Appearing in "I Spent Midnight with the Thing on Bald Mountain!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Statue of Good (First appearance; dies)
- Statue of Evil (First appearance)
Races and Species:
- Earthspace
- Heaven (Invoked)
- Holy and Unholy Clay
Synopsis for "I Spent Midnight with the Thing on Bald Mountain!"
A sculptor build two statues, one representing good and the other, evil, when lightning strikes the evil one and begins it to life. The evil statue pursues him throughout the castle using its great strength to corner the artist and prepare to hurl him to his doom. Just then the good statue appears and rescues the artist. After he sets him down, the good statue slams into the evil one, knocking him off the rampart, where they both plunge to their seeming destruction. The sculptor muses on the electricity bringing the bad one to life, but he'll never know what brought the good one to life to save him.
Appearing in "I Dared Defy The Floating Head!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- "Floating Head"
- Numerous unnamed criminals
Other Characters:
- Numerous unnamed New Yorkers
- United States Air Force
Races and Species:
- Earthspace
- Heaven (Invoked)
- Projector
Synopsis for "I Dared Defy The Floating Head!"
In 1965, a giant floating head appears over New York and proclaims it is the first to arrive in an invasion force. The army attack it but it disappears and reappears faster than the speed of light and the head explains they travel by their minds and can telepathically blow things up, demanding the entire city leave. A boy named Bruce figures out the truth that this is all a ruse by some criminals to rob the entire city and that the head is nothing more than a projection.
Appearing in "I am the Man without a Face!"
Featured Characters:
- Rufus Watkins
Supporting Characters:
- Rufus' Gang
- Luke
- Numerous unnamed members
- Romani
- Numerous unnamed Romani
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Mayor
- Rufus Watkins' Father (Mentioned)
- Numerous unnamed citizens of Goosepan
Races and Species:
- Earth
- United States of America
- Goosepan]]
- United States of America
- Black Hood
Synopsis for "I am the Man without a Face!"
A group of traveling Romany come into a small city where a man by the of Rufus Watkins takes issue with their presence for nothing more than bigotry and stereotypes. Rufus decides to put a gang together and run them out of town but after doing so the leader places a curse on Rufus. A few days later the police begin searching for the people responsible for running out them out of town and while they found the rest of Rufus' gang they never gave him up, however Rufus couldn't leave his house as he was cursed to always be wearing a black hood even after removing the previous one, another would form. We leave Rufus as he regrets his actions as his house is slowly filling up with black hoods.
Appearing in "He Waits for Us in the Glacier!"
Featured Characters:
- Skipper (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- United States Navy
- Numerous unnamed crewmembers
- Anuxa (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
Other Characters:
- Tyrannosaurus rex (Only in flashback)
- Stegosaurus (Only in flashback)
- Numerous unnamed Neanderthals (Only in flashback)
- Roman Empire (Only in flashback)
- Mongol Empire (Only in flashback)
- United States Army (Only in flashback)
Races and Species:
- Unidentified alien race
- Humans
- Dinosaurs (Only in flashback)
- Tyrannosaurus rex (Only in flashback)
- Stegosaurus (Only in flashback)
- Neanderthals (Only in flashback)
- Milky Way (Main story and flashback)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Arctic Circle
- Europe (Only in flashback)
- Asia (Only in flashback)
- Mongolia (Only in flashback)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Unnamed Galaxy (Mentioned) (Anuxa's Home Galaxy)
- Unnamed Planet (Mentioned) (Anuxa's Home Planet)
- Gamma Electrization Gun
- Atomic Bomb (Only in flashback)
- Atomic Submarine
- World War II (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "He Waits for Us in the Glacier!"
The crew on an atomic submarine are travelling through the Arctic when they discover the alien Anuxa is hiding in the glaciers. He proclaims is an alien scout whose race waits for the dominant life form to die out and states that due to the invention of nuclear weaponry it won't likely be long before humanity wipes itself out, before disappearing back into the glaciers.