—SabretoothHa ha ha! Didn't think I'd forget, did ya, runt?
Appearing in "Happy Birthday, Old Man Logan: Part One - Blow up the Candles"
Featured Characters:
- Logan (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Nuke Platoon (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
- Nuke (Frank Simpson) (Mentioned)
- Olympus Group (Mentioned)
- Wolverine (Logan) (Only in recap)
- Silver Fox (Corpse in recap)
- Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich) (Illusion in flashback)
- Scorpion (Mac Gargan) (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) (Illusion in flashback)
- Venom (Eddie Brock) (Illusion in flashback)
- The Wizard (Bentley Wittman) (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama) (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Sabretooth (Victor Creed) (Illusion in flashback)
- Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich) (illusion in flashback)
- Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff) (Illusion in flashback)
- Shocker (Herman Schultz) (Illusion in flashback)
- Mysterio (Quentin Beck) (Mentioned)
- X-Men (Mentioned)
- Morph (Benji Deeds) (Mentioned)
- Beak (Barnell Bohusk) (Mentioned)
- Minotaur (Asterius)
- Lernean Hydra
- Other unidentified mythological monsters
Races and Species:
- Cyborgs (Main story and flashback)
- Mutants (Main story and flashback)
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Klyntar (Illusion in flashback)
- Demons (Mentioned)
- Minotaurs
- Hydras
- Monsters
- Prime Marvel Universe / Earth-616 (Main story and recap)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Mexico
- Puerto Vallarta (First appearance)
- Santo Marco (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
- Facility B-33 (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
- Canada (Only in recap)
- Canadian Rockies (Only in recap)
- Belgium (Only in recap)
- Ypres (Only in recap)
- United States of America
- New Mexico
- Gammaworld
- Olympus Group R&D Lab 454
- Gammaworld
- New Mexico
- Mexico
- Hell (Invoked)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Wastelands (Only in flashback)
- Earth (Only in flashback)
- United States of America (Only in flashback)
- New York (Only in flashback)
- Westchester County (Only in flashback)
- North Salem (Only in flashback)
- Salem Center (Only in flashback)
- X-Mansion (Only in flashback)
- Salem Center (Only in flashback)
- North Salem (Only in flashback)
- Westchester County (Only in flashback)
- New York (Only in flashback)
- United States of America (Only in flashback)
- Earth (Only in flashback)
- Adamantium (Main story and flashback)
- Nuke Pills (Mentioned)
- Wolverine's Suit (Only in flashback)
- Doctor Octopus' Tentacles (Illusion in flashback)
- Rhino Armor (Illusion in flashback)
- Scorpion's Suit (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Venom Symbiote (Illusion in flashback)
- Wizard Armor (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Carbonadium (First appearance; illusion in flashback)
- Kraven's Lion's Head Vest (Illusion in flashback)
- Shocker's Vibro-Shock Gauntlets (Illusion in flashback)
- Olympus Group Transport B87 (Destruction)
- Olympus Group Airskipper
Synopsis for "Happy Birthday, Old Man Logan: Part One - Blow up the Candles"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• It’s a surprise party for Old Man Logan — and the only thing Sabretooth got him is an ass whuppin’!
• With the rest of their crew on a much needed shore leave, Sabretooth and Old Man Logan are left to their own devices: sixteen Adamantium claws and berserker rage!
• Don’t miss Old Man Logan versus Sabretooth in their first knock-down, drag-out fight to the death!