Appearing in "Earth 33⅓"
Featured Characters:
Synopsis for "Earth 33⅓"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Men Who Drink Blood!"
Conan the Barbarian #102
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bamulas
- Basotu (First appearance)
- Witch-men (First appearance)
- Belima (First appearance)
- Felida
- Yorubo (Mentioned)
- Wise old men (First appearance)
- "Drelliks" (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Ashido (First appearance; dies)
- Drellik-King (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Kungado (First appearance)
- Chief of the Kungado (First appearance; dies)
- Son of the Kungado's chief (First appearance)
- Bêlit (Mentioned)
- King of Vultures (Mentioned)
- Ekku (Mentioned)
- Crom (Invoked)
- Ajujo (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Cattle (Main story and flashback)
- Drelliks (Vampires) (Main story and flashback)
- Black Kingdoms
- Mountains of Mist (Mentioned)
- Cimmeria (Mentioned)
- Hyrkania (Mentioned)
- War-Spear
- Drelliks' smokey crystals (First appearance)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Men Who Drink Blood!"
Conan the Barbarian #102
Appearing in "Devil's War!"
Devil Dinosaur #2
Featured Characters:
- Killer-Folk
- Seven-Scars (Death)
- Long-Legs
- Iguanodon
Other Characters:
- The Giant
- Samson (Referenced)
- Hercules (Referenced)
- Thor Odinson (Referenced)
Synopsis for "Devil's War!"
Devil Dinosaur #2
Appearing in "Quest of the King!"
Marvel Preview #22
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Knights of the Round Table
- Sir Lancelot of the Lake
- Sir Pellias (First appearance; dies)
- Sir Gawain
- Sir Kay
- Mordred
- Guinevere
Other Characters:
- Goldenwing (First appearance)
- Beliar's brother (First appearance; dies)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Quest of the King!"
Marvel Preview #22
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Black Mirror!"
Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #42
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Madeleine St. Germaine (spelled Madeleine de St. Germaine)
- Sara Wolfe
- Clea
- Wong (Mentioned)
- Lords of the Golden Dragon (First appearance)
- Chou
- Mung
- 4 sorcerers (unnamed)
- Dragon
Other Characters:
- Daily Globe
- Lou Wallis
- Jack Starrett (Mentioned)
- Duron (Unnamed)
- Miami International Airport
- Sanctum Sanctorum
- Adirondack Forest Preserve
- Kaichek (Unnamed)
- Cloak of Levitation
- Eye of Agamotto
- Black Mirror (First appearance)
- Spells
Synopsis for "The Black Mirror!"
Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #42
By the time Stephen returns to his home in New York, there is a number of photographers secretly hiding out around his home taking photographs. Entering his Sanctum, he finds Sara Wolfe fast asleep in a chair by a roaring fire and wakes her. Sitting down to dinner, she explains that she hasn't heard back from Clea and explains the past events in Clea's search for Wong. After her explanation, Sara expresses her concern about Stephen's finances when she tells him she came across a number of bills that were past due. Stephen hires her on to look into his financial affairs and gives her a block of gold to settle his overdue bills before beginning to track down both Clea and Wong.
Strange manages to track Clea's trail all the way to the strange mansion in the Adirondack mountains. There his jeep is driven off the road by a bunch of men who assume that Stephen died when his jeep exploded. Stephen however, has used his magical skill to save himself and finds that he is facing men who are also magicians. However, they prove no match for the Sorcerer Supreme, who easily defeats them in mystic battle.
The men's leaders, magicians also, combine their powers within the house and call forth a mystical dragon which attacks Strange as well. When none of Strange's spells manage to stop the creature, the Sorcerer Supreme realizes that he must attack the spell casters and not the spell itself. Taking a gamble, Stephen leaves his physical body and manages to subdue the spell casters with the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak, causing the dragon to disappear.
Returning to his body, Stephen returns to the room where the magicians were casting their spell and finds himself drawn to a strange black mirror. Approaching it, he finds that he can pass through it and ends up in another world where he is easily knocked out and is about to be executed by a band of barbarians seemingly led by Clea herself.
This story is continued next issue....Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: The Invasion of Asgard"
Journey Into Mystery #101
Featured Characters:
- Thor as a boy
Supporting Characters:
- Loki
- Norn Hag
- Ulfrin the Dragon (First appearance)
- Rime Giants (First appearance)
- Last of the Ice Giants
- Skoll (First appearance) and Hati (First appearance) the Wolf Gods
- Geirrodur (First appearance)
Other Characters:
Races and Species:
- Asgardians
- Frost Giants
- Asgardian Dragons
- Ice Giants
- Rock Trolls
- Wolf Gods (First appearance)
- Rime Giants (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: The Invasion of Asgard"
Journey Into Mystery #101