idea how he could tell the difference, or what that uniform he was wearing in the Ultimate Universe was. All he can say is, "I hate Canada..."
Solicit Synopsis
It’s the biggest, best and, quite possibly, last battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth!
- These sworn foes have been locked in an endless grudge match that goes back longer than either can remember -- or even imagine.
Chronology Notes[]
A flashback in this story affects the chronology of the following characters:
Evolution Chapter 1: First Blood
- ⏴ Pag. 15-16 ⏵
- ⏴ Pag. 17 ⏵ (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- ⏴ Pag. 18, Panel 1 ⏵ (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- The Evolution story arc (Wolverine Vol 3 50 — 55) was adapted in a motion comic mini-series comprised of 6 episodes called Wolverine versus Sabretooth. The mini-series was created by Marvel Knights Animation and released by Shout! Factory on DVD in January 14, 2014.
- Prequel to Wolverine versus Sabretooth Reborn mini-series (Wolverine (Vol. 2) #310–313). In some instances, both mini-series are available together as one.
- Second story originally shown in Incredible Hulk #180. Erroneously depicts Hulk's blood as being red, however, it is actually green.