—Senator Robert KellyI wish I could say I'm shocked by what I've seen here today. The truth is -- I have spent the past ten years of my life predicting just such an incident. There are people in the government and the liberal media, who -- for whatever reason -- would like you to believe we have nothing to fear from the mutant populace. I urge the American public to wake up and see the "mutant menace" for what it IS, if for no other reason than... for the children.
Appearing in "...For the Children!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Sharon Friedlander (Death)
- Detective Charlotte Jones
- Tom Corsi
- Teddy Matson (First appearance)
- Acolytes
- Cargill (Joanna Cargill) (First appearance as Cargill) (Name revealed)
- Unuscione (Carmella Unuscione) (First appearance)
- Kleinstock Brothers (First appearance)
- Eric Kleinstock (First appearance; dies)
- Harlan Kleinstock (First appearance; unnamed)
- Sven Kleinstock (First appearance; unnamed)
Other Characters:
- Scott Engelbretson (Named only)
- Dale Laska (Named only)
- Scott Stanke (Named only)
- Lynn Lyskawa (Named only)
- Tom Kaufman (Named only)
- Richard Meyer (Named only)
- Sean Bellinger (Named only)
- Scott Wickershiem (Named only)
- New Mutants (Mentioned) (Defunct)
- Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Mentioned)
- Tim Jones (Mentioned)
- Sister Ignazio (Mentioned)
- Student body of Our Mother of the Sacred Heart
- Dwayne (First appearance)
- Several unnamed children
- Fabian Cortez (Mentioned)
- Magneto (Magnus) (Mentioned)
- Apocalypse (Referenced)
- Trish Tilby (Appears on screen)
- Senator Robert Kelly (Appears on screen)
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- New York State
- New England
- Massachusetts
- Middleborough
- Our Mother of the Sacred Heart (Destroyed)
- Middleborough
- Massachusetts
- Hudson River (Referenced)
- United States of America
- North America
- Earth
- Earth-1191 (Mentioned)
- School Bus
- Blackbird
Synopsis for "...For the Children!"
- Synopsis not yet written
See Also
Links and References
- The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators - accessed on 12/05/2009