Appearing in "Six-Gun Vengeance!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jonas
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Six-Gun Vengeance!"
As an elderly man and a young boy watch the Western Kid and his animal pals Whirlwind and Lightning fight it out with some outlaws, the old man tells his grandson how the fighting trio first met...
Years ago Tex Dawson worked for the Bar-T ranch, and one night someone broke into the safe and stole all the money. When Dawson's employer searched the ranch hand bunks, the stolen money was found in Tex's bed. Before his chief rival, Jonas, could shoot the Kid he was stopped by the owner of the Bar-T. However, Tex insisted he was innocent and smashed out of a window in order to escape capture. Taking a horse, Tex rode out into the plains and came across a black stallion being attacked by other wild horses. Using his gun, Tex then scared off the other horses and was surprised to find that the black stallion bowing to him in thanks for the rescue. Dawson was impressed that he decided to take the horse as his own, calling it Whirlwind.
Further along the trail, Tex and Whirlwind came across a young girl named Sally Benson out looking for the wolf-dog that uncle gave her for a present and she now believes is a sheep killer, so she is out trying to kill it. When they suddenly spot the dogs shadow, the girl is about to shoot when Whirlwind suddenly kicks the gun out of her hands. As it turned out, the dog was innocent and had destroy the real sheep-killer, a wolf. Back on the trail, Tex and Whirlwind are greeted by the dog, and Tex finds a note on it from Sally, saying that the dog seemed insistent on following after them and so she was gifting the dog to Tex. Tex accepts the dog into the group, naming him Lightning.
Realizing that he saved his two animal pals from unjust persecution, Tex is inspired to deal with his own problems and returns to the Bar-T ranch. Sneaking near the bunk house, he overhears Jonas admitted to his friend Pete that he framed Tex of the theft so that he could take over his position at the ranch. With the help of Whirlwind and Lighting, the Tex was able to capture Jonas and force a confession, clearing his name....
... As the old man finishes his story the Western Kid has finished his battle and is heading out of town. The old man finishes his tale by telling his grandson that Tex soon left the Bar-T to help all those in need, earning himself the name the Western Kid.
Appearing in "Boot Hill Vengeance!"
Synopsis for "Boot Hill Vengeance!"
Western tale
Appearing in "Revenge of Red Arrow!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Barton gang
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Revenge of Red Arrow!"
Furious upon seeing a wagon passing on Sioux land, the Native American warrior known as Red Arrow charges at it for the attack, despite the pleas from the Western Kid not to attack it. The Kid sends Lightning to route Red Arrow's horse and riding on Whirlwind manages to catch up and subdue Red Arrow. The Kid explains that he had to stop him as an unprovoked attack would send soldiers to wipe out the Sioux while they are out hunting catching them completely off guard, pointing out that the wagon only contained a harmless old man. However, Red Arrow refuses to be insulted and vows to get revenge no matter what. Fearing for the safety of others, the Western Kid decides to follow after the wagon to make sure it doesn't get attacked again.
Unknown to the Western Kid, the "old man" is really an outlaw named Barton in disguise and his "cargo" is a bunch of his fellow badmen. When the Kid comes up to talk, Barton tries to convince him that he is a homesteader and demands that the Kid mind his own business when he starts poking at his wagon. However the kid pulls the tarp away revealing the other outlaws hidden inside. A fight breaks out, but it soon ignites a load of dynamite and the outlaws beg for the Western Kid to save them, promising to go straight. The Kid saves them and stops the wagon before it can crash into the Sioux village. However the outlaws show their true colours, threatening to shoot the dynamite if the Kid does not surrender. However, Red Arrow jumps on the back of one of the wagon horses and forces them to ride again, willing to sacrifice his life to save both the Western Kid and his village.
However, Red Arrow doesn't get the chance, as Lightning removes a bolt from the wagon separating it from the horses and sending it crashing into the woods where it explodes harmlessly. Having worked together, Red Arrow promises not to rashly attack white men again and the Western Kid takes the outlaws away to face justice.
Appearing in "Western Kid"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bud Sawyer
- renengade Native Americans
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Western Kid"
The Western Kid has been hired as a scout for a wagon train to keep them out of danger. Along the way he helps find a watering hole and shoots a nest of rattle snakes that have gathered there before they begin drawing water. Later on along the trek the Western Kid and his animal pals help defend the wagon train from an attack by renegade Native Americans, and later still helps the gang against Bud Sawyer. After narrowly avoiding an avalanche and a dangerous bridge, the Western Kid succeeds in getting the wagon train to Fort Larabee.
Appearing in "The Storm!"
Synopsis for "The Storm!"
Western Tale.
Appearing in "Trouble in Tombstone"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Trouble in Tombstone"
The Western Kid wins a horse race, the results of which causes Mick Connors to lose the last of his money for betting against Dawson and his horse Whirlwind. Convinced that Dawson framed him for a crime and sent to jail, and now he blames Dawson for him losing all his money. However Mick's cousin tries to convince him that he is only convincing himself of this, as Dawson prevented Mick from getting into even more trouble. Mick decides to do something to get revenge against Tex Dawson, and decides to do it through his horse, unaware that Lightning has heard the entire conversation.
That night, the Western Kid camps outside of town for the night, and after he has gone to sleep Mick Connors comes and tries to steal Whirlwind. When Lightning tries to stop him, Mick pulls a gun and threatens to shoot the horse, forcing Lightning to stand down. After Mick leaves, Lightning wakes up the Kid, who is upset that Lightning seemingly did nothing while someone stole Whirlwind, the Kid angrily sends Lightning away while he follows Whirlwind's trail.
The Kid tracks down Mick, who reveals that Lightning was forced to not do anything, making the Kid realize he was too harsh to Lightning earlier. But just then, Lightning comes to the rescue, distracting Mick enough for the Kid to fight back and knock him out. The reunited trio then turn Mick over to the authorities.