Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- X-Men
- Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Main story and flashforward)
- Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) (First appearance chronologically)
- Professor X (Charles Xavier) (First appearance chronologically)
- Wolverine (Logan)
- Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) (First appearance chronologically)
- Storm (Ororo Munroe) (First appearance chronologically)
- Phoenix (Jean Grey)
- WildC.A.T.s (First appearance)
- Spartan (Hadrian) (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- Warblade (Reno Bryce) (First appearance)
- Void (Adrianna Treshkova) (First appearance)
- Lord Emp (Jacob Marlowe) (First appearance)
- Zealot (Lady Zannah)
- Maul (Jeremy Stone) (First appearance)
- Voodoo (Pris Kitaen) (First appearance)
- Grifter (Cole Cash) (First appearance as Grifter)
Supporting Characters:
- Phoenix Force (First appearance chronologically)
- Halo Corporation (First appearance)
- Hellfire Club (First appearance) (Flashforward, main story, and flashback)
- Trevor (First appearance; dies)
- Nigel (First appearance; dies)
- Carmichael (First appearance)
- Cameron Blair (First appearance)
- Sir Harry Tanner (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Daemonites
- Kneel (First appearance; dies)
- Lord of All That is Not (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- Sebastian Shaw (Mentioned)
- Emma Frost (Mentioned)
- President John F. Kennedy (Mentioned)
- Unnamed boy (First appearance)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Flashforward, main story, and flashback)
- Mutants (Main story and flashforward)
- Daemonites
- Cyborgs (Main story and flashforward)
- Kherubim
- Human-Titanthrope Hybrids (First appearance)
- Human-Daemonite-Kherubim Hybrids (First appearance)
- Abstract Entities (First appearance chronologically)
- Foxes (Mentioned)
- Demons (First appearance chronologically)
- Earth-7642 (Main story and flashforward)
- Earth (Main story and flashforward)
- Europe (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- United Kingdom (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- England (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- Hellfire Club Building (First appearance)
- London (Mentioned)
- England (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- United Kingdom (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- North America (First appearance chronologically)
- United States of America (First appearance chronologically)
- New York (First appearance chronologically)
- Westchester County (First appearance chronologically)
- Salem Center (First appearance chronologically)
- Professor Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (First appearance chronologically)
- Salem Center (First appearance chronologically)
- Westchester County (First appearance chronologically)
- New York (First appearance chronologically)
- United States of America (First appearance chronologically)
- Kurdistan, Iraq, Asia (Mentioned)
- South America (Mentioned)
- Moon, Earth Orbit (Mentioned)
- Europe (First appearance) (Main story and flashforward)
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Sun (Mentioned)
- Earth (Main story and flashforward)
- X-Uniforms (Main story and flashforward)
- Cyclops' Visor (Main story and flashforward)
- Ruby-Quartz (Main story and flashforward)
- Cerebro (Mentioned)
- Wolverine's Suit
- Adamantium
- Spell of Summoning (First appearance)
- World War II (Mentioned)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
See Also
- 28 image(s) from WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Modern Age Vol 1 1
- 1 reprint(s) of WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Modern Age Vol 1 1